Brother Angel
First time out of the vault

Ausir said:No, Nuka-Cola is definitely a pre-war product. It's flat and warm because it's 80 or more years old.
Gotcha, thanks.

Ausir said:No, Nuka-Cola is definitely a pre-war product. It's flat and warm because it's 80 or more years old.
euhm, wait, what?Jimmious said:Bloodlines was not an RPG when you played with a gun imo![]()
they didn't...Jimmious said:Plus guns sucked anyway hehehe![]()
So whether or not it's an RPG depends entirely on perspective? If that's your argument then you're a moron!Jimmious said:Bloodlines was not an RPG when you played with a gun imo
Plus guns sucked anyway hehehe![]()
But again not matter the reasons for the new look, it just looks wrong!Vault Maker said:One possible reason for the PA in the trailer looking different could be that the Beth team may had to make yet another model (who knows why).
It's the box on the front that gives it the WWI look, as soon as I saw it I thought early gas mask. Even though the hoses go over the back.Vault Maker said:The breastplate with the angular look might be explained as a functional improvement over the original rounded T-51b. Rounded shapes are generally better protection against projectiles, but 1980's "Chobham" laminated armor on NATO tanks could only be made in flat sections, hence the angular look of the US M1 Abrams, the German Leopard 2, and other western tanks.
requiem_for_a_starfury said:That and the general boxiness and rivets which makes it, as Senor Deluxe said, it's reminiscent of a WWI tank.
No it's not, that's like saying it's okay you were sodomised because they used spit to juice you up, it could of been worse they might not of used any lube at all. Fact is you've still been buggered.scypior said:Yup, but still it's waaay better to be like WWI tank than to be in modern style, something like this:
Ausir said:welsh said:I liked it. The soldier doesn't look quite right, but its nice to hear Ron Pearlman. The look was right. But if you guys are right and that a BOS logo, than how did the BOS get to the East Coast?
(please don't say it was one of those blimps that didn't crash in Tactics!)
Vertibirds they got after FO2? And if it's the Eastern Brotherhood from FOT, they went from Illinois to Colorado during the game itself, so they could also easily go to DC.
Vault Maker said::
The "more retro" look is quite noticeable, as Requiem said it almost looks alternate-WWI, and as for the speculation on it being T-45 armor, who can say... I've often thought that the power armor progression in the 2 original Fallouts ("hardened" or "improved" variants, MkII Enclave PA, etc.) might be more "Fallouty" if you started with partial or broken armor and gradually got parts repaired, so the best armor available was just "Power Armor - Complete Set". Not necessarily sections of the armor, like breastplate, greaves, etc. but motivators, sensors, and the like. So your first suit of PA gives you a lot of armor, but no strength bonus, a large perception penalty, and lower agility. Just an idea.
The breastplate with the angular look might be explained as a functional improvement over the original rounded T-51b. Rounded shapes are generally better protection against projectiles, but 1980's "Chobham" laminated armor on NATO tanks could only be made in flat sections, hence the angular look of the US M1 Abrams, the German Leopard 2, and other western tanks.
this could be the T51b armour that's fixed up by the doc at the Hubologists - that featured some extra armour plating too, if I recall it right?