Carib is going to War!

Carib FMJ

Nuka-Cola Chaser
Well, the ballot has been cast and all options weighed. Off to do my 'service'. So this old Vault Veteran (what Rosh, you thought you were the only one?).

That is right. I know this is way, way in advance and I know it matters little to some, as I am hardly known here. Like Pale Horse, I have contemplated doing service and well I am just letting everyone knows or those who care to know that Carib FMJ aka Rama Stryfe is on his way out.

This US, Rhode Island Native, now residing in the Caribbean will be heading towards the main land to undergo transition from civie to solider.

Is that good or bad? Who is to say.

Marines or Army? Take a guess.

Always wanted to be in the armed forces, and well its in my blood (as cliched as that sounds).

Those who read this can choose to say good luck or say I am doing something dumb. All rights reserved. I know it isn't an easy or pampered life.

This just a notice. So if you find I have fallen off the radar, don't be alarmed. I am either in the sand box of the middle east, at a desk job or KIA'd.

Life is wonderful when you got choices.

Peace and hairgrease,
Carib FMJ

PS: I will miss the RP section, a pity many of the players are gone. I expect Welsh will keep the fires burning.
in my opinion, the only fun thing about the army is the guns, but it doesn't weigh up for beeing ordered around and treated like shit all the time. But that's just me, good luck and hope for the anexing of Canada + power armour :)
hey Carib,

good luck, bud (i'm afraid you'll need it).

keep your head down & moral up.

just come back in one piece... physically & mentally.

Carib FMJ said:
PS: I will miss the RP section, a pity many of the players are gone. I expect Welsh will keep the fires burning.
he's too busy with real life & CoC atm :)

was hoping for some worthwhile RP's coming in, but none have surfaced for a long time now. contemplated to start one myself, but decided my potential backstories sucked ass. ^^
The human race is of collective nature thus I would gesture that your doing is very correct.

Good look! Watch out for Ruthenians!
Good luck, dude.

And as Slimemancer wrote, "Don't get shot".
You are doing the right thing. Serving one's country is an honorable goal. I used to be in the Canadian Airborne regiment which gave me disipline when I needed it the most, making me into a better man ( in my opinion). Good luck!! Stay Low!
Good luck Caribe- don't get shot. With luck the US will be pulling out of Iraq over the next year or so, perhaps things will not be so dangerous.
Hey Stryfe, good luck. Come back safe, and get something out of the experience!
I wish you good luck as well but I am left somewhat with a question that has always plagued me when I thought about military service myself:

What do you do if you have a high sense of personal integrity, and yet given how you are required to obey orders you are forced to do something you consider not only ill-advised, but morally repugnant? The question bothers me because I cannot exactly answer it, thinking over the consequences for both obeying and disobeying such an order. The fact I would choose the latter would mean that ultimately, your life would be in fact ruined for trying to uphold those morals. I want to protect others as much as anyone else, yet one has to wonder how they might do so without having to worry about that heavy burden I outlined above?

P.S. I am still here and available *technically* to rp, though the rps themselves have kind of died down.
I bid you farewell, comrade! Let the crimson gleam of the Party's glorious flag be your guide in darkness!
Thanks guys. Does my heart well to get support. Be sure to save a spot at the Nuka-Cola fridge.

As for all dillemmas, joining the mil offers a lot but it can also force us to question a lot. Hopefully i will come back, unscaved from tangos or Friendlies.

Long live NMA, may the waterchip never malfunction.
You'll learn alot both in terms of skills and character. I just hope you come out unharmed.

By the way considering both the high pay of a soldier and the fact that all your benefits and even living expenses are paid for mean that if you put all the money you earn (and you can since all you need is paid for) in the bank by the time your done you can easily afford a house...something many people well into their 30's can only dream of.

The Vault Dweller
I agree Vault. My mom and Pop told me the same. Gonna milk the golden calf for what is worth. And in a way, all this is on sai Bush's tab. Ha, take that you Republican Desk Warrior!!!!
Just be careful not to get in any South Park Movie -style "Operation Shield" :D