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  1. F

    United Kingdom VS U.S.

    the uk version doesnt have children, 'nuff said
  2. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    there were six vaults buddy, you left out vault 0 :-D dayglow the other name??
  3. F

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    that girl looks pretty old.... well, at least older than you, is that ur sister or mom :twisted:
  4. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    that would be ms. stapleton, and you fargin' icehole, you mean the hub not the den :P how many vaults were there in all the fallouts?
  5. F

    Fallout Trivia!!

    Simple, one person makes a question, the other person answers it, if they are correct, they make a new question, simple, right? i'll go first. Who founded BoS?
  6. F


    lol bullets... which brings me to a new thread, come and read it!! :D
  7. F

    IC- Chapter Three: Lone Wanderers

    Buffy and Blade lay there in Buffy's tent, it was hot, sweat dripped down their naked bodies as they just laid there, helpless. Buffy awoke.... looking around... wondering why she was naked, wondering why she really had to pee, wondering.... wondering.... Then it hit her, the layer of cloth that...
  8. F

    Banging Tandi!!

    rotfl :lol: just thinking of that guy and his eyebrows.... :lol:
  9. F

    Banging Tandi!!

    makes sense.... but still....
  10. F

    Banging Tandi!!

    Is it possible or is it myth???? Shes such a tease...
  11. F

    Sierra army base

    not crap, try it, start a new game and when you are at the temple press number 3 on the number pad, and you will be taken to area number 3
  12. F

    Alien Blaster

    i got it on the way to shady sands with a 10 luck character, unfortunatley, i had already planed to be an unarmed and melee char that whole game :cry: :cry: :cry:
  13. F

    Sierra army base

    if you dont want to fight the turrets you can just press the number 2 on the number pad on the right of your keyboard, this little trick will take you to area 2, it also works in all the other towns :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:d
  14. F

    The N.M.A. Fallout 3 Wish list.

    i'd like to see alot better easter eggs... and some other stuff, such as keep the turn based system of things, a non-linear plot, BoS to have a roll, but as a side thingy and you dont have to have them to complete the game, more melee weapons, like a stick you can rip off a tree, pepper spray...
  15. F

    High intelligence: A must when creating a character!

    being stupid is kinda easy at the end spoiler lol Matt of the BoS, after you give him the vertibird plans, says your dumb and sets up the deal with the tanker and your on your way!!!, its easy, but it kinda takes some of the fun out of it
  16. F


    i think i solve this when i say that it was mentioned in the Bible, Avellone stats that it just refertilizes the soil so that things can grow and that it does something to the air or something...... or am i so obbessed with fallout that i just thought that up and said it was in the Bible.... but...
  17. F

    Fallout game(box) contents?

    Just curious, how much was it?
  18. F

    Fallout can be hazardus to your health!

    Wow, first time playing fallout 2? Well, i'm impressed that you got the advanced power armor so quickly.... took me like a full hour to just resolve the gecko thing.... god i hate lynette.....dont we all?
  19. F

    City Names: FO1&2 vs Tactics.

    true, true, but it still bothers me, Reno is in Nevada..... yet its in California in Fallout 2....
  20. F

    IC- Chapter Three: Lone Wanderers

    OOC - Sorry i didnt post for a while, i sleep over at my friends house for the weekend.... ( dont even start with the gay jokes..... :x ICC-Buffy was still trying to get to the head of the caravan like Reed had told her to. Panting and out of breath, dripping in sweat, she reached the head...