In one month i made to this project more than in BSM trough whole year.
Lot of new concepts:
-"Turning point in game" After some time whole world will change. Mutants will enter towns, destroy buildings and kill few NPCs which you meet before. Other folks will join to BoS and as recruits they will change appearance (now will wear power armors) You will appear in different town map level, ruined version (by script override map start hex)
-"50th actors" Most NPCs as talking heads, actors from old movies fit to 50th game style.
-"Trains" In postapocalyptic world is no fuel so peoples travell between towns using big junk train wehicles (which burn toxic waste)
-"Regular mutants army" Mutants are not stupid zombies. They first throw bombs on BoS, then overruned Vault of Future and make here base (capture or destroy strategic areas) Later ride towns and kill civilians, they drive armored cars.
-"Classic style" Game will be much closier to Fallout1. You are vault citizen which survived attack. Around world many ruins and mutants.
-"Abandoned places" Few big towns where goes adventure and something like special encounters around them. These encounters are not totally crazy but ruins with weird content, some treasures to find.
-"Other heroes" Few folks could travell world like you. So you may encounter in the same area after time (randomly) new peoples. Casino will work here like taverns known from most RPGs.