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  1. twillight

    Help Me Learn To Play Fallout Tactics

    You got some false info, and even suffer for lacking some. #1 The first/first couple of mission sux, period. Your chance to hit will be really low. Assuming you play on normal, during mission 2-3 you should gain enough points to rise your Small Guns enough (if you have a decent, meaning 6+...
  2. twillight

    Custom Portait I've set

    Funny thing how it actually works soloing Insane Diff. And only used until now the naturaly provided drugs,aka. no specialencounter mayhem. In Brahmin Wood atstart used the Buffot for taggng unarmed at the start. Next in the first building used a rock given for tagging throwing to attract the...
  3. twillight

    Custom Portait I've set

    Ok, this disabled the "take" button, so I had to resize, but still find it c00l.
  4. twillight

    add custom character portrait ...

    #1 Find/create folder: FalloutTactics\core\gui\char Inside that also add folder \big #2 Extraxt with WinRar or similar the file core\entities_0.bos, at least the \tables folder. The content of \core\tables will now be accessible #3 Find the picture you want. Save it as .png, open the fallout...
  5. twillight

    What's the most evil thing you can do in Fallout?

    Optimalized the Gecko Power Plant. And told in Modoc he needs to cut off his pinky to settle the contract. And made him do it.
  6. twillight

    Fallou Tactics: Deathclaw custom?

    The important part: how does the unarmed skill work for deathclaws? Their attack gets better by incrising the skill, or not? What their basic attacks do? (They don't have seocndary attacks.) Second: what'd be a good deathclaw build? Naturally a deathclaw just eats 2*psycho to cover the need of...
  7. twillight

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    My fav is the "who can gimme money for this scrapmetal?"
  8. twillight

    Falout Tactics - Everything Insane

    Sry for the doublepost, but I do it anyway. After a point (from Jefferson or such) Insane Difficulty works this way: - get drug to wield Browning, and have 100%+ dmaage resistance - try to finish the mission - the success barely depends on your tactic (being mostly invincible and such), the...
  9. twillight

    Best Weapons To Use Against Frank Horrigan

    I say you should never use anything else but ROCKS!
  10. twillight

    Raider's Advocate - Is civilization the real enemy?

    Than whose survival is priority#1 at you I've asked. You either value life, or you want instant extinction. If you value life, then don't ask why I value life (in your terms "it makes me happy"), but tell us how you plan to survive! If you don't value life, than stop pretending you don't vote...
  11. twillight

    Raider's Advocate - Is civilization the real enemy?

    And where did I adress those issues? Well, in the last line: "In that case we can lay down and die." But if we add life value for value sake, than life gains the meaning of life existing. Thus future generations of LIFE is good. Not necessarily human life, but who you are voting for in Fallout...
  12. twillight

    Everything about High Charisma Character?

    And in Redux you get something for your higher charisma? Btw, I made and linked chart of 1.27 effect charisma. For the first 1-2-4 mission it has some effect. Then nothing, then on how soon you can get the generals. Check the link in the original post for the chart.
  13. twillight

    Raider's Advocate - Is civilization the real enemy?

    The ultimate dream of anarchy is a society so large and complex that government gets in the way, and people are educated enough to govern themselves. Everyone DOES continuously do what they want, but they work within the frame and strive of the community (better said civilization). They have...
  14. twillight

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    I dunno what's IP, but M rating seems fine to me, and despite me not playing the new games (the quake-engine modern FPSs built on always gave me computer sickness), I do appreciate how they could transfer the originals to a different view/style. From isometric to FPS, form TB to CTB using the...
  15. twillight

    Best pre-made character for Fallout Tactics?

    Seeing a guy recently started a playthrough on insane (of course!) using only Stitch and Farsight and a pre-made character all the way through (he just passed Preoria), I though the title's question. Btw, the guy uses Wilma. In F1-2 the characters provided different approach, although in F2...
  16. twillight

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    For random encounters you rly just should run away. And all the above criticism towards you are valid. You don't even tell what game you play, the questions are overly specific, and lacks chance for communication. I suggest either make a "let's play" thread, OR better a general "fallout 1/2 on...
  17. twillight

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    The only real fight for me is the deathclaws in F1 (from F1-2), and they are optional. In F2 I can end up before the ending clvl 99, 10 all stat, 300% skills all, so I rly not see a point for these threads. Go and start playing for all sake!
  18. twillight

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    For Temple of Trials: punch, than run away. The ants have like 5 AP, the scorpions 6, so you can run up-and-down and not get hurt. I made it with 2 ST, and only tagging energy weapons, so ye, it works. For Klamath Underground: get a weapon. Vic' Pipe Rifle gives you some distance, and you can...
  19. twillight

    Ways to replay Fallout Tactics

    No. You should naturaly play in continuous turn based mode.