Also, isn't Zeitgeist for conspiracy cranks? It might have a few valid points here-and-there but the rest of it is crazy rambling.
Re-reading your post, you ask a question that implies you don't know what Zeitgesit is, then presume to know that it's just "crazy rambling". What's up with that?I don't much like the sappy music and sound-bytes. I sort of implicitly mistrust all such emotional manipulation.
Also, isn't Zeitgeist for conspiracy cranks? It might have a few valid points here-and-there but the rest of it is crazy rambling.
According to this, it is exactly that.
And the original movie is 2 hours long? Ugh, no thanks. I'm not sitting through 2 hours of that just to see if it really is conspiracy crankery. I'd rather just watch the Mad Max movie again.
Wow, your ignorance is astounding.
Cool bro. Whatever.
People have always been that way. Better to believe yourself than admit doubt. Though it does not mean the person is wrong. They simply understand their premise better. It does not really matter either way in the end.I enjoy the irony of me pointing a problem out and forum posters proving my point exactly right after.
Watch the Zeitgeist film series first, to really find out "what is wrong with our culture", then check out The Venus Project to find out how to go about fixing it.
Watched the 2011 thing-a-mo-bob..I might take a look at Zeitgeist, but it certainly reeks of half-baked Truther stuff and weirdness.
The fact that it has (ngeative) articles on both Rational Wiki and Psiram makes me cautious to take anything in it at face value without further research.
Yeah, I know, Rational Wiki and Psiram are also NWO controlled Lamestream media outlets whose only purpose is to denounce and destroy those who found the truth...