Mod in progress: Project Nevada

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
This mod was first revealed as being worked on on December 20th last year, from the guys who brought us the highly popular Fallout 3 Wanderer's Edition, I'm not sure if this mods adds elements that our users would be particularly interested in, but it's worth a looksie as it's certainly ambitious: Project Nevada, a module-based mod in progress that changes quite a bit:<blockquote><Core>

The Core module is the foundation of Project Nevada, and as such required by all other modules.

It adds the gameplay features found in popular first-person-shooter games that were yet missing in New Vegas. Some of those features are
improved versions of already well-known features from FWE, like the Grenade Hotkey, Bullet Time or Sprint. All of them are rewritten from the
ground up, with exciting new features like the support for several VATS perks in Bullet Time and support for throwing weapons with the
grenade hotkey. Others are brand new, like the Dynamic Crosshair that changes it size according to the current weapon spread. Each of
those features can be individually enabled or disabled in-game. They are fully script-based to play along well with other mods.

To allow customization, the Core module implements a Control Panel. For DarnUI users, it can be accessed directly from the pause menu.
Other mods may extend the Control Panel without conflict and make use of the provided methods for streamlined hotkey assignment.

Since the Core module avoids conflicting changes, players are free run it alongside any other mods, including their favorite overhaul.


This module aims to bring back the challenge and balance known from Fallout3 Wanderers Edition and includes many tweaks to the FNV
gameplay and difficulty. Combat will be quicker and deadlier and survival much harder. These changes are aimed to be very subtle and
non-intrusive, making the game more challenging without inconveniencing the player.


Even though humanity nuked itself back into the Stone Age, you don't have to fight with sticks and stones. Some of mans most
advanced technological creations have been preserved - and the Cyberware module gives you the chance to obtain them!

Practically this means new features are associated with cybernetic implants and high-tech equipment. Examples include enhanced
vision modes for power armor helmets and bionic legs allowing you to charge towards your enemies with super-human speed.

While for equipment existing items are used, the cybernetic implants come with a custom interface to attach and manage them.
The whole system is balanced by several mechanisms, like limiting the number of implants that can be attached at the same time, or
requiring energy supply for special equipment.


The Equipment module brings new weapons and armor to the Mojave Wasteland.
Source of these items are the many excellent creations produced by the modding community, as well as those created by our own team.

We aim to include only weapons and armor of high quality that fit well within the New Vegas environment and the Fallout universe in general.
To ensure a seamless integration, the new items are carefully balanced and placed at appropriate locations, including vendors and loot lists.</blockquote><center><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
Spotted on BethBlog.
I know. It's not really our field. But I do know some people would like Fallout 3/New Vegas, if they have to be FPS/RPGs, to at least be good at the FPS part. Mods like this can only help for that.
generalissimofurioso said:
I really do get sick of these sorts of mods.

The Fallout 3 Wanderer's Edition mod said they were trying to make the game "more player-skill based". In other words, a button mashing exercise. OK if you're a teenager with ADD that wants more emphasis on shooting stuff. The main thing they show in the Project Nevada video is combat. While combat is important in the Fallout games, that's not their core. These are RPG's. These mods are not for me. Fortunately, I don't have to load or play it. Give it to the psycho kids.
Not really my thing, but gotta give them props for the effort. Seems like they are putting a lot of effort into this project.
Eh, personally I'm interested. This is much more modular compared to their Fallout 3's FWE, and honestly, I don't think that having some interface tweaks borrowed from the FPS genre hurts the experience. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of stuff in that mod that I'll end up not using, like Bullet Time, but eh.
I'm not a fan of mods because I want to play the game the way the developers wanted you to play it, the way it was made and without half-assed and out of place content. I also love how these mod creators think they know what balance it better than the guys who actually develop games for a living.
The way the developer intends it though means that the difficulty caters to the average-to-really-bad players. In other words, they intended to make the game easy and well, it is. I'd agree with you that some modders are really fucking obnoxious and entitled, but I'd say it's not the case with the modders working on Project Nevada (even if I don't dig some of their changes, and I'll probably disable a lot of the stuff).
Well, in most cases that is true, but if we aren't average players in the common sense, who are we? Hardcore FPS RPG guys? I mean, New Vegas on normal can be quite challenging at first, with glowing ones, cazadors, deathclaws and nightstalkers gang-raping you. And if that's not enough, hardcore mode will annoy the crap out of most players.

If you ask me, the difficulty is not as much of an issue as the overall dumbed down gameplay for the modern crowd and a general lack of depth. It's not the case with NV though, the developers improved the poor system of F3 and made it into a pretty nice rpg. Doubt any mods will ever do better than Obsidian did to f3.
Over The Top Auditory

Over The Top Auditory

The Project Nevada trailer sound track, what's its origin?

