First time out of the vault

I know about the big ones, Borderlands, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Metro 2033 ect. But are there any other really good ones? RPGs in particular? Also I know about Wasteland 2 and plan on getting it.
Sub-Human said:Just one that jumped off the mind is Terminator: Future Shock... Yes, it's Bethesda, but it was made in the days of good Bethesda. So don't run off screaming. A linear Doom shooter in the Terminator universe fighting T-600s (or something) in the ruins.
Evil Banana said:i got an A-pocalyptic game for you..Warhammer 40.000 possibly one of the greatest sci fi games eve made..look it up
In the Grim future, there is only War..