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  1. F

    Fallout: Lanius crowdfunding campaign starts

    Does the film project have official permission from Beth? Otherwise I see a quick cease and desist coming up.
  2. F

    Pigs can obviously fly: Black Mesa is coming

    It ain't Half-Life if it doesn't have Xen.
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    Steam: GREENLIGHT "A good idea with hilarious consequen

    All the truly interesting games are buried in a pile of shit. Also, many games are mislabeled. Take a look at the simulation section, for example. Most of those games clearly don't belong there unless you think simulation includes...well, everything. They also need separate sections for point...
  4. F

    New Counter-Strike announced

    The physics are pretty ridiculous. Yesterday I saw someone fly 4-5 meters after getting shot once with a pistol.
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    NMAid: Gas in Germany

    Wir müssen die Heizkostenabrechnung ausrotten!
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    NMAid: Gas in Germany

    I doubt that they can charge you for something they did not provide, even if there was silent acceptance. You should go to the police and report it as a scam.
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    Sleeping Dogs

    Why would you want to play a PC game with a gamepad?
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    Sleeping Dogs

    Don't buy it, it's a horrible port. Apparently you can't even play it properly with a mouse:
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3) What's this, Blizz got hacked again? Impossible!
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    The feelings are very mixed.
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    Lo and behold! The age of mechs has begun!

    Mr Kuratas walks your dog! Cleans your toilet! Satisfies your wife sexually!
  12. F

    Wasteland 2 screenshot and tidbits

    I've seen crisper textures. Is it true that they'll be porting it to consoles? That might explain it.
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    Voice acting in RPGs may be more trouble than it's worth

    LMAO, so true. Clickclickclick. I often read the subtitles even in PnC adventures. It's such a time saver. I just don't have the patience to listen when I know that I can read the text twice as fast to get to the juicy parts faster. There are few good voice actors worth listening to anyway.
  14. F

    Blacklight: Retribution

    Oh god, this game plays like a crippled mutant from hell. And the animations are hilarious, they kinda remind me of Fallout 3's sprinting animation, only more retarded. Boring maps, bad shooting mechanics. Bad game all around.
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Because NMA is one person?
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    Point and Clickstarter

    What do you mean by "deep enough"?
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    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    *uses Jedi mind trick* You have not been hacked. This is not happening. D3 is unhackable. Blizzard is infallible. If anything happens, it's your fault.
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    Mechwarrior Online

    Meh. Just another Pay 2 Win game for wallet warriors. It will play out like all P2W "free" shooters. Wallet warriors get more mechs, better weapons, more XP faster. Freeloaders are cannon fodder for the $super$oldiers unless they want to spend ridiculous amounts of time unlocking the stuff that...
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    Gaming company stocks are crashing

    The more of the old players die off, the better. For the consumer at least, not for the people who work at those companies. Of course, the new players won't necessarily be better...
  20. F

    Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

    Just when I thought D3 couldn't become a worse disaster: :clap: So not only do you not get to play your single player game offline, you now get to play the DEMO for three days...