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    Duke Nukem Forever

    May? Darn, I was hoping it'd arrive before my holidays ended. Still, if they announce even the slightest delay, then it'll never be released ever again. That game has a curse upon developers.
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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'm pretty sure that will end up in just a silly minigame. In fact, you can assume that every bit that makes it sound "Wow!" will just be a minigame. : / Regarding faces, has there been a single game that's been able to beat the expressions in Vampire Bloodlines? It's been nearly 5-6 years...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Wasn't Crysis a PC exclusive at first? That would explain it stability I guess. The only decent ports from console to PC I've seen so far are from Capcom IMO.
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    Mod in progress: Project Nevada

    The trailer's music is disgusting, but I'm interested in the sprint/grenade hotkey/sniper zoom. Especially the hotkey, I got a load of greandes and throwing weapons I never, ever used in FNV just because I didn't want to switch. And yeah, I played New Vegas ala FPS style since I was terribly...
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    I bet it's most likely your own computer infecting them as soon as they're downloaded. What's the link? Lazy to google.
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    OpenRA - Open Source CnC and Red Alert

    Recently, an Alpha test has been released for the open source Command & Conquer & Red Alert clone OpenRA! It works on Windows, OS X, and Linux! Red Alert and CnC have been free for a while, so they use the same assets. Though you need to copy the music from your CD or download the files...
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    Games your Looking Forward To, 2011

    I think Heart of the Swarm was pushed to a 2012 release date. Judging by "Valve Time" I doubt they'd announce it and release it on the same year. :wink:
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    Games your Looking Forward To, 2011

    Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Crysis 2... And hopefully, Minecraft will be finished. EDIT: Oh! And Dungeons. Quite excited about that one.
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    Insane Steam Sale

    Damn, you almost gave me a heart attack thinking that Mirror's Edge 2 had been released and I hadn't even heard about it! :D Then I red it again...
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    Humble Indie Bundle #2

    Great news! People who purchased this bundle can now get the games from the first one! For the new purchasers, if you pay more than $7.35, you'll get the first bundle as well.
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    Icewind Dale Question

    Yes it is. For a good 2-3rd playthrough of IWD, going solo is quite fun! I had quite a good time with a Fighter/Mage and a Thief/Mage. Early on, you exploit every aspect of the game just so you can beat the first monsters(and you start at lvl 1 no less!). And for the late game, slashing your way...
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    Humble Indie Bundle #2

    Haven't seen this posted around here, so just thought I should let you know. The Humble Indie Bundle #2 has been up for a few days now. The neat feature is that you can activate the games on Steam if you want(achievement hunters :P )! As for the games...
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    Icewind Dale Question

    Heh, I did my first playthrough of IWD with no stinky patch! Let me see if I can still get that hilarious screenshot in my folder. Man, the THAC0 counter was incredibly buggy sometimes: [spoiler:b45129ee71] -171 :crazy:? [/spoiler:b45129ee71]
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    Icewind Dale Question

    Enjoy IWD if this is your first playthrough! It can get pretty tough late game if you're not well equipped and aren't very familiar with the D&D rules. Knowing the damage with floating numbers would be useful in the early stages of the game, but later, your 6 party members with haste and 3...
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    Dark Engine (SS2, Thief) Source code leaked

    Someone make a port for System Shock 2 that gets it working fine under Modern OSs. NOW! Heh, just imagine finding Fallout 2's source code in an old disk of a computer, owned by an old crone living with her cats. :D
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    Starcraft 'Heart of the Swarm' ending leaked?

    I think it's an interesting thing to hold for later for research, to see if they make any changes in the final version. For the ones who don't want to watch it, I just want to say you're not missing any eye candy. It's quick preview-render video of the current animation, with no lip sync, in...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    ^ CodBLOPS? Here's a funny video I found recently. :D
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    Microsoft is ripping people off with the Kinect

    I think the coolest thing I've seen since the release of the Kinect is that an open-source driver for Linux has been released 3 hours after the EU launch.
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    Just Wondering.... (Relates to Jagged Alliance 2)

    Hey, look what I found: Predict the next franchise to be rehashed Does Arden get some kind of prize? EDIT: Oh, and turn-based games can't be appealing really, that's why Frozen Synapse isn't getting lots of preorders.
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    Fallout: New Vegas interview and more fixes

    Wow, that was some 3 fast ninjas. At the same minute!