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  1. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    I don't really like the alpha/beta construct. It's really kind juvenile, subjective and greedily reductionist. You may have seen me rage about it one of the other threads here. Suffice it to say, the guy who tried to apply the term to me, seemed in retrospect, a little nervous and did a really...
  2. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    Well, I subscribe to the idea that free will is an illusion. Or more precisely, inarticulate. Our nature is just a bit more expansive and flexible, but it's still our nature. Plenty of reasons why we might not make it to high space opera levels of technology. For one, maybe that's practically...
  3. D

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Eh, I'd have chipped in and been a pedant by saying that "inarguable" is a bit too much. The people who are fascists/authoritarians tend to be the sort that think giving up a bit of freedom is worth that bit of security and public order (perceived or real). If they're genuinely white...
  4. D

    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    Through brutal and oppressive dictatorship.
  5. D

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    No True Scotsman is a kind of categorical fallacy where somebody might pick some silly thing to disqualify somebody from inclusion into a category. Generally a group. "No True Scotsman hates haggis." "No True Scotsman would ever tup sheep." And so on. It typically comes up when you think your...
  6. D

    If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?

    Brinksmanship. You're sort of committed to an "us versus them" mentality where it's better to use your resources to head off your enemy's development so they don't gain an advantage over you. And because neither side is willing to give an inch, the fight to use resources to hurt the other party...
  7. D

    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    Enclave is boring and overdone. They were goosestepping villains without a whole lot of depth in Fallout 2. And there's no real justification for Bethesdian Enclave. We need nothing about them from here on, not more.
  8. D

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    Oh there are militant Buddhists. And what I know about Buddhism fits inside a thimble. But it's enough to know that you really shouldn't be presuming anything monolithic about them since there are a befuddling number of sects and cultural varieties . . . not unlike say, every dominant religion...
  9. D

    I thought Fallout 4 will be good

    Shooter purists are probably just playing Counterstrike or Battlefield or something.
  10. D

    Which Pen and Paper RPG systems are interesting?

    Find a retro-clone of Gamma World, such as Mutant Future. PDF's for retro-clones generally follow the open-license model and you can find them for free. Being that this is a Fallout forum I cannot see how you can do less, as I'm almost certain it's an inspiration for Fallout. It hews very...
  11. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    Walk a lot. People think they have to knock themselves out running, but that's a terrible idea if: 1) You're not used it. It's hard to make a lifestyle change if you hate what you're doing anyway. 2) It's really hard on your joints if you're overweight.
  12. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    War. War never changes. Fundamentally, I don't agree with Alan Watt's speech on a couple fundamental premises. We're crap at adapting ourselves to our physical environment, as he puts it, because we're biological constructs bleeding energy out every orifice. So much of our struggle against...
  13. D

    An analogy for the "mods 'll fix it" argument

    Funny thing about models. If you put enough of them together in one room, you sort of cease to notice them as they all just blur into each other.
  14. D

    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    Hyper-autistic, distractable and just downright klepto but evidently good at everything and lucky to boot regardless. To be fair, this is mostly just the silly min-maxing at play. Charisma is a dump stat and I trend towards crit-based Luck builds. Also, I swear Luck severely tilts the odds at...
  15. D

    Feminism and why it's bad.

    You know, sometimes I don't really get British humor. Terry Pratchet is apparently the shiz, but I just can't get into him either.
  16. D

    Confessions of an Ex-Todd Lover

    To not cudgel the dead horse too much, I've never thought Bioware was good at juggling Big Bad Evil Guy style antagonists. I thought Loghain would've made a better villain than the Darkspawn Dragon Thing, but whatever. Game of Thrones by way of Bioware? Sure, I'd love that. Geth and Quarians...
  17. D

    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    You're presenting a false dichotomy. It's not an either-or. And in the case of a complete stranger, "not caring" is exactly the correct thing to be. Mind your own business. They might know they have a problem and doing some varying amount of thing to correct it. They might not. You're not your...
  18. D

    You're arguing with somebody who thinks Zeitgeist isn't incoherent conspiracy nuttery.

    You're arguing with somebody who thinks Zeitgeist isn't incoherent conspiracy nuttery.
  19. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    Wow, are you people serious? Instead of factually challenging the contents of what I say, you either choose to sit on the fence or roll your eyes sarcastically. This Zeitgeist film is thoroughly garbage.