Happy Fallout Day

Let's hope the Fallout franchise will be reborn from the ashes

Eh, is it really all ashes? I've got no hope for a good Bethesda or even current Obsidian Fallout, but the Fallout community's output is absolutely stellar.

Resurrection and Nevada are both great games.
I'm still waiting for translation for Sonora.
Can't wait for @.Pixote. and his team to finish Mutant Rising.
@Forgotten Knight is working on Last Hope, which looked awesome from what I've seen in @QuantumApprentice 's playthrough.
Not to mention two separate Van Buren projects.

And it's not only games. Both @Atomic Postman and @The Dutch Ghost are good writers and I recommend everyone to have a read through Fallout: Texas by Dutch and Van Buren by Atomic.
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Eh, is it really all ashes? I've got no hope for a good Bethesda or even current Obsidian Fallout, but the Fallout community's output is absolutely stellar.

Both Resurrection and Nevada are worth several replays
More like nuclear waste,