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  1. L

    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    Ok i got enough stuff to relase unoficial demo: full playable town and two quest locations. Tell me if someone are interested to check it (only moders)
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    Beth, the old hag - Fallout 2 mod

    Thanx for mod, now i learn how change credits (i will try to put whole "read me" there in my D&B) I finished two alternate ways of "test" dialog, but sadly it olways end by my death.
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    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    This mod is my own vision about postnuclear game so it have only few connections to known Fallouts world background. I will use F2 worldmap, but none random encounters in usual meaning* and totally different towns. *NPCs will give info about extra locations or increase outdoorsman skill could...
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    Fallout 3 Trailer

    Here it look better (in movie was shown only few seconds and i watch bad quality mve) Every Fallouts have different armors, its usual because otherwise players will be boring to see the same again. Unless am not sure how they will look in game (between design and finall sprite is long...
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    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    Mostly i need storywriters about NPCs dialogs. Random peoples not connected to major plot. They mostly spend time in his small towns and dont known too much about outside wasteland (instead of few outdoorsmans)
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    Fallout 3 Trailer

    Beside few details* it have good atmosphere *lord vader *tower from half life2
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    Fallout: Dust and Blood

    Thanx, i will contact you later. Already am trying to rebuild dialogs to put more text lines, lot of work. Last days am not sure about follow my original visions, because i realize that in result i will made too different game from old known Fallouts. So am stop progress to play again...
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    Fallout: Dust and Blood

    I want first to relase minimal version, and maybe later enlarge it. It will contain three towns plus some other areas around. Maps are finished and now i place there NPCs. Already i made 12 peoples, each heve small quest. If anyone are interested to put own inventions to this mod, here you...
  9. L

    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    I wonder about this big building from yours mod, i recognize on roof parts from Navarro radar and space craft from Sanfran. Its look like huge scenery to me. Already i dont tryed it but i think it could be possible to made "scenery buildings". Ofcourse every ambitious ideas only slow project...
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    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    I mentioned about it few times in blog: You are citizen from Vault of future (only one civilian vault in whole wasteland). Mutants overruned it, like was shown in ovrrun.mve from F1. Anyway i got idea to use it as intro movie to this mod. Few citizens survived attack, escaped and hide inside...
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    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    I dont want talk too much about this mod, because it was big mistake during work on Black Steel (finall result was different from 90% of my concepts) Already i have different style: i dont make long distance plans, but short ideas which i quickly put into life. Chaos and improvisation, it works...
  12. L

    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    In one month i made to this project more than in BSM trough whole year. Lot of new concepts: -"Turning point in game" After some time whole world will change. Mutants will enter towns, destroy buildings and kill few NPCs which you meet before. Other folks will join to BoS and as...
  13. L

    Dust & Blood :F2mod

    I started new project and its website, check it for news: Obviously i will try to make new huge mod. Already am not sure about details, anyway during progress it could change severel times so i will not tell. Just see how it goes on. I decided make project...
  14. L

    Possible ways of F2 modding

    Thanx for advice Ofcourse major problem of that idea is balance. Most importand thing in RPGs is character developement (from zero to hero) But you may worry about it when you play entire new game. For short mod it could work. I mean quickly visit new area, check new stuff, play for 1-3...