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  1. ResetRPG

    Has anyone played Wasteland 2 recently? The game looks terrible.

    I personally enjoyed it, but it was the first or second CRPG I ever played and I haven't played it since, so you gotta take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  2. ResetRPG


    Weirdly enough, I'm excited for Starfield. I don't think it'll be particularly earth shattering. But I think it'll be a fun time. Personally I enjoy Bethesda games even though they are riddled with flaws because they're kind of like junk food. It's not deep mechanically, but it's fun and ends...
  3. ResetRPG

    Happy Fallout Day

    Always a hope, but I'm happy with the last great game being possibly the best in the Series (FNV).
  4. ResetRPG

    Hey guys. Been a minute. I'm very much alive and very much okay, just been caught up in a busy...

    Hey guys. Been a minute. I'm very much alive and very much okay, just been caught up in a busy semester and a new love for College sports.
  5. ResetRPG

    Quit playing F76, started playing Valkyria Chronicles lolz

    Quit playing F76, started playing Valkyria Chronicles lolz
  6. ResetRPG

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I refuse to believe one side or the other at this point. I need to wait for more investigation into the matter and at this point talking about Chris Avellone makes me a little uncomfortable.
  7. ResetRPG

    Started off on a good foot in Stats. Got a 100 on my first 2 homework assignments and a 100 on...

    Started off on a good foot in Stats. Got a 100 on my first 2 homework assignments and a 100 on my quiz. Let's see if it keeps up.
  8. ResetRPG

    Red Thread Redemption

    Nearly 2 year old thread, but I loved RDR 2. My personal favorite R* game and one of my top 10 or 5 games ever (depending on the day). Gonna try and do another playthrough this summer, but I'm fairly busy so we shall see how that pans out.
  9. ResetRPG

    Gains before Girls, Kings.

    For what it's worth, I upped my deadlift to 315lbs, and started doing power cleans. They are fuckin hard though. I also really started getting dedicated to powerlifting, and I finally have some clear directions and plans set up as to how to reach my goals. Much better than the ambiguous...
  10. ResetRPG

    Gains before Girls, Kings.

    Took a 6 month hiatus that I very much regret. Finally started going back, leg day fucking killed me.
  11. ResetRPG

    That is completely fair and I certainly don't blame you. The game isn't good by any means. Only...

    That is completely fair and I certainly don't blame you. The game isn't good by any means. Only thing I LOVE is the world design, everything else is so mediocre, or just downright bad.
  12. ResetRPG

    Just watched through the 1978 Dawn of the Dead, and it was a damn good movie.

    Just watched through the 1978 Dawn of the Dead, and it was a damn good movie.
  13. ResetRPG

    I've been playing the game 100% solo, except when some rando invites me to his team for an XP...

    I've been playing the game 100% solo, except when some rando invites me to his team for an XP bonus. The setting is really what is getting me through the game. Everything else is meh or bad. I may be having a better time than some since I'm not expecting any role playing and am purely treating...
  14. ResetRPG

    KCD was hands-down my favorite game of 2018. It was such a unique game and I loved playing...

    KCD was hands-down my favorite game of 2018. It was such a unique game and I loved playing through it.
  15. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I understood the joke. Just making conversation.
  16. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    I was a public school kid. All of my religious experience with my catholic faith come from my own experience when I joined into the Catholic faith back in April.
  17. ResetRPG

    The Fallout game of your dreams

    If I'm being honest, a the Fallout game if my dreams would be the setting of Fallout 76 (maybe not in 2103) done as a single player role playing game, preferably by the people who made FNV/OG Fallouts.
  18. ResetRPG

    Started Fallout 76 again. For what it is worth, the game has improved tremendously since launch...

    Started Fallout 76 again. For what it is worth, the game has improved tremendously since launch, and I'm having a somewhat okay time.
  19. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Eh, I find weekly mass to be a very enjoyable experience. It feels nice to be a part of a religious community.