Does not resonate in a hysterical enough node of EPIC-ness!

Needs more cowbell. :D

Kind of hit my point, though, doesn't it, Vik? Modders can cater to smaller niches, while the developers can't because they're working on a game that has to be played but the largest audience possible. I'm not saying I like all the rebalance/overhaul mods that are out there, and there's certainly (and unfortunately, IMO) a focus on the twitch-based gameplay, as opposed to, the RPG systems, but I still think that it's neat that, if I want to, I can download a mod, play with the game with the GECK, to get closer to my vision of how I'd want a Fallout game to work gameplay-wise.

And obviously, there's nothing bad in playing without mods either (though I'd still recommend at least some of the fixes/interface stuff that are out there.. and of course the furry porn, you're not a fan if you don't download GBs of furry porn in your New Vegas).
The trailer's music is disgusting, but I'm interested in the sprint/grenade hotkey/sniper zoom. Especially the hotkey, I got a load of greandes and throwing weapons I never, ever used in FNV just because I didn't want to switch.

And yeah, I played New Vegas ala FPS style since I was terribly bored from the VATS in F3. It would only bring bad memories. :(
Vik said:
I'm not a fan of mods because I want to play the game the way the developers wanted you to play it, the way it was made and without half-assed and out of place content. I also love how these mod creators think they know what balance it better than the guys who actually develop games for a living.
Tehe. Not with Fallout 3. But I dont even touch that anymore so yeah.

But I have to say some mods made Vegas quite good. Nothing big to say that. Also some of the weapons and models people made look awesome professional one might say. Hard to find for sure. I dont like those hello-kitty-pink-poweramor-mods either, but hey no one is forced to use it so.

What really bothers me are those mods that dont make things optional. Like they do something really AWESOME! which comes with a feature I REALLY disslike ... no clue how to explain it. But I am sure you know what I mean. Something that really doesnt fitt with the game or simply feels wrong for you personaly.
Crni Vuk said:
Vik said:
What really bothers me are those mods that dont make things optional. Like they do something really AWESOME! which comes with a feature I REALLY disslike ... no clue how to explain it. But I am sure you know what I mean. Something that really doesnt fitt with the game or simply feels wrong for you personaly.
We have different mods. FWE was highly customizable, Nevada will be too.
Some mods out there have been totally essential, like PipWare UI, and Two Bears High Fiving. Also, the CONELRAD radio station is pretty great once you exhaust the original stations.

Really liking those dynamic crosshairs, but nothing else to me seems worth downloading the whole module except maybe the grenade hotkey. I've been thinking about the whole goggle/helmet vision thing ever since F3 was announced, but it still seems like it'd be cool for about an hour, then irritating.
It is really good looking .
But when i saw it i had deja vu . Crysis 2 be the weapon trailer , yep that's it .

The only way to play this is if you call you character Jason Statham , add audio when you start to run and prepare to tackle "maximum speed" and every time you kill someone say "Im British you muppets!"


If you played to get that skill or something like it and enemies had the same option and it was more balanced then it could be ok .
No offense to the makers , i think making this was a great effort and it is awesome , but somebody played Crysis too much . That isn't fallout .
I'm looking forward to this. Even though the writing in New Vegas is much better, and it actually feels like a Fallout game, I still don't consider it a real RPG in the combat department. Like Fallout 3, it's an FPS with RPG elements, and while the RPG elements are improved, in combat it still tries to do two completely different things, and neither of them well.

In Fallout 3, FWE fixed that, and since a turn based tactical combat mod doesn't seem possible, fixing it from the FPS side of things seemed a reasonable consolation prize. I'm hoping Nevada remains the same.

I rather liked in FWE how practically everything could be switched on or off. Don't like sprint? No sprint. Don't like starving? Turn it off. If Nevada keeps the same level of customization, I don't think anyone could complain. (Except the console peas- I mean players.) And if there was an INI file or something so changes could be kept between games, it'd be even nicer...
Machina-sama said:
I'm looking forward to this. Even though the writing in New Vegas is much better, and it actually feels like a Fallout game, I still don't consider it a real RPG in the combat department. Like Fallout 3, it's an FPS with RPG elements, and while the RPG elements are improved, in combat it still tries to do two completely different things, and neither of them well.

In Fallout 3, FWE fixed that, and since a turn based tactical combat mod doesn't seem possible, fixing it from the FPS side of things seemed a reasonable consolation prize. I'm hoping Nevada remains the same.

I rather liked in FWE how practically everything could be switched on or off. Don't like sprint? No sprint. Don't like starving? Turn it off. If Nevada keeps the same level of customization, I don't think anyone could complain. (Except the console peas- I mean players.) And if there was an INI file or something so changes could be kept between games, it'd be even nicer...

