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  1. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So which does NMA think is more important: worldbuilding or the overall experience?

    I am talking about surrounding lore and ideas not the actual experience itself as a whole of Fallout. The Star Wars prequels have a lot of interesting ideas and worldbuilding but the actual movies are terrible especially Attack of the Clones as the writing and acting is awful for it.
  2. TheHouseAlwaysWins


    Alright OP. I can tell by creating this thread you're not intentionally trying to be harmful on purpose. The thing you have to realize that a lot of users online aren't debating on issues like this in good faith and are just using whatever platform they can to spread an existing agenda and by...
  3. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So which does NMA think is more important: worldbuilding or the overall experience?

    I think you misunderstand what I mean by experience. I mean experience as in the whole product and what the plot has to say and in specific how it plays and how the characters interact with each other, their surrounding environment, and how they grow and change overtime in the story I would...
  4. TheHouseAlwaysWins


  5. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So which does NMA think is more important: worldbuilding or the overall experience?

    I notice a thing classic Fallout fans have against the modern Fallout is the plotholes present in Fallout 4 and 3, to the point where some fans list it as a valid reason to dislike mods if they offer up a decent experience but are not rock solid with the worldbuilding of Fallout 1 and 2. There...
  6. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    So what kind of music do you think this game will go for actually? If it's going to have iggy pop I'm gonna guess it's going to have Lou Reed in it. Could you imagine a better combination? Lou Reed and classic Fallout?
  7. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    So what makes you a better person than these people who prefer different toys to you? You have any kind of accomplishments? You got to church/temple or feed the homeless?
  8. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    You're saying that people who play through games like fallout 76 or fallout 4 and enjoy it are cattle which is implying they are beneath you. You are saying it's not your actions ir that define you but what kind of media you like that defines it.