Dust & Blood :F2mod


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I started new project and its website, check it for news: http://dust-and-blood.blogspot.com/
Obviously i will try to make new huge mod. Already am not sure about details, anyway during progress it could change severel times so i will not tell. Just see how it goes on. I decided make project site as blog, its best way for many and quick updates.

ps. anyone make Fallout blog before?
I like the initial image (that with the intro and stuff) but i think the menu should be placed a little more bellow (bellow the black part of the image).

I don't like so much the car :x
Lich said:
i will try to make new huge mod.

Am I to much pessimist, if I say, this mod has a 90% chance to die? :/

Because nearly every bigger Fallout mod will die sooner or later.
Because nearly every bigger Fallout mod will die sooner or later.

A little pessimistic but I can see your reasoning.

Good luck lich, but it does seem like too big a project for one guy
You're forgetting that Lich is a modding power house... He could actaully do it, if not we may just recruit him for Mutants Rising :)
Lexx said:
Lich said:
i will try to make new huge mod.

Am I to much pessimist, if I say, this mod has a 90% chance to die? :/

Because nearly every bigger Fallout mod will die sooner or later.

Dieing is the wrong word I believe... Stop growing is more likely to happen. Lich as great potential but he likes to change his ideas a bit to often. He will work on this mod until he has another idea what takes a higher PRIORITY.

non the less,I wish you the best of luck Lich
In one month i made to this project more than in BSM trough whole year.

Lot of new concepts:
-"Turning point in game" After some time whole world will change. Mutants will enter towns, destroy buildings and kill few NPCs which you meet before. Other folks will join to BoS and as recruits they will change appearance (now will wear power armors) You will appear in different town map level, ruined version (by script override map start hex)
-"50th actors" Most NPCs as talking heads, actors from old movies fit to 50th game style.
-"Trains" In postapocalyptic world is no fuel so peoples travell between towns using big junk train wehicles (which burn toxic waste)
-"Regular mutants army" Mutants are not stupid zombies. They first throw bombs on BoS, then overruned Vault of Future and make here base (capture or destroy strategic areas) Later ride towns and kill civilians, they drive armored cars.
-"Classic style" Game will be much closier to Fallout1. You are vault citizen which survived attack. Around world many ruins and mutants.
-"Abandoned places" Few big towns where goes adventure and something like special encounters around them. These encounters are not totally crazy but ruins with weird content, some treasures to find.
-"Other heroes" Few folks could travell world like you. So you may encounter in the same area after time (randomly) new peoples. Casino will work here like taverns known from most RPGs.
Hmm, IMO - some of your graphics experiments are just laughable. I know that rake up a good artists is not easy and too big luxury, but it seems that sometimes is better not to apply new stuff than use anything what you made... Such as in this case.

I really hope that playability and other atmosphere (dialogs, maps, intelligent plotline) will be at least 200 percent better. Basically, your "visions" are not always bad. How big it would be?
The train is really okay, looks good, but the talking head and the car.. won't fit into the hole.. screen, I think.
I know it's not fun to only hear negative criticism but some of the graphics are quite bad... And you need someone to proof-read your texts as well.
Lich strikes again! :D

Actually, nice touch with the train, and hopefully, we will see some new stuff from you. Also, it's nice to see you're making progress with a believable retrofifties theme.

The bunker roof sucks, though, and you'll have a hard time with making a good-looking talking head - my advice: leave it for the end.

PS. How do the mutes fit inside this tiny car, though? Must be like pushing a chav (i.e. tracksuit wearer) in a Fiat 126p :D
Lexx said:
The train is really okay, looks good, but the talking head and the car.. won't fit into the hole.. screen, I think.

:D Lexx, are you sure?

That creepy vehicle looks like anything but a train... (and probably doesn´t make sense at all... but I know... Lich is an unshakable handyman...)

EDIT: And Silencer is right - talking head is a complicated thing, provided that it would be really talking.
The train kind of speaks to the steampunk-loving part of my nature, Jesterka :) It's clearly a mad scientist invention - nevermind it looks like some hranolky-making machine.
OK, I was going to write something very sophisticated and philosophical, especially about dividing our forces and ... and ... and ... (fill in usual whining about Fallout mega mods) but I will shorten it.

There are many existing mods you can join and which may have higher chances to be finished than a new one. It is a question of mathematics, there is a limited number of available people for work and most of them is already occupied - there is a very small possibility that you will find somebody interested in Fallout "in the wild" outside NMA.

I don't want to be too suggestive, but Fallout: Between Good & Evil can accept several new talented members (there are other big and probably alive mods like FMF, but I happen to work in this one, so it is logical that I post this link).

By the way, the train won't look so bad if you had better rails (I also like the technical idea and fortunately, I have no interest in art).
Go, Lich, go!

I say anybody who can pull off a sizable mod with playability and a story should do it. How much more likely would it be for talented artists to donate their time to fixing up something cool that actually exists than to commit to a project that is barely off the ground.

Man, make the best mod you can! I'd be happy as a clam to be able to say, "I'm playing this new huge FO2 mod, and it's great, except the graphics kinda suck."

I'm behind you, Lich.
Karel said:
There are many existing mods you can join and which may have higher chances to be finished than a new one. It is a question of mathematics, there is a limited number of available people for work and most of them is already occupied - there is a very small possibility that you will find somebody interested in Fallout "in the wild" outside NMA.

Got to agree. Lich has some skills on art and 2 heads thinks better than 1.

In the end you can end up adding things every modder wanted in a faster time. And you can also learn with each other.
I find the train pretty neat. Of course there is room for improvement, but it has a definite "basic pulling engine made with spare parts" that I like to see in the Fallout world.
I'd love to see train stations added to Fallout 2 (à la VB)... could be a good way to compensate for bigger maps in mods like Megamod.
stormcrow said:
I'd love to see train stations added to Fallout 2 (à la VB)... could be a good way to compensate for bigger maps in mods like Megamod.

:ok: I hope we will have some "Fallout railway pack" including new track, engine + wagons, train station wallset one fine day...

It would be pretty cool, but it mustn´t turn into post apo Railroad Tycoon.
I think, the trains from Fallout Tactics would fit well in Fallout 2... I would have made the frms and so on already, but didn't have the time and desire to search and convert the files... mah.