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  1. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    Thank you ! I have and still do regularly :) My goal is to make a living out of it ( hard but possible ) and this is why I'll be moving to Paris a few months from now.
  2. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    New excerpt from the upcoming EoM E.P ( should be 6 to 8 tracks long ). The song is called "Dread" and is way more agressive and over the top than "Surrender". Enjoy.
  3. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    You can't...yet 8-) Our facebook page / Contre Jour's will point you in the right direction when the time comes. We will release other songs in the weeks to come :)
  4. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    Thank you guys ! It's in the same vein yes. Some songs are more electronic/industrial than this one, others feature eastern instruments more heavily, while some are almost entirely orchestral but all feature the same eerie atmosphere. We are going to unveil new songs on our FB page in the...
  5. M

    The "I'm a musician, kiss my ass" thread.

    I know a few NMAers liked and bought my previous album so I figured I'd do a bit of gravediggin' to introduce my new band. Meet the ... DURR DURR DURR In all seriousness, Engines of Malice is Roxy from Contre Jour ( a cool, semi-famous french cold wave / synth pop band ) on...
  6. M

    Wasteland 2 first look video released, update

    The atmosphere is bleak and the music is spot on. Combat is great. Never liked keyword based dialog systems . . . :(
  7. M

    New Old World : Animated Comics

    A secret project that I have scored and that died for some reason so I figured I'd share these ! "The Dhust Twins" "Gamebook" "Desert Europe / A FALLOUT FANFICTION"...
  8. M

    Wasteland 2 screenshot and tidbits

    I hate to be the one...and I know that gameplay will be very different and probably will make it ok, but I can't help it, the art direction makes me think of another game that I'd rather forget... :|
  9. M

    Olympus 2207 English Demo released

    Done all the music for Olympus but this is the first time I see it in action. Historic moment for me ! :oops: Impressive. So much art was done for it that it doesn't even feel like Fallout anymore and I have to say that it's refreshing.
  10. M

    Silent Hill: Downpour is...

    Have you played Homecoming ? If so, how does it compare to it ?
  11. M

    Brian Fargo on "social" features

    How ? It costs way less to use an engine than to develop one.
  12. M

    Brian Fargo on multiplayer, DLC and quest compasses

    I wouldn't care for a full-fledged Multiplayer mode...but I certainly wouldn't mind a coop feature either. Loved playing System Shock 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 coop and the single player campaign was not impacted in any way by it, in terms of gameplay at least ( no idea how much content was cut...
  13. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    47 days left. This means I'm halfway there as far as time is concerned. However, I'm far from having raised half the money I need for this project. Unlike Wasteland 2, I don't think the Cockroach Sessions is going to reach the success I thought it would. Meh, that's cool though because...
  14. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    You can now preview the STANDARD version ( 14 tracks against 23 for the IndieGogo EXTENDED version ) of the Cockroach Sessions album in its entirety and for a limited time only ! <iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"...
  15. M

    Wasteland 2 Kickstarter goal reached

    Congrats. Going to give 100 bucks myself some time next week. [/nobody cares] Btw : I know they are going with an already existing engine but is it a 2D engine or a 3D isometric one ? Would love a very detailed 2D way more than a detailed 3d...
  16. M

    InXile reveals Kickstarter tier rewards

    So...uhm...they are ok with naming 150 NPCs after contributors ? How could that possibly work ? :| How many NPCs do they plan to have in the game anyway ?
  17. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    Sorry for bumping this once again, will only do so when there are some important news ( like new music ). "The Afterglow" is a limited release track, available with each new purchase of the album until March 25th ( previous buyers are able to download it too ). It's an atmospheric blues...
  18. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    Another tiny update : As a sign of gratitude for those who have bought my album so far : A free, unreleased, track ! It is called "FINAL BOSS : Into the Cockroach Nest" and it's a bit on the trailer music / orchestral / dubstep side. (...
  19. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    UPDATE : The album isn't selling too bad considering it's only been ten days so thank you guys ! PROMO SAMPLER : Three songs from the album : -Olympus 2207 -Man Powered -Mix Into Remix Almost ten minutes of music for those who want to check the album out ! Grab it here !
  20. M

    Fallout-inspired The Cockroach Sessions album released

    UPDATE : This very awkward promo video :mrgreen: ( I hate doing videos but hey I guess it's mandatory if you want to promote yourself... ) EDIT : excuse my shitty french accent. It's better than that usually but I...