S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Not really cancelled

great news, stalkers all over the world are celebrating

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/PZweYew2AnA" frameborder="0"></iframe>

'Reggae Greats'? :lol: http://stalker.wikia.com/wiki/Ganja
Sigoya said:
Any details on the new source of funding? New owner or publisher?
Perhaps GSC Game World never had any serious problems with their funding at all, it could be a marketing move from Sergei Grygorovych to spark interest in the the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R game which they are developing, who knows?

I really felt a lack of RPG element in S.T.A.L.K.E.R and i hope that they will make the second game more unique, with actual dialogues and companions (how tired i was always running alone in dark underground laboratories with no one to cover my back). Originally the trailers prior to S.T.A.L.K.E.R being finished and gone for sale demonstrated a very promising game, but in the end it came out be an ordinary shooter. To this day i love the multiplayer in CoP though, so at the very least only for that i am waiting for S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 to come out, let's hope that they will manage to finish the game.
Oh for fuck's sake:

"We are still in the process of seeking funding to back up the project," GSC spokesperson Oleg Yavorsky told us. "We are hopeful things turn out well eventually. The team really wants to see STALKER continue."

They're cancelling the game
They're shutting down
They're thinking about it
They're working on it again
They're in talks about getting more money to work on it again

I find it odd that GSC Game World does not have funds to develop a sequel to the series .. But on the other hand it pleases me to hear that Grygorovych is starting to experience problems because some time ago he criticized the developers of Metro 2033, stating that the game which they were creating is no match for his own S.T.A.L.K.E.R franchise, many of these people initially worked for him to make the original S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
Now we observe that it is he who has difficulties and not his former employees.
Compare credits for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SHOC and COP. They are largely similiar and most people who worked on the original are still employed at GSC.

I'd take any claims "original STALKER devs work on Metro 2033!!!!11!!11" with a grain of salt.
Tagaziel said:
Metro 2033!!!!11!!11"

I found the game to be extremely shitty, btw. When I was buying the game for 2 euro, I also bought the book. I played the game first and since then I don't want to touch the book. I just can't. It's impossible, because I always have to think about the shitty game.

What a pain.

Wasted 2 euro on this piece of crap software. So much potential and all is wasted.
Tagaziel said:
Compare credits for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: SHOC and COP. They are largely similiar and most people who worked on the original are still employed at GSC.

I'd take any claims "original STALKER devs work on Metro 2033!!!!11!!11" with a grain of salt.

It's not uncommon for devs who leave a company before the game is released to go uncredited, unfortunately.
Ausir said:
It's not uncommon for devs who leave a company before the game is released to go uncredited, unfortunately.

This even happened to Sid Meier when he left Microprose after coding a large part of the engine and AI in Magic: the Gathering. Some versions of the credits list omit his name, leaving people to wonder why he's been associated with the game.
If you look up the thread about STALKER 2 being cancelled you'll see me questioning this as a marketing ploy.

Glad for the game mad at the company I am.

The Vault Dweller
If you followed the recent news about Stalker 2 you'd know that GSC discussed with their publisher whether or not there should be a console version: Publisher says yes, GSC says no.

Maybe they got an agreement now.