Then why do you need to play original at all ? Sure it does change , doesn't "fix" , FPS department of the game . It is nice that you can turn it all off . But ...

Am i the only one that thinks that this is pointless ?

What's wrong with playing JUST Crysis for instance and not Fallout 3 or New Vegas with "awesome" mods who make it too easy to the point of god-mode play ? Type a cheat dammit . Oh wait , we can't see our visor or tackle that way !
It changes the complete perspective of the game , and in Fallout 3 i agree it was necessary on all points just not in game difficulty .

But in New Vegas ?
Why would anyone go and tackle 5 BoS soldiers with Heavy Guns unless he wants to make the game even more easy ... or to laugh more at achieving that . What's so funny in that i also don't see , or why is it so much awesome . You can't kill a deathclaw so easy in New Vegas now even with unarmed and cazadors can rip you to shreds if anyone is too stupid to run and try to tank them .
And that's the main problem , people aren't used to that difficulty . Sorry to ANY difficulty . Poor ghouls got squashed in that trailer .
They just HAVE to destroy everything easy or it isn't Fallout anymore (thanks to Pete humor sense) .
"Wait , i can't kill a deatchlaw so easily ? My Fallout sense is tingling...aaah , let's go to mod department and download . I can't fire a gun ? It's a bug definitely , let's go download a mod"
That's the only "awesome" part in this mod that i see . Except i wont mod a game for that , ill play another which can do that better and without "RPG elements" . That way i won't have to keep up with mods or something crashing in between , blame it all on a game and say it's s*** .

For mods sake it is excellent . But to expect New Vegas that you're playing fixed or making it much better in FPS experience , hell no , it's gone from easy to pointless easy .

Crysis 2 is coming for that much better in FPS experience .

This might be offtopic a little :
Btw i don't understand what you mean by :
Like Fallout 3, it's an FPS with RPG elements, and while the RPG elements are improved, in combat it still tries to do two completely different things, and neither of them well.[/quoute]
Im not raging , just don't get it ...
LinkPain said:
This might be offtopic a little :
Btw i don't understand what you mean by :
Like Fallout 3, it's an FPS with RPG elements, and while the RPG elements are improved, in combat it still tries to do two completely different things, and neither of them well.
Im not raging , just don't get it ...

What I mean is that New Vegas, following in Fallout 3's footsteps, tries to be an FPS like Crysis and an RPG like the real Fallout games at the same time, and it doesn't do a good job at either as a result.

As for the other complaints, let me just illustrate something for you.

In Fallout 2, I punched a Deathclaw in the jewels so hard it flew against a wall, and I kicked a hole in an Enclave soldier's chest. In the first game, my stealth was so high in one play through if I turned on a Stealth Boy, I might as well have painted myself pink and thrown up a Somebody Else's Problem field. These don't strike you as broken?

Of course not, there's no mod needed to leverage these advantages. But they're there.

The tackle you so gleefully disparage as Crysis-like, in FWE (or rather the mod FWE integrated) was based on strength. Not enough strength, you get knocked on your ass instead. Failing to mention this is my fault, I apologize.

In FWE it was EASIER to die than Fallout 3. Again, something I failed to mention. So much for "throwing difficulty out the window" I guess. Then again, it was Fallout 3. WHAT difficulty?

You keep complaining about difficulty. Sprint and bullet time are the Great Satan? Please, we're talking about the games that have VATS. You keep saying that this whole mod is built on Easy Mode. As someone familiar with FWE, allow me to tell you you're wrong. Hell, the announcement even says they're aiming at increasing difficulty.

Combat will be quicker and deadlier and survival much harder.

The shooter gameplay in Fallout 3 and New Vegas is, quite frankly, sub-par. Since modders can't make it a real RPG, they might as well make it a decent shooter.

All the dialog? Intact.

Skill checks? Still there.

All of the good parts about New Vegas will be intact. It's the shit, the combat, that gets fixed. The FWE team was very good at balancing.

Crysis, this is not.
personally, I think this looks good. the FO3 Wanderer's Edition mod is what made that game bearable for me. the games are heavily combat oriented but the mechanics don't keep up. FO:NV did heaps better than FO3, but still not good enough. for example, I always found the sniper rifle scope to be pretty useless and not offer nearly enough zoom. and the ability to sprint and use bullet time actually made me care more about AP than the useless VATS ever did.

it turned FO3 into a pretty fun free-roaming fps experience. I didn't expect it to offer any more rpg elements than FO3 already did. but with NV we already have strong rpg elements and a mod like this can only enhance the experience imo.