well why should we do the talking when there is an example that speaks for it self and shows how you do it right
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Nonsense? Maybe.
But it is a fact that the game has a toilet/water drinking animation that serves absolutely zero purpose, but on the other side a story that absolutely sucks ass.
It is just a symptom of a much bigger problem as far as Beth games goes, and that goes as far back to Oblivion where the team around Todd loves to spend so incredible much time on details that have absolutely no meaning to the gameplay. But at least you can now pick up garden gnomes and throw the dishes around. And it is even fun how many players actually get ... into that. Must be some kind of compulsive dissorder? Picking up every piece of junk to store it in the players home.
Yeah never admit that you are wrong and that the animation is absolutely the same as all the drinking animations in the game, jokes aren't allowed in this 100% serious game series as we know. (actually you can heal with this water if you really want to, so absolute no purpose except joke is factually wrong).
Yeah and details are something terrible that have to be removed from the game. Like in NV where we end up with a boring world that you can only play with ignoring it (fasttravel) and yes all players who like FO3 have a compulsive dissorder, picking up every piece of junk to store it in the players home... come on...
Yes the main story of FO3 isn't the greatest and I don't like it too. Is it a bad game? Nope actually because of the attention to detail.
I believe Fallout 3 could have done with a few less jokes. The problem of the game really is not that it contains ... not enough of this so called jokes. The game is already one big whack-a-mole simulator. A bit more dark humor could not hurt either here, but that actually requires good writing. What you get most of the time instead is exploding heads, fatmans and garbage like little lamplight.
The important question again is why sacrifice story telling in an RPG for whacky stuff? I have yet to hear one compelling argument for it. I seriously never understand the appeal of making another Saints Row out of Fallout.
It's not really an either/or situation in this case, I mean, it's not as though the modeller/animator who worked on the toilet-drinking animation would otherwise have been penning incredible dialogue.
Actually, now I think of it, if Bethesda had a staff member who could write the most amazing, immersive, witty, poignant dialogue ever seen in a video game, putting them on drinking animation duty instead is exactly the sort of thing they would do!
Bethesda as company spends a lot of time on what I call fluff, in many cases useless fluff. Famous voice actors, decent visuals, hyping the graphic/violence, randomised loot etc.
Bethesda as company spends a lot of time on what I call fluff, in many cases useless fluff. Famous voice actors, decent visuals, hyping the graphic/violence, randomised loot etc.
I agree its about priorities. Another thing to consider is that Bethesda as company also makes very successful games.... meanwhile other companies who spend less time on fluff either went bankrupt or recently have been on the brink of bankruptcy.. and due to their success\profit track record unable to secure funding for a project less then tens the size of FO3..
Game Informer confirmed the protagonist does go into cryosleep. Just got the mag in the mail.
But yes. CoD also sells usually millions of Units. Britney Spears and Biber sold millions of songs as well. Million flies can't be wrong. So let us all eat shit.
The important question again is why sacrifice story telling in an RPG for whacky stuff? I have yet to hear one compelling argument for it. I seriously never understand the appeal of making another Saints Row out of Fallout.
What are you expecting? Arguments that convince someone that treat a !!game!! like a religion don't exist and its not my goal to convert anyone to the other church because I don't have this strange believe system in either way and comparing FO3 to Saints Row is complete nonsense too (even without stating which Saints Row is meant).
What I simply told you is that your arguments where you try to establish a "fact" where wrong. Btw. more funny pictures to show how the world has gone bad for you?
But yes. CoD also sells usually millions of Units. Britney Spears and Biber sold millions of songs as well. Million flies can't be wrong. So let us all eat shit.
You know that saying: If you're so smart, why aren't you rich? So back on the topic of spending a lot of time on "fluff", CoD success speak for it self.. Just as Bethasda choices paid off very well for them.
But if you are bent over playing triple A budget game, you must be aware that broader audience sauce is part of that cuisine.
Sesom, do you even have anything to say at all? All I have seen you do is lurk in the same three threads throwing a fit over people not agreeing with you and just saying completely off topic and downright no nsensical stuff and you multi post like a complete noob. You kind of make the usual Bethesda fanboy that comes here look kind of intelligent in comparison...
Androids can go to cryo-sleep as well >_>
Androids can go to cryo-sleep as well >_>
And dream of electric sheep!