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  1. F

    Most valuable NPCs in Fallout 2?

    if i only had to pick 3 party members.... i'd go with skynet (i think thats his name, the guy you find in the sierra army base), cassidy, and marcus The robot and Marcus can use Energy weapons which rocks, and i stick cassidy with a Gauss rifle, and i got the Bozar, or pulse rifle. Good...
  2. F

    Killing the merchant for Decker?

    i think it has something to do with your karma maybe.... maybe did you do any other quests that would have boosted or degraded your karma inbetween the decker quest???
  3. F

    Fallout 2 - Time Limit?

    yes there is, and i just checked it, loaded up a saved game started walking around the wastes, and it says something ( spoiler if you dont wanna know) like " While waiting for you to bring the holy geck Arroyo finnally dies of starvation and dehydration... may their bones lay in the wastes, in...
  4. F


    Name : Buffy Race: Human Favorite Drink: Nuka-Cola, warm and flat. Age: 21 Former Occupation: Bartender Physical Charecteristics Eyes: a strong hazel Heigth: 5'7" Weigth: 109 Hair: Flowing blonde, but not a glowing blonde like the other girls have. Gender: Female Buffy likes to...
  5. F

    Special Robber Caves: Bug???

    actually, they might not use it because the robbers strenght is too low, most kick ass guns either have a minimun streght of 5 or 6... but i doubt it, its just a theory
  6. F

    Moving NPCs

    umm... this is "Fallout 1 Game Help"
  7. F

    Killing the merchant for Decker?

    try not talking to kain and, just sneak into the back room and take a stairwell down to decker
  8. F

    Super Mutants Kicking my Butt!

    actually you can take on the vats and the cathedral without killing anyone :) my style :lol: a diplomat with a supersledge :) well anywho, the way to kill the cathedral is to give the master vree's autopsy reports on the mutants saying they are steril, or just ask him if there are any girl...
  9. F

    Stealth Boy

    i dont know why it was left out in FO2 but i found my stealthboy on my way to shady sands :lol: but about the time i got to the hub it ran outta energy.... but then i slaughtered the brotherhood soon and i got 5 stealthboys outta there boxes in there storage room :) then i got 4 more at the...
  10. F

    Some fallout fan art I made at 4 am in the morning

    hey, thats the winamp skin i have for my winamp :)
  11. F

    About the car

    o well i got them mixed up then, sorry
  12. F

    About the car

    its in the broken down car on the east side of trapper town, you have to go underground to get to the other side, when you get to the other side just "use" the car and you will pick it up :)