@ K.C. Cool
Yeah I know....I'm nostalgic
All cursors are just place holders, this is not to say that we will invent something entirely different. All cursors will remain 2D, no fancy anims or other nicknacks.
The main cursor however (the red hex thingy) will have two variants and will be quite different from the current one.
When you are not in combat it will be something similar to the way it looks now, but in combat it will change as it will need to give you tactical info and whatnot. Lets say if you move it close to cover it will show you what your line of sight will be when you get to that point and stuff like that. Of course this will be optional and on Hardcore game setting will be disabled completely, so you will only see the standard cursor both in and out of combat.
Now regarding the whole hexes vs. modern engine debate. Although at the time the 'hex' was used due to tech limitations, it did in a way bring that board game feel to the PC. Although there are still a lot of ideas on paper right now we are definitely going to strive to keep that feel. Besides we can always blame it on the fact that our AI navigation meshes are like that (well not exactly but still pretty close).
@ scypior
...it doesn't say anything about other, more important factors: work organization, realistic goals, software development processes and all that things that make difference between properly managed project, and the project that is dommed to fail.
In my opinion such things HAVE to be taken into account as most important, otherwise, well...you've seen it here already so many times.
You're right it doesn't. But in my opinion it's not supposed to either. Would it really change anything if I said that we have targets, internal wiki, commercial grade project management tools and source control? Nope, it wouldn't.
I completely agree with you mate. When it comes to game development or any other ambitious undertaking, enthusiasm alone won't get you far.
But we got all the tools we need (they aren't the most expensive ones out there but they ain't cheap either), we got the skill and motivation.
If you, or anyone else for that matter, are interested in what tools we licensed, what components we use, what are our plans for the future development of this project are. Let me know and will post a coherent answer that should hopefully put everyone's mind at ease at least for a little while
@ Everyone
Guys, since we are on the subject.
What is your opinion regarding us making this thing feel a lot more like a board game in combat?
Would you want to see more PnP features in the game itself?