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  1. D

    If the Democrats were to win, should they impeach Bush

    Eh, I am going to gracefully bow out of the argument. Not because I agree with Kharn's opinion, but because I have no real desire to has out a disgustingly long reply which will be happily torn into in 30 seconds time? Having won the award for "Most Ignored Orderite" I kind have learned that...
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    What would you do to win $35,000?

    I don't see how this is in a way revolting or disgusting or such. It may be embarassing but it does not imply someone is 'brave'. Brave implies that they have something precisely to lose....and going onto a show to win money means respect is NOT the thing they are afraid of losing. Which...
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    If the Democrats were to win, should they impeach Bush

    Well the question I would ask in return is what is the purpose of democracy? I would ask how a consensus met between several political parties adequately represents the will of the people any more than a majoritarian system of government? Yet the point remains that politics precisely should...
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    If the Democrats were to win, should they impeach Bush

    If i seem to recall, Consensus democracy in parliament has it's own list of severe problems including but not limited to: Stagnation of the political sphere in return for vote-buying Coalition in-fighting for key governmental posts Lack of differentiation between the parties...when...
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    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    I apologize if I made it seem that I was stating one had to believe in a 'higher power' in order to be moral, but you are correc tto assume that you misinterpreted what I meant. My main point was to say that in believing in something beyond self-gratification makes us noble. If you look back...
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    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    Thanks for the lightshow, alec. Sorry to saw however, but coming from someone who he himself professes to lack any sort of morals whatsoever, I have to be a bit skeptical there? I mean, given your own vaunted university knowledge and degrees and such, it is amusing that it doesn't seem to...
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    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    I concur? I never said that it couldn't be. I said the Unitarian belief is that generally being moral is all that matters. Faith or belief is personal, and subject to whatever you decide. Most, if not all Unitarians I know don't believe in hell and the like.
  8. D

    Why Catholicism, despite its flaws, is aces in my book

    Well as a Unitarian hopefully I can explain it a bit better than as a running gag? Unitarianism is the belief in one divine entity that we commonly call 'God'. We do not believe Jesus was divine, but that he was a good moral teacher that we happen to try to emulate. Thus, we deny the...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's Warhammer 40 K, the Steel Legion of Armageddon. You get a 6 out of 10. Good concept, but it is a bit small for black and white.
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    Wasteland Chapter 5- OCC thread

    Not much of anything is currently going on with Wasteland, evidently. Now that college is finished for summer, I am willing to bring back Crazy Ivan to play if other people are willing to give it a go.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I've had people break into two different houses I have lived in. In addition, I have had my car broken into. I know people all the time in the area who get mugged and so on here at college in lovely Worcester. Police? Well my godfather is a police Lt. but to be honest, it is nice to feel...
  12. D

    European army?

    Naive jerk? I know exactly what the United States is doing...hell I study the policies in class and on my own free time. Being a superpower is not ipso facto a dictatorship. There is a vast difference between a hegemony and a dictatorship and if we had such a huge damn army, then why the hell...
  13. D

    European army?

    I have to ask what security threat Europe seriously fears in the future that would justify a 'big stick'? Is Europe concerned the big bad USA is going to invade them? Afraid of a resurgent Russia trying to make a bid for power? Afraid of the Middle East marching their troops through Turkey to...
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    Proof that there is a God

    I'd rather die in a way where my bowels don't loosen into 'mud ass'?
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    Beach's Nuclear Survival Resources & Ark II Fallout Shel

    What would Poland have that the Soviets wouldn't have already taken, pray tell?
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    Carib is going to War!

    I wish you good luck as well but I am left somewhat with a question that has always plagued me when I thought about military service myself: What do you do if you have a high sense of personal integrity, and yet given how you are required to obey orders you are forced to do something you...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 Sentimental value for a classic movie. Better than an avatar that makes me go 'What the hell?'.
  18. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10. I mean, it is your damn name and all. Nope, though that was an interesting observation. Edit: Thanks Kotario.
  19. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    I'm sorry I could not gimmick it up properly with penises and fairies and dark depressing emo shit to make you feel it is more avant-garde, Wooz?