High intelligence: A must when creating a character!

Wild Thing

First time out of the vault
Sadly i realized that pretty far into the game....I remember playing a few years ago, and then i could choose tons of speaking options (well not tons....but damn sure more then i can now).

Some examples of the need of intelligence (and good speech skill):

I`m trying to become a citizen of vault city, it turns out that i`m to stupid to get in there. *Note to self: Congratulations, all the vault city missions just went bye-bye!*

I`m trying to get into the enclave base without using violence. Since i had tried everything i could, i checked a walkthrough. It said that i`m supposed to speak with BOS guy and then talk to the robed guy at the gas station. Tried it, all he said was that he didn`t belive me and that option lead nowhere! *Note to self: Congratulations, you can`t finish the damn game!!*
Just shoot em all! All of em!

One of the main reasons I loved Arcanum so much is the fact that you can be a big, incredibly stupid, Half-Ogre and still complete the game without a problem. All ya have to do is simply crush EVERYTHING.

I tried this in Fo1 and Jeebus F'n Crap is it hard and might I add, pointless.

Mohrg :twisted:
Well thats the problem, it`s just no "simple" to crush everything...I don`t have the firepower or the skill to bring a whole enclave base down! I tried building up XP by going on caravans, but if you run into too much trouble, you have to bail-out and then you can`t do another caravan again!! That`s what`s so great about this game: Your every move has a conseqvense (bad spelling, but i`m too tired to correct this), but i can`t appritiate that since i get all angry when i start loosing.....I need to go a anger management program or something....Or i just need to let my anger out.. (all this talk about anger made me want to listen to metallica - st.anger!)
What I do when I get angry is count to 10 and then beat the PISS out of my pillow that is shaped like a Teletubby! You should try this method, it might work wonders for you. Then after all that is said and done, play some Fallout!

Mohrg :twisted:
A low intelligence makes the game even better once you finish it. You can't get as many quests and shit. But you can talk to Torr in Klamath...
Well you can always talk to, Torr, just now you can talk to him at his own level!

Mohrg :twisted:
I`m trying to become a citizen of vault city, it turns out that i`m to stupid to get in there. *Note to self: Congratulations, all the vault city missions just went bye-bye!*

Umm, no, there are about three ways(for as far as I know) to get in.
1. You pass the test.
2. You help Lynette and do something bad with the ghouls(Nuclear power plant etc.)
3. You help the other big guy in Vault City(don't remember his name), and HELP the ghouls.
Those are three ways to become a citizen....
I`m trying to get into the enclave base without using violence. Since i had tried everything i could, i checked a walkthrough. It said that i`m supposed to speak with BOS guy and then talk to the robed guy at the gas station. Tried it, all he said was that he didn`t belive me and that option lead nowhere!
Well, you could always just shoot the robed guy, take his keycard, and get in......this involves one small bit of violence, and if you don't have much intelligence, and can't fight, what did you do with those points????

Most things in the game are like that, multiple ways to finish things. You can do it the good way, the bad way, the stupid way, the smart way, the violent way etc. If you think it's cool to be a guy with 2 intelligence, by all means do so! You may not get that many quests, but you'll be able to do some of them(mainly the ones involving killing), and it can be very funny to see the dialogue options(One of my favorites: "What do you want?" "Uhhh...milk!").
Just go at it, and keep trying, you'll be able to get through....I think....[/quote]
It makes the game about twice as hard. You can't get Vic without killing all the slavers, so early in the game this isn't an option because you simply don't have the man/firepower.
Ehmm, then why did I single-handedly kill all of the slavers, single-handedly meaning: With no help and at lvl 3-4 or so. And not just once, but more than once. Ah well......must be lucky or something ;)

Well, it DOES make things harder, because you can't do some quests, but it should also make it easier, because you musthave done SOMETHING with those character points, so your character should be better in combat than most......if you concentrate your skill points that is(Unless you put everything into charisma.....please tell me you didn't......)

In any case, it isn't an easy path, but it's doable, those are the wonders of fallout.....
Same, even with a speech-oriented character I just go to the Slavers unarmed (having tagged Unarmed, obviously) and beat the crap out of them with the help of only Sulik at level 4 or so.

It helps to lock the door between the back room and the front one, then killing everyone in the back room, and only then moving to the front.
being stupid is kinda easy at the end


lol Matt of the BoS, after you give him the vertibird plans, says your dumb and sets up the deal with the tanker and your on your way!!!, its easy, but it kinda takes some of the fun out of it
Mohrg6sic6 said:
Just shoot em all! All of em!

One of the main reasons I loved Arcanum so much is the fact that you can be a big, incredibly stupid, Half-Ogre and still complete the game without a problem. All ya have to do is simply crush EVERYTHING.

I tried this in Fo1 and Jeebus F'n Crap is it hard and might I add, pointless.

Mohrg :twisted:

I actually find arcanum far more difficult when trying to play as a non-agressive character. It's the opposite for fallout.
Yeah, Arcanum is so close-up and personal-swordswingy-like.

In Fallout, every imbecile can fire a Bozar :twisted:

*ahem* Anyway, I find a low intelligence character very interesting. The conversation with Torr in Klamath takes a whole new world there.
Wild Thing said:
Sadly i realized that pretty far into the game....I remember playing a few years ago, and then i could choose tons of speaking options (well not tons....but damn sure more then i can now).

Some examples of the need of intelligence (and good speech skill):

I`m trying to become a citizen of vault city, it turns out that i`m to stupid to get in there. *Note to self: Congratulations, all the vault city missions just went bye-bye!*

I`m trying to get into the enclave base without using violence. Since i had tried everything i could, i checked a walkthrough. It said that i`m supposed to speak with BOS guy and then talk to the robed guy at the gas station. Tried it, all he said was that he didn`t belive me and that option lead nowhere! *Note to self: Congratulations, you can`t finish the damn game!!*

you can * ALWAYS * finish the game...just show them a rocket launcher or a laser gun...and in the end i rather do the "mass murderer" role to face off frank than do the "Silent Assassin" role and don't catch frank =|