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  1. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Yeah... Now lets replace village with Daddy... Then according to your logic you should care about daddy in FO3 because: it would make sense that you would give a shit about your father and because you bought the game :confused: As for emotional pandering, in FO2: you are the chosen one...
  2. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Lets not change the goal post, you spoke about the opening and I stand by my answer, that there is no major difference in the way FO1, FO2, FO3 and FO4 intro's handled your role-plying choices. And IMHO exploring life in the vault and during pre-war is far better ideas then playing the tribal in...
  3. fred2

    Fallout 4: Does anyone else find the pre-war opening contrived?

    Its a matter of perspective. You can easily say that in Fallout 4 you just a random survivor from a veteran suburb who had a family, and the rest is up to you. Similar you can say that Fallout 2 was pretty much planned out for you. You are a tribal, descended of the Vault Dweller, who has been...
  4. fred2

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    Not significant, on the question of immortal-dog. People were upset about the "Modders will fix it" line, and whining about "Ohhh WHY Bethesda doesn't make games that I like?!" instead of being happy that they are offered tools to adapt it to their taste.
  5. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Finally, something we can agree on.
  6. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    I wasn't aware of anyone here arguing in favor of Beth games.. The other thing, however, is notable because some people are unable to distinguish between can't and wont do something. Basically, unlike your black and white view that send you running for the pitchfork every time your evil empire...
  7. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Meanwhile he doesn't aware or care of your existence, how does that make you feel? Except ?
  8. fred2

    What is it with people and the immortal dog?

    To be fair, the opinion expressed here on the topic of immortal dog are inconsequential compared to the vast majoirty of players who want this.. Personally, I see most AAA games as platforms and Mods as a way to add flavor and personalize the experience to my taste. There are several game...
  9. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    I think that Todd made a mistake, but if he isn't and we will have a pre-war sequence, then it would likely focus on our military past, which shouldn't be pretty iirc.
  10. fred2

    Fallout 4 coming out on November 10, free mobile spin-off out now

    Mr.obvious: Or they just had really long pre-production phase.. consider improvements to the Creation engines to be relevant etc. Obviously production in earnest could only start once the studio finished with their previous project. If it helps you can think back to FO1, which was developed for...
  11. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    You know that saying: If you're so smart, why aren't you rich? So back on the topic of spending a lot of time on "fluff", CoD success speak for it self.. Just as Bethasda choices paid off very well for them. That said, there was no dietary suggestion for you. Although I would mention that the...
  12. fred2

    Bethesda. Learn storytelling.

    I doubt that, I don't think the family will play any role in this. The pre-war scenario ties into the theme and mechanics of re-building society (like FO2, and building settlements), with purpose is to convey what has been lost.
  13. fred2

    Elements and ideas Fallout 4 should take over from Fallout New Vegas

    I agree. Although I prefer a less black and white system. Obsidian system for PoE offers more complexity allowing you to be both Benevolent but Aggressive, Cruel but honest etc.. not just good or bad. Meanwhile the reputation is the same. For example if you kill enough creatures\people you'll...
  14. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    I agree its about priorities. Another thing to consider is that Bethesda as company also makes very successful games.... meanwhile other companies who spend less time on fluff either went bankrupt or recently have been on the brink of bankruptcy.. and due to their success\profit track record...
  15. fred2

    Elements and ideas Fallout 4 should take over from Fallout New Vegas

    karma system are nutritious for their "brokenness", the more complex they are the easier you can game them, which is why they almost exclusive to Single player games. I think that Obsidain did a good job with Disposition and Reputation in PoE.
  16. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    On a unrelated note*, those of who like to let loose their creative juices and Fallout theories, might want to try their luck at the Fallout theory challenge. * not sure where else this fits, and couldn't be bothered to start a thread for a one liner..
  17. fred2

    Genre Orphans: Alpha Protocol

    No I didn't, in fact I wrote similar rants in the past, but this doesn't effect the bottom line above.
  18. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    I see this as a reaction to the popularity of action games (most evidently with FPS) which usually entails a slower richer gameplay.
  19. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    My first major shooter fascination was Wolfenstein 3D, I spent hours searching for all the secret rooms and trying to make perfect runs. It was a lot of fun, but in-hindsight what a huge waste of time. Since then I have spent less and less with every subsequent shooter, because even if they have...
  20. fred2

    Kotaku profiles No Mutants Allowed and hating Fallout 3

    I agree that ever since gaming became mainstream a lot of games has been adapted to fit causal market and being made more accessible and sometimes simplified. But not all games, most of my favorite strategy and management games are "modern". But on topic of games that "intended to be hard to...