Games your Looking Forward To, 2011

Mr Krepe

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
To me, there's only four games i'm actually looking forward to in 2011:

Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim: I'm looking forward to this because it has been four years since bethesda's aimless wander around the 'pwetty lill' land of the cyrodill and defeated the big bad armies of mehrunes dagon, and I want ES5 to redeem the series back to it's Morrowind standard.

Mass Effect 3: As a PS3 user I have just recieved Mass Effect 2 for christmass, and i'll be honest, it's the only game that has come out as a xbox exclusive that has really got me hooked.

Dragon Age 2: At first I tried to avoid Dragon Age: Origins, but as increasingly popular reviews creeped up on me I couldn't hold myself back, and i'll be honest I really liked this game, the aspects such as naming my dog (Lil' Returd is faithful at all times) and adventuring through the Deep Roads got me addicted. The one thingt I am worried about with DA2 is that it is getting too much like Mass Effect, I feel oike it is doing a bethesda style, Mass Effect with swordz!

Resistance 3: I have always been faithful to the resistance series, and I have never doubted. Yeah, the online was abit iffy, but if anything that helped me take more notice of the extremely fun and adventurous feelings of the SP and co-op of R:Fom and R2.

So what else is everybody looking forward to?
Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Crysis 2...

And hopefully, Minecraft will be finished.

EDIT: Oh! And Dungeons. Quite excited about that one.
Sorry to say it in advance but fat chance Mr Krepe that TES Skyrim will be like Morrowind, more likely it will be even more consolified and hand holding.

Anyway, 2010 was already a disappointment regarding some games I was really looking forwards too so I probably should lower my standards somewhat.

There are only a handful of games I would really like to play, and there are some games I would at least give some attention but are not necessary that I have to own them.

First of all, I really want to play the FNV DLCs, I read the complaints about the first one and I understand they are just little campaigns of a few hours big but at least the storytelling will be interesting.

Games I would like to give a spin are; Mass Effect 3 as I already played ME1 and ME2 and DLCs, the next Starcraft, Okamiden, The Last Guardian, Resistance 3, Conduit 2, The Grinder, Deus Ex 3, Half Life 2 Episode 3 if it ever comes out, Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Interesting, when I started to write this post ten minutes ago I thought I had a couple of games I really wanted to play but I really seem to have little expectations of 2011.
The Dutch Ghost said:
the next Starcraft
I think Heart of the Swarm was pushed to a 2012 release date.

The Dutch Ghost said:
Half Life 2 Episode 3 if it ever comes out

Judging by "Valve Time" I doubt they'd announce it and release it on the same year. :wink:
Resistance 3 will be good no doubt, Killzone 3 however is going to steal it's thunder as far as PS3 shooters go, that game looks absolutely sick.

Diablo 3 (knock on wood) is my big one I am hoping for.
Batman: Arkham city.
I'd love to see more batman villans, especially my fav two face ^O^
The Dutch Ghost said:
Sorry to say it in advance but fat chance Mr Krepe that TES Skyrim will be like Morrowind, more likely it will be even more consolified and hand holding.

Yeah I was just being hopeful, I would also like to play the FNV DLC, but it's a bloody bloody damn well disgrace that it's an xbox360 exclusive!
If Diablo 3 really does come out in 2011 then it is my most anticipated and most dreaded game of the year. I know it will suck hours upon hours of my life and there will be nothing I can do.

Looking forward to TES 5 as well although I most likely will be disappointed (still hope I won't).

Arkham City is definitely on the list.

Fable 3 for PC. Hoping that my dreams of a game similar to the estate section of Baldur's Gate II is finally here.


Duke Nukem Forever.
Mr Krepe said:
Yeah I was just being hopeful, I would also like to play the FNV DLC, but it's a bloody bloody damn well disgrace that it's an xbox360 exclusive!

We'll probably get it, once the money Microsoft paid Bethesda runs out.
There isn't a lot of stuff I'm looking forward to this year.

Resistance 3: I liked the first a lot so I hope that the third will drop all the changes made in the second. Bonus points for the release date being on my birthday.

Duke 4ever: I waited the release for...14 years? More?

Batman - Arkham City: Geee, I wonder why?

The Last Guardian: see above.

Also I'm curious to see DmC and if it will indeed be the rape of the franchise I think will be.
Atomkilla said:
maximaz said:
Witcher 2

And Crysis 2 to the extent - my computer will never run it. Diablo 3 will doubtly be out in 2011.

That remains to be seen. I heard that with Crysis 2 they want to keep an eye on the visuals beeing even with lower hardware playable and looking "decent" as it seems many had some trouble playing the game when it was released and new.

Not to forget it will be out for the Cripple-box and waste-station as well, so naturaly the visuals have to be "reduced" a bit, yo know programing for the lowest common denominator and such :D