Most valuable NPCs in Fallout 2?

Wild Thing

First time out of the vault
I have got sulik,vic,marcus and lenny...But i have to choose 3 of them..Who should i take?

I will take lenny and marcus with me....But it`s kinda hard to take vic or sulik...
Well, despite the fact that i love ghouls, Lenny is probably the most useless out of those which you mentioned.

Out of Vic or Sulik i would most defenitly choose Vic if your closer to the start of the game. Suliks better once you have the super sledge and a really good armour.

In the past I have defended Lenny, but the game I am playing now, Lenny seems more inclined to shoot the other NPCs more than the opposing force. Also his doctor skills haven't been going so well.

Between Lenny and Vic- go with Vic. Vic' got the repairman skill and is good with a rifle at range. The benefit of Lenny is that he heals fast and has lots of health points. But if keep Vic out of harm's way, he should be better.

Between Vic and Sulik, I go with Sulik. Sulik has the tendency to go with melee weapons but if you give him good armor and a good submachine gun, he cuts bad guys apart. Later with the super sledge he's tops. I also think Sulik's "talking with the spirits" is more helpful than people give it credit.

Choosing between Sulik and Cassidy is tougher. Cassidy is somewhere between Sulik and Vic and he's fun.

As for the rest. THe problem with Marcus is that he tends to like to shoot your characters, so give him a pulse rifle.

I like Goris and the robo-dogs (although why did we need two?) and even dogmeat.

But if I were to go with three- Sulik, Cassidy and Marcus
if i only had to pick 3 party members.... i'd go with skynet (i think thats his name, the guy you find in the sierra army base), cassidy, and marcus

The robot and Marcus can use Energy weapons which rocks, and i stick cassidy with a Gauss rifle, and i got the Bozar, or pulse rifle. Good hunting!!!
I would go with Sulik, Marcus and Cassidy. Skynet is shit, he moves too slow and he isn't that great at fighting.
I found that cassidy and Goris were the only npcs i liked, granted i havent done and met everything and everyone in the game yet.
I usually end up losing Sulik early - he has a nasty habit of walking into burst fire.

My favorites are Cassidy, Vic and Marcus. Vic gets to be a good shot once he levels up a few times.
If I have to use ranged NPC's
Vic with Gauss
Cassidy with Sniper
Sulik with .233 pistol
Marcus with Pulse Rifle (or turbo plasma rifle if I choose to give pulse to cassidy)

Melee NPC's
Sulik with Super Sledge

Overall I always have Sulik, Vic and Cassidy

Hmmm, come to think of it. Let's try this without Sulik, Vic and Cassidy :)
my favorite is: MYRON! BABY MYRON!

i like having myron in my party just becuase of all the funny things that cassidy and marcus say to him. also you can boss him around and feel like a tough guy.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]my favorite is: MYRON! BABY MYRON!

i like having myron in my party just becuase of all the funny things that cassidy and marcus say to him. also you can boss him around and feel like a tough guy.
I always save just before I first meet him. I like scaring him over and over by saying stuff like "Your guards are too busy being dead to be watching the door." :twisted:
I usually plays with a 4 people party, after some testing that's the guys I prefer:

Cassidy: by far the best, can use the Gauss rifle and power armor and seems to score deadly criticals more often than any other NPC.

Sulik: he's really great when I pick him in Kalamath, but not as much in the end game, because I like to use big guns myself, like the bozar and the vindicator minigun, so I can't have him on melee because he will enter in my line of fire and if you give him a SMG he will spread bullets at me and the party too much often to be fun. So I just give him the .233 pistol. Overall a good NPC.

Vic: a not so good version of Cassidy, but still good. In the early game his repair talents are usefull for repairing the power generator at the toxic caves and for lowering the forcefields at the SAD. In any case he at least don't get in the way too often.

Skynet: I like the robot. He can't use armor, but the enemies usually don't target him (what happens a lot with Marcus) so I set him to stay close and don't have to worry too much with him.

If I go for a 5 people party, then I would include Marcus too. But I think he's a mixed blessing, because with a turbo plasma rifle in the early game he's awesome. In the Great Wananmingo mine he can kill as much as my character. But in the end game he's a PITA to be kept alive. Enemies tend to concentrate fire at him and he doesn't have the "stay close to me" option. Against the enclavers he's a temerity. To avoid his tendency of charging mindelessly and being killed I have to set him to attack "who's attacking me" and that seems to hurt his offensive capacities.

The other NPC's I really don't like very much. Goris and the dogs don't seems to be able to really help against the enclavers and will get in my line of fire all the time. I don't have many experience with Lenny, but he doesn't seems to be good enough at combat and Myron is only usefull for making Superstims...

Overall my choice of NPC's tend to reflect my choice of characters. I like characters with good offensive capacities, usually with Big guns and fast shot, so I need NPCs that can attack at range without getting in the way. Also I don't like to have to keep watching them all the time...
dragon12321 said:
You're all forgetting Dogmeat.... ;)
That dog kicks ass :D His bite often knocks enemies down, very useful...
Nope, I included Dogmeat at the "Goris and the dogs" bit. I don't like melee NPCs because I don't want anyone between my vindicator minigun and the enemies :twisted:

But then again it's because of my way of playing. Dogmeat can be usefull as a bodyguard for a sniper, like Sulik with the supersledge too. If only the Cafe of Broken Dreams wasn't a random encounter. Last time I found it only after Enclave's defeat...
Cassidy is definitely my "go-to" guy. When I pick him up at Vault City, I'm usually carrying around alot of loot from highwaymen and bandits so I pickup a ton of shotgun shells and the best armor at the Happy Trader. Cassidy starts off with a sawed-off shotgun so I assumed that was his forte and I armed him throughout the game with only shotgun variants (remember, I had alot of shotgun shells). Right off the bat, Cassidy is the most proficient shooter of all NPC's. His custom settings seem to always switch around to his presets but it suits him; he can go it alone and attack whoever he wants because he can handle them. I don't like giving him burst weapons because he can be overzealous but the Gauss Rifle seems like a good choice (though I only armed the Skynet bot with the Gauss Rifle).

Compared to the other "starting" NPC's you can find early on, he's a godsend. His HP is right in the middle between Sulik and Vic (who I always carry along). He's not melee oriented so he's not always getting in the way of my line of fire like Sulik. He's a better fighter than Vic because of his AP's and his skill in Small Guns. Altogether, he rounds your party offensively.
favourite party members

my party isnt the ideal party but i like them. hell, i havent sold these particular party members once.

Me: yeah, i like bringing me along. pleasant company, nice to talk to.

Cassidy: the bastard has been with me since very near the start of the game, he's levelled up a fair few times, i give him decent armor and weapons and he survived everything i threw at him. he's never once shot me in the back either (I miss Ian...). unfortunately i had to dump him after i disbanded him to do Navarro Base and he suddenly realised he was travelling around with someone who regularly sold party members and refused to join me again.

Goris: four attacks per round, doesnt need weapons to do decent damage. only problem is his armor. died when i fired a rocket launcher at something he was in close combat with.

Myron: despite being useless, he does tend to run away and draws the enemy away from the other guys, and he does run quite fast. cant remember where he went... i might have sold him.

Marcus: he's a fricken' super mutant. shit tons of HP and can carry a ridiculous amount of stuff and handle heavier weapons than me. same problem as Cassidy, though. damn this disloyal merchandise, i mean party.