Lo and behold! The age of mechs has begun!

Oh man that is truly neat.
If they had one in a theme park and I could fit inside it I would definitely like to ride it as it seems like a Sci Fi dream come true.

On the subject of robot suits, would engineers ever be able to make a true practical one that can be used in the field?
Here's a better video:



We're ready for you aliens.[/spoiler:3ce97d7a9e]
That's just awesome. I guess I need to save up some money.
The Dutch Ghost said:
On the subject of robot suits, would engineers ever be able to make a true practical one that can be used in the field?
Powered armor, very likely. The problem is still powering the things, but it's getting better and better.
Big walking mechs like those in MechWarrior, less likely. Stompy things as high as a building make excellent targets.
WillisPDunlevey said:
I would say that the weird canadian guy with the URSA armor stands a chance of making power armor (he is just nuts enough to figure it out)


he has to be Steven Colberts wet dream.... He created his armor as defense against BEARS... no not the soviets, actual bears!

Meh, that's just hard armor, not very practical.
Also, there's this (I have no idea why embedding doesn't work oO):
And this:
And this:
Hassknecht said:
Big walking mechs like those in MechWarrior, less likely. Stompy things as high as a building make excellent targets.
yeah, I just thought the same. As much as I love mechs (I really do!), their use in military engagements and real life war situations is rather questionable because with our current level of technology a simple tank or even just ateam of soldiers with a FGM-148 Javelin (anti tank weapon) can be pretty much as effective and it is much cheaper.
Who knows one day one of these could be used as a sentry gun, just give it long range weaponry and let it do it's stuff, mind you a tank could be just as effective, yep it's stupid, but cool looking. :roll:
Yes, these won't be economic viable any soon in a battlefield due to cheaper tanks and portable anti-armor, but the day may come when stuff like spec-ops may benefit from deployment of such equipment, I think.
Pretty cool. Probably pretty expensive as well. Might ask one for Christmas instead of the regular pairs of socks and boxers.
I am pretty impressed. Not quite Iron Man, but close enough. Very cool stuff.
Makenshi said:
Yes, these won't be economic viable any soon in a battlefield due to cheaper tanks and portable anti-armor, but the day may come when stuff like spec-ops may benefit from deployment of such equipment, I think.
yeah it seems the power-armor idea has some real use, not just for the military though. They see many places in the civilian market as well. From old/sick people to rescue forces. being able to lift something with 100 or even 150% increase of your own strength can be quite helpful!
crni said:
yeah it seems the power-armor idea has some real use, not just for the military though
Military engineer corps could have some use of it.

Hassknecht said:
Big walking mechs like those in MechWarrior, less likely. Stompy things as high as a building make excellent targets.

Why not? Just not as big as buildings...

Smaller with more <strike>claws</strike> Kampfwagenkanone 36
donperkan said:
crni said:
yeah it seems the power-armor idea has some real use, not just for the military though
Military engineer corps could have some use of it.

Hassknecht said:
Big walking mechs like those in MechWarrior, less likely. Stompy things as high as a building make excellent targets.

Why not? Just not as big as buildings...

Smaller with more <strike>claws</strike> Kampfwagenkanone 36
The legs would still be ridiculously vulnerable, and control would be pretty complex.
Walking thingies might be useful as transport vehicles for very rough terrain, but I doubt there will ever be an offensive fighting vehicle that walks. As cool as they are, mechs are simply not useful combat vehicles.
guys, the design of mechs has many shortcomings which are not desired when talking about military engineering. Alone the angles of the mech, its size (profile) and the incredibly high number of vulnerable electronics needed for it (alone the hydraulics for "arms") speak against it for military use.

With legs you have a very bad ground pressure compared to vehicles using tracks. A mech on tracks though is just as useless because it would be extremely vulnerable to enemy fire when you consider their size and design. There is not good way how to place armor on it without exposing to many weak spots.

Most tanks are designed one way or another to exploit hull down positions for example, hence the choice for vehicles with tracks as a lower profile gives the vehicle a higher survivability a bit of a difference are east european tanks as they are even lower compared to western designs hence their gun depression is not as good but they are much harder to spot from a distance. But Just simply compare any possible mech design with a usual modern main battle tank and you will see a huge size difference.

Tanks have simply proven them self in countless battles and over the decades engineers and nations have constantly upgraded the design. Obviously its impossible to say what weapons will be used in 100 or 150 years from now and who knows maybe a form of "exo suit" might be one day used. But I guess that tanks with the design as we know them today will be still in use even for the next 50 years.

sea said:
They have a much tighter turning radius and don't require flat ground. If large enough, legs enable a mech to walk above buildings.

Plus, they're awesome.
absolutely wrong. Most tanks can turn on the spot at least I am 100% sure that all modern tanks can do it, hence they have no turning radius if you want so.