Super Mutants Kicking my Butt!


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Having just installed Fallout on my computer again, I managed, in the past few days, to get some Power Armor and a few large guns :twisted: . When I face Super Mutants, my armor usually blocks the attack, but when it doesn't, I usually don't survive. I'm level 12, with 79 HP and my stats are:
ST: 9 (with power armor)
PE: 10
EN: 6
CH: 4
IN: 6
AG: 7
LK: 5

Any suggestions?

EDIT: Made this post somewhat less annoying.
Might want to do a few more quests or hunting, as level 12 looks a bit low for those outside of Necropolis.
Well, if you finished the Water Chip quest and don't have the patch that limits the totall gamespan to 500 days, one way to gain some exp and some money is to sign up on a caravan. Um, that company that takes the most risk is a good choice. Whenever I take a caravan to the Brotherhood of Steel, I usually have two encounters chock full of raiders to blast. And the best part is that there will generally be another caravan ready to head out by the time you return.

Or, if that doesn't float your boat, you can kill the Deathclaw in the Hub or waste Decker.

Or you can go the the Boneyard and get your power armor upgraded. I recall there was a simple quest you had to do. Or you can use an exploit and kill the Deathclaws near the GunRunners and keep returning since they happen to respawn (unless you kill the mother).
I find the Deathclaw to be the most effective. Stand near the stairs just in case anything starts to go wrong.

And if all else fails, just gain some random encounter expierience.

Edit: Perhaps This could help with some ideas.[/url]
Gunslinger said:
Um, that company that takes the most risk is a good choice. Whenever I take a caravan to the Brotherhood of Steel, I usually have two encounters chock full of raiders to blast. And the best part is that there will generally be another caravan ready to head out by the time you return.

yeah... I recommend working for the crimson caravan

I got encounters with as much as 10 raiders (was fun!!!)


There is another idea nobody mentioned, just start killing off everybody at Shady Sands they will pose no threat since you have better armor then Metal ;) After that kill everybody at Junktown (no threat either) Then move on to the Hub kill everybody there (should be possible) Boneyard and Necropolis are easy too that should give you a big portion of xp! Actually I never had any problems with the mutants but you can allways put the game difficulty down in option screen so maybe another solution?

Grtz, Fire Sprite
But why kill innocent civilians when you can just take a caravan and kill raiders on the way? The civilians that you want to blast so much yield little EXP, not to mentio they are INNOCENT! And the shop keepers are useful if you want to unload some heavy gear. Besides, there's an indefinite amount of raiders to blast but the civilians, on the otherhand, don't come back. Sure, you might as well kill all the ghouls in Necropolis since they'll end up dead anyway.

But civilians? Why, oh why? Won't someone at least think of the children.
Fire Sprite said:

There is another idea nobody mentioned, just start killing off everybody at Shady Sands they will pose no threat since you have better armor then Metal ;) After that kill everybody at Junktown (no threat either) Then move on to the Hub kill everybody there (should be possible) Boneyard and Necropolis are easy too that should give you a big portion of xp! Actually I never had any problems with the mutants but you can allways put the game difficulty down in option screen so maybe another solution?

Grtz, Fire Sprite

Hmm...I would only do that if I was specifically playing the game as a beserker character (which I'm guessing the guy who started the thread hasn't). Though I must admit there is a certain fun element to blowing all the helpless farm people of Shady Sands into pieces (this applies even more to showing those Vault City bastards who's boss in Fallout 2). :twisted:
Yeah, I ALWAYS take out Lynette the first time I get into Vault City. Uppity whore. There's something supremely satisfying in taking an aimed shot and her head and getting a gruesome death sequence. It couldn't have happened to a nicer lady. But then I always have to reload my save *sigh*.

Oh yeah, another EXP gaining technique. Go to the Hub and start stealing stuff from the guards in combat armor. I think you'll get 40 EXP for anything you filch. I usually did this because I was hurting for shotgun shells (seems like there's never enough in the first Fallout). You can just steal one shell at a time to prolong the agonizingly slow method of gaining EXP. Really, the shotgun shells are the real pay off.
Gunslinger said:
You can just steal one shell at a time to prolong the agonizingly slow method of gaining EXP. Really, the shotgun shells are the real pay off.

OMG!!! :P

just take the crimson caravan please

Ixian said:
Gunslinger said:
Um, that company that takes the most risk is a good choice. Whenever I take a caravan to the Brotherhood of Steel, I usually have two encounters chock full of raiders to blast. And the best part is that there will generally be another caravan ready to head out by the time you return.

yeah... I recommend working for the crimson caravan

I got encounters with as much as 10 raiders (was fun!!!)


10 raiders?! That's it?
I've had 17 raiders in one attack!
But anyways, it takes me forever to level up. About what level should I be before taking on the Master/Vats?
actually you can take on the vats and the cathedral without killing anyone :) my style :lol: a diplomat with a supersledge :) well anywho, the way to kill the cathedral is to give the master vree's autopsy reports on the mutants saying they are steril, or just ask him if there are any girl mutants or sumthing like that.

The military base is alittle harder, you can get past mostley all the mutants by saying "i'm a new special kind of mutant let me pass or suffer the consicuinces" or something like that. Then goto the computer and set it to a 300 silent count down, then haul ass outta there, lay back and watch the show :)

note: the only hard part about the military base at a low level is getting there, watch out for mutant patrols
I just did the Deathclaw trick in the Boneyard. Kill the three of em, go rest 24 hours, then go back and do it again. I did it till lvl 18.

Mohrg :twisted:
Mohrg6sic6 said:
I just did the Deathclaw trick in the Boneyard. Kill the three of em, go rest 24 hours, then go back and do it again. I did it till lvl 18.

Mohrg :twisted:

Usually go to level 21.
Eh, I'm not patient enough to get that high. Once I got the "Sniper" perk I was golden.

Mohrg :twisted: