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  1. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    One of the main points of the multiplayer in this one is that you can screw with each other, though. So it's definitely intentional. You are playing your character with your own agenda. As for being able to go through the same dialogue, that is probably because of different characters being able...
  2. aenemic

    Trump is winning

    People tend to get intelligence mixed with having strong opinions on something.
  3. aenemic

    Trump is winning

    For a guy who comes across as pretty smart and educated, that was a pretty ignorant statement.
  4. aenemic

    Trump is winning

    Maybe we should get a bot to entertain them?
  5. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    Curiosity got the better of me (and boredom) and I installed the game. Played for a couple of hours last night and shit looks good. The graphics are beautiful and I really like the art direction they're taking. It's nothing groundbreaking, but definitely has its own flair. The writing seems to...
  6. aenemic

    CCGs aka Card Collecting Games

    I used to play a lot of Magic The Gathering many years ago. Mostly casual but joined a few pre-release tournaments which were always fun. I mostly enjoyed the limited style play. Didn't want to sink too much money into it, so my own decks were never that great. I also didn't see the point of...
  7. aenemic

    Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

    Well, I agree that the close-up dialogue seems unnecessary, what I meant was that I liked the graphics basically. Very nice environment, good detail and good animations. Maybe I was just shocked since Wasteland 2 looked like ass.
  8. aenemic

    dank memez

    Memes and internet lingo such as "dank memes" do nothing but prove how simple minded people are. "Oh look at me, I saw something funny on the internet! I must now share it to prove how funny I am and feel like I'm part of this amazing funny internet culture! Yay for telling the same joke over...
  9. aenemic

    dank memez

    Please, yes. Memes will be the downfall of humanity.
  10. aenemic

    FacetiousFuckBoy's companion/romance rant

    Four different ways to say basically the same thing (ie kiss his ass)? Some quality Bethesda writing there.
  11. aenemic

    Wasteland 3 announced, crowdfunding campaign to start on 5th of October

    Not feeling the multiplayer part at all. I'm sure it's a cool concept and can be fun, but for a game of this scale and this budget (ie rather small), implementing something like that obviously detracts from other areas. The co-op aspect of Divinity: Original Sin was fine since it was a core...
  12. aenemic

    Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

    So yeah, I realized I'd have to replay the game and the dlc to write something proper. And I can't be fucked, it's not worth my time.
  13. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Just kinda shows how much (little) people understand and/or care.
  14. aenemic

    Should I stay or should I go?

    Some people are fans of the original Fallout game(s). Some are fans of the new, some of both. So what? Fallout should have remained Fallout. It should not be Oblivion or Skyrim or anything else "with guns". It should be Fallout.
  15. aenemic

    Should I stay or should I go?

    No, it should have been Fallout.
  16. aenemic

    Gwent Is being made for online.

    Dang, I missed both emails about the events. Whatever, haven't really had time anyway.
  17. aenemic

    It's a masterpiece, a work of art truly.

    It's a masterpiece, a work of art truly.
  18. aenemic

    Dang, found me.

    Dang, found me.