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  1. F

    The Darkness II

    I tried the demo. I hate the art style. Low res and ugly. It's like they decided: oh, let's not spend time making beautiful and detailed graphics, let's just make our concept art into textures! Yes, we're such geniuses! Ugh... Didn't Darkness 1 have a realistic style? I wonder why they took...
  2. F

    The Rhythm of the Quest in Fallout 3 and New Vegas

    You made it about quality by claiming that F3 was better at rewarding for exploration. Like it or not, it's relevant.
  3. F

    The Rhythm of the Quest in Fallout 3 and New Vegas

    The boring quest structure and dialogue was hardly an adequate reward for trekking through a bland wasteland.
  4. F

    The Rhythm of the Quest in Fallout 3 and New Vegas

    So according to this guy, quests randomly placed on a map without sense or logic = pinnacle of gameworld design.
  5. F

    Are charities that effective?

    Heh. Good luck with that.
  6. F

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    I think it's been said that it won't be set in that world. I'll be set in the 1980s-90s, I guess. The stuff in the screens doesn't look very 1950s.
  7. F

    Ubisoft forbids changing your own hardware!

    They monitor your hardware, and if you change once piece of hardware the activation apparently resets.
  8. F

    Ubisoft forbids changing your own hardware!

    Ubisoft...Ubisoft never changes.
  9. F

    Are charities that effective?

    You haven't really answered my questions. You're repeating what you already said.
  10. F

    Are charities that effective?

    And how do you propose to force many charities to focus on just one country? Did you consider the side-effect of neglecting other areas?
  11. F

    February 14, 2012 is the day to go back (JA2)

    I doubt that many marketing suits have studied game design. But I agree, such decisions are, unfortunately, made by marketing people when they shouldn't be. Silent Storm pretty much beats it, at least the combat part, except it's set in WW2. I wonder why nobody has used that engine to make an...
  12. F

    any computer nerds in here?

    He posted this recently, so yeah, probably a troll:
  13. F

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Not really cancelled

    Fallout 4: Shadow of Chernobyl.
  14. F

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    Some of the info is reassuring, some is very worrying. No action points. WTF, how is that going to work? One base? LOL. Also, there will apparently be no soldier stats, only "perks" gained by leveling :(
  15. F

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    Yeah, BN has really gone soft over the years.
  16. F

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    I can confirm that. To this day there is no way to purchase Skyrim and Rage digitally from Steam in Estonia. They won't even appear in the results if I do a search for them. If I get the link elsewhere, it says: This item is currently unavailable in your region. The only way to get it is retail...
  17. F

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    Damn, I was so hoping Beth would get their asses beat. What are the implications for the old titles? Will they be removed from places like GoG after 2013?
  18. F

    New Space Quest Games!!!!!!!!

    This is a thread for everyone who liked the Sierra originals. I wouldn't have known this if RPS hadn't reported it, but two sneaky releases were made between xmas and new year's. The first is a remake of Space Quest 2. The second is a fan-made sequel to the SQ series...
  19. F

    Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

    Right...Easy for you to be naively optimistic then. Some new details and screens: It will be "streamlined", which I can only assume means simplified for consoles. The...