

Degenerate who belongs on a cross
I'm creating this because the Gun Control thread kept turning into a discussion about racism. Which is bad.
So here's a nice thread for everyone to talk about racism on.

EDIT: Changing title to "Racism" to make the topic more broad.
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I'm creating this because the Gun Control thread kept turning into a discussion about racism. Which is bad.
So here's a nice thread for everyone to talk about racism on.
Yaaay racism! Wait, shit, I mean... oh fuck
In seriousness though, I’m of a mind that racism is still a major issue, leastways in ‘Murica, where the south is still very much anti-minority. I’ve been told from friends down there that it’s not as bad as it was, but all in all it seems you’ve got libtards up here and 2red4u, “build the wall” types down there; nobody wants equality. They want one extreme or another, either of which is racism.
Was making a joke; like I was teaching middle school.

And yeah you’re right we’ll prob get vatted; oughta cash out while we can lmao
A lot of forums I've been on did not even allow discussions like this, or anything about religion, gender, etc. Luckily, this place is a little more lenient with the rules. I like that.

And yes, racism does exist. Many people in my family are racist and casually use the 'n' word in everyday speech. I once had a guy who told me black people became "whiny" after slavery was abolished because then they had to live like the "poor white man." I think this is in contrast to that "rich white man" lifestyle they lived during slavery.

People who live in the southern states would be hard pressed to not know at least a few individuals who hate black people for no other reason than they can. Racism is a learned behavior. Luckily for me, I haven't interacted with my family much in the past decade. I don't want to be that way.
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Alright OP. I can tell by creating this thread you're not intentionally trying to be harmful on purpose. The thing you have to realize that a lot of users online aren't debating on issues like this in good faith and are just using whatever platform they can to spread an existing agenda and by creating a thread on an issue like this with an obvious answer to it, you're just giving wiggle room for these people to foster chaos.
@Black Rose I'm sorry to hear they’re like that, but I’m glad you’re trying to be different. It shows strength of character. And I respect that. And if you need a family for the holidays, you’ve got us; the NMA family. Only family you’ll ever need. We’re biased, loud, sometimes indecipherably obnoxious but I like to think we take care of our own.

EDIT: @TheHouseAlwaysWins I’m with you there, but yfk12 originally made it because we kept getting off topic and talking about racism in the Gun Control thread. I like to think those setting agendas will take their agendas here where we can ignore them till they get vatted.
It was my choice not to associate with people like that, be they family or anyone else. There's also other factors for why I don't talk to most of them but this is not the place for that. There are good people in my family though.

If a person really has to stop and think about whether or not racism truly exists, they are either oblivious or choose to turn a blind eye towards it.
All western definitions are upside down wrong. Racism is about love and care for your own race or people of the same race as you. Raging hate on others is just insecurity and xenophobia.
It was my choice not to associate with people like that, be they family or anyone else. There's also other factors for why I don't talk to most of them but this is not the place for that. There are good people in my family though.

If a person really has to stop and think about whether or not racism truly exists, they are either oblivious or choose to turn a blind eye towards it.
Won’t argue with that. And ok; I won’t pry.
I think they were more talking about semantics than the existence of persecution, but the Rwandan genocide still pisses me off. I learned about it in high school western civ class and it kinda opened my eyes to how fucked we can be to one another as people.

This is why you degenerates need the Legion.
In seriousness though, I’m of a mind that racism is still a major issue, leastways in ‘Murica, where the south is still very much anti-minority.
well see there's always the possiblity that the minority will become the majority. look at londonistan. its getting there. only 69% of the people living in london are white. call me a racist but that seems wrong. its not a "white is right" thing for me either. if you told me that only 69% of the people living in tokyo were japanese or that only 69% of the people in africa were african, i'd feel the same.
People who live in the southern states would be hard pressed to not know at least a few individuals who hate black people for no other reason than they can
i actually genuinely don't. my grandpa is racist. hell so are his black friends. old people are racist as fuck. thing is tho they still get along and have a good time at their poker games which genuinely feels kind of pure to me. if there isn't genuine hatred behind a racist person then i don't see what the big honking deal is.
I think they were more talking about semantics than the existence of persecution, but the Rwandan genocide still pisses me off. I learned about it in high school western civ class and it kinda opened my eyes to how fucked we can be to one another as people.

This is why you degenerates need the Legion.

I've seen literal neo nazis use the same kind of "racism/nationalism isn't x it's y" argument. So in his case he is blaming the west's idea of it as being oppressive toward other people which is bullshit as all racism regardless of where it comes from is based on a fear of "the other"

Again, I feel like threads like these are a waste of time because you can't usually change an opinion based on something like racism by internet arguments. The person himself usually has to form a relationship with people outside his tribe/cult in order to realize that not everybody out there is part of different hiveminds out to get him constantly.
i actually genuinely don't. my grandpa is racist. hell so are his black friends. old people are racist as fuck. thing is tho they still get along and have a good time at their poker games which genuinely feels kind of pure to me. if there isn't genuine hatred behind a racist person then i don't see what the big honking deal is.
To be fair to you, you probably live in a different part of KY than me. I'm southeastern. I hear it's not as bad in the bigger cities.