What would you do to win $35,000?


Still Mildly Glowing
A local radio station station....www.thebearrocks.com....has this contest going called The Paul Brown's really tough contest. In this contest people do some pretty disgusting stuff to qualify for the final stunt for the money. The latest is that 2 guys have to french kiss for 30 seconds, in a crowded bar while being taped.

Would you do this?
They only qualify for the $35,000. This does not ensure the money. Just a spot in the final.

Plus if you think about it, 30 seconds is a long time to do something that embarrassing.

Would you really suck dick in front of around 100 or so people.[/quote]
Kissing a man is embarrassing?

Why? I have no interest in doing it out of free will, but neither do I feel any revulsion to it.

Shit, man, we're generation Y, ain't we?
Kissing a man is neither embarrassing nor something to be ashamed off. Also, I like pussy, and kissing a dude in front of a bunch of people for thirty seconds ain't gonna change that.

And yeah, I'd probably suck dick in front of 100 people for $35,000. 35 grand is a lot of cash-flow, brotha.
I'd also suck public cock for 35 G's, and I'm no more gay than Malkavian or Kharn (well, heh, you know what I mean ;)). So I'd easily kiss a guy for that kind of money - however, to do it just to "qualify" for winning 35k I'd have to know more details about what I'd have to do to actually win them in the end. I wouldn't join in on the competition unless I knew I wouldn't have to eat the most cocroaches or some gross shit like that to actually win. I would, however, do a great deal for that kind of money, but eating gross stuff is pretty much my limit (depending on how you compare it to other stuff).
Malkavian said:
Yeah, I'd probably suck dick in front of 100 people for $35,000. 35 grand is a lot of cash-flow, brotha.

Would you suck cock for 10 bucks?


(no faggot, I'm not asking for a blowjob)
DammitBoy said:
Malkavian said:
Yeah, I'd probably suck dick in front of 100 people for $35,000. 35 grand is a lot of cash-flow, brotha.

Would you suck cock for 10 bucks?


(no faggot, I'm not asking for a blowjob)

You seem to be a blatant dicktree.
Lanesracra said:
You seem to be a blatant dicktree.

He is, but no worries, he generally stays confined to The Order. I don't think he would last very long amidst the general NMA population.
forddieselguy said:
A local radio station station....www.thebearrocks.com....has this contest going called The Paul Brown's really tough contest. In this contest people do some pretty disgusting stuff to qualify for the final stunt for the money. The latest is that 2 guys have to french kiss for 30 seconds, in a crowded bar while being taped.

Would you do this?

I don't see how this is in a way revolting or disgusting or such. It may be embarassing but it does not imply someone is 'brave'. Brave implies that they have something precisely to lose....and going onto a show to win money means respect is NOT the thing they are afraid of losing.

Which kind of makes me wonder at the concept of these "Fear Factor" type stunts. I mean, what is the definition between 'fear' and 'embarassment' to these people?

Evidently it is fear to eat digusting things? I'm sorry, but I have self-respect not to do stupid things like that. I am not afraid of all the other high dive jumps, action stunts and such...that is either courage or fear. The other is just having a strong stomach and no real inhibitions for looking like a douchebag.
I like to think I'm not a clown; iamb not here to entertain people, not even for 35k; so if the want to enact their little gay fantasies they can do it with whomever they want, as long as it's not me. I'd kill somebody for 35 k though... got somebody you want clipped? I'll give you a discount: only 60k for two... limited offer.
I would let a young and really hawt woman shit in my mouth for 35 grand.
You know: a Christina Aguilera or Paris Hilton type of woman.
And I'd eat the shit for an extra grand.

What? :look:
Hey Alec, have you ever seen The Aristocrats? It's a documentary about some running joke that comedians tell each other. The point of the joke is to be as disgusting and vulgar as humanly possible. I think you'd appreciate George Carlin's version.

Anyway, the best thing I could see coming out of this contest is if the winner used the money to do something amazing and historically significant, like say... Invent the time machine or cure cancer. What if Edison had to suck a horse's dick in public in order to get the capital he needed to invent the light bulb? That'd be fucking hilarious!
alec said:
I would let a young and really hawt woman shit in my mouth
And I would let a really hawt woman suck my cock - I think it's supposed to be something you wouldn't actually do for free.
I think it's supposed to be something you wouldn't actually do for free.

That is exactly the point of this contest. If you would do it for free then the general public wouldn't watch or participate, so what would be the sense of having it at all.