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  1. D

    Diablo III proves old-school Fallout can do well today

    Yes and to be honest It doesn't need to be a spin-off, unless you are musing to the "lore" that is bethesda, all mighty property rights holder. To be honest, if a company like Bethesda can't pony up a few million(atleast 3) to make a game done in maybe the way Fallout Tactics was made, with the...
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    Post-Apocalyptic games that aren't Fallout?

    Another game that is set to come out soon which is Post Apocalyptic but not done in the standard RPG format is; Krater I just bought this game for 15 dollars on steam and am installing the beta right now. I think there is a public beta going on as we speak for those that might want to try...
  3. D

    What engine SHOULD the Fallout Series run on?

    Ya, you're probably right. I'm sure Blizzard is throwing away their money making Diablo 3 because only a few die hard fans will be getting it, and I doubt it will be more popular than Diablo 2. snicker snicker, jab jab into the ribs.
  4. D

    (Don't) Give me that old time RPG combat

    I still think that many people have mistook the original article for some sort of assault on old games. I don't think he intended the article to have that type of sentiment. He simply seemed to be having some sort of internal conflict agonizing over the tough decisions Brian Fargo must be making...
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    (Don't) Give me that old time RPG combat

    formatted 3/31/2012 I think a few of you have jumped the gun on your deduction of what the article was actually about. Jabu seemed to get it. The article was about the fact that Brian Fargo has SAID that; 1. Fallout was inspired heavily by Wasteland.(don't forget Fallout is one of Brian's...
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    Let's Speculate!

    I'm also going to speculate that the game will be like Fallout 3, feature an improved SPECIAL system, have way awesomer dialogue and have good voice acting for that dialogue. I honestly can't wait for it, it's going to be good, hopefully. I'll buy it just because I have this gut feeling its...
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    Fallout: New Vegas FAQ

    HOLY SHIT!!!!! This better be awesome. To be honest, I think the reason why Bethesda is doing this is because they want to see what Fallout would look like if it were built on their game engine with the same format. I'm predicting a game thats ten times better than Fallout 3, but gets...
  8. D

    Any chance for Van Buren? Ever?

    Its gone forever, sorry my friend. Also, Fallout 3 is not a terrible game. To sum it up. "Yeah, Its alright." Its truly, an alright and playable game, not completely fallout canon, but not entirely not fallout canon. Its a love-hate thing.
  9. D

    Fallout Online: Impossible to keep the wasteland feeling?

    Your fears are not irrational. BUT! Fallout Online would need only a few game play mechanics to keep the series apocalyptic. A persistent story line featuring join-able factions, hostile factions and neutral/friendly factions. The enclave, brotherhood, supermutant scourge and freedom...
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    V13 MMO

    I think Fallout MMORPG would be awesome. Anybody who says it will sucks lacks one thing, imagination. start as a vault dweller, a tribal, as this as that. Join the brotherhood, join the enclave, hell dip yourself in some FEV and join the super mutants. Shoot this town up, protect this...
  11. D

    Fallout 2: CONTROVERSIAL!!

    Herr. I think you missed the whole point about the open endedness of Fallout. If you didnt like the "governments" in fallout 2 you did some quests, pumps your skills, got some sweet gear and shot up the entire goddamn town. That is what the mutliple endings were supposed to be used for...
  12. D

    Possible main story-line and game mechanics for Fallout 4.

    So i've been thinking about Fallout 4 and have decided that it will probably be a sequel to Fallout 3 in some way. My guess is that it will be about the Super Mutants that attacked the washington area. This is the story line that would be good. no. the best. You start out in a vault...
  13. D

    Red ring of shit.

    I bought a PS3. An expensive investment that has yet to break down and streams all of my video files from my computer directly to my widescreen LCD in high def with absolutely no fuss at all. Lets face it, The Xbox 360 is a poorly made piece of hardware that is vastly inferior to other...
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    I got Oblivion

    OMG WTH! Why did I even get Oblivion then?! what a waste. Basically everyone is saying "Don't waste your time with Oblivion" Lol.
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    So this how Star Wars vs. Star Trek will go.

    OH MY GOD!!!!!!! That was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for posting that.
  16. D

    Jericho - the movie

    Jericho needed less human drama and more Post Nuclear attacked America drama. More politics less human emotional drama. It could have been great but was unfortunately turned into a soap opera. Lame.
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    I got Oblivion

    I'm off to journey in the magical land of oblivion! Well, i'm going to play Oblivion now so I can try to appreciate Bethesda more. I figure, maybe If Oblivion is a good game I can forgive them for their most recent game. *clears throat* Any advice I should take with me If you are a...
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    The Real Ending! (joke)

    I think they shouldnt do that. Instead they should release a patch that delete Fallout 3 when you try to run it.
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    I think Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2

    Well, I guess we are all just going to have to agree that you're wrong. Thanks for trying to pump up Fallout 3 though, I'm sure some people like that kind of game.
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    Cool! Tesla tanks in Fallout! Cross promotion with Red Alert

    ya you could stick that in fallout 3 and no one would notice.