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  1. A

    Postworld Update

    :oops: erm...I mean to say that the 2nd tech demo won't feature turn-based combat but the final game will. I knew I would mess something up :) So, no worries guys, no vats no real-time pause crap...good ol' TB all the way. @ ericjones No not really. It's just that my girlfriend said...
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    Postworld Update

    Ooookey then. I'll address all the optimistic and not so optimistic rants of which there are quite a few in point form. (Don't know why point form though...OCD I guess) 1. We will make a total of two Tech Demos. The first one will cover some basics like: interactions with world objects...
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    Postworld Update

    @ PaladinHeart Camera options...check. Not cheesy...check. Moar quest completion options...check. Buildings down if no walls...check.
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    Postworld Update

    @ K.C. Cool Yeah I know....I'm nostalgic :D All cursors are just place holders, this is not to say that we will invent something entirely different. All cursors will remain 2D, no fancy anims or other nicknacks. The main cursor however (the red hex thingy) will have two variants and...
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    Postworld Update

    @ Ravager69 Yep, simple stuff really :lol: @ rehevkor Man, you made my day! Once I got off the damn floor I wrote this: Okey it's not as funny but still. @ Everyone else Thanks guys. We really appreciate your support.
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    Postworld Update

    I meant the tech demo :)
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    Postworld Update

    @ Dude101 This was a pleasant surprise. Thanks a lot for the news post, we really appreciate it :notworthy: @ PaladinHeart A fair point mate. It's hard to please everyone especially when it comes to controls. There are very few games out there that get it right and most of the time...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Walking about Hey Guys, There is yet another update on our blog. Here is the short version :) As always there is a lot going on but unfortunately there's little that we could show off just yet. By next weekend there will be a descent update but...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Hey mate, It's still early to talk about combat, but one thing I can say with certainty is that it's going to be turn based. Kinda :) I was just messing around with materials and transparent shaders and that 'thing' is the result. It's of course in no way a finished asset :wink:
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Video Textures Hey Guys, There is a small update on our blog. We were so excited after we got our Unity Pro licence that we decided to do something to celebrate...and we did. The Pro licence features open a lot of new possibilities and video...
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    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.0 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

    Fallout 2 is brand spanking new again!!! Killap, Killap he is our man....if he can't do it no one can...woohoo! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Yep, that's what I think too.
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Hey bog It's hard to say how it'll turn out, but we will definitely try to stay as true to the Fallout spirit as humanly possible. Not to worry dude pecks, six-packs, steel buns and nice perky racks are not going anywhere. It's just these guys are a bit out of shape.
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Thanks for the comments fellas. We are not nuts...we are fetishists :twisted: I'm glad you guys liked it. To be honest there is a great desire for this project to reach commercial success, but at the same time it's not the financial desires that push us forward it's the thought that we...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Grey, grey, grey...why is everything grey? Hey Guys, There is some new stuff on our blog. It's a short vid actually. Nothing spectacular just lots of nice, grey models that are waiting to be textured. Ain is on a deserved holiday (yeah, right :| ), so everything is a bit colorless and dull...
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    Popular Science archives released

    Absolutely brilliant! This will be a great resource for our project.
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Hey Bengt, To be honest we still aren't 100% sure what we can and cannot do as far as Fallout content is concerned. Once the tech demo is ready we will do a thorough investigation and get proper legal advice on the issue. Right now our only concern is to deliver a decent demonstration of our...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    Yet another update Hey Guys, It's that time of the month again. I know I promised to write an update like 3 weeks ago but what can I say. Here is a link to our latest blog post for those of you who like to look at pretty (and sometimes not so pretty) pictures. This stuff is still in that...
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    Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

    We be back dudes! Hey Guys, I know it's been a while. Lots and lots of stuff happened. I'll try to find some time this weekend to write a decent update. Meanwhile have a look at this here link. It's just some stuff we've been fooling around with. Anyway, it's way past my bed time...