Brian Fargo on multiplayer, DLC and quest compasses

Demons Souls had some of the most interesting and unique multiplayer bits so if they decide to model some of that I think it'll work out well.
Distributing limited resources on multi can't be really good. Besides I am pretty sure if the final product is truly a memorable experience something like a co-op mode will probably surface from the modding scene. Think of Jagged Alliance 2 ver. 1.13. Especially if the gameplay is squad-based which requires team work to balance all the weaknesses of individual characters.

System Shock 2 etc which had co-op mp mainstream. It worked fine and didn't impact upon the singleplayer.

Hmmm, I remember a interview with one of the lead developers of SS2 where he mentioned, that in hindsight he would have probably ditched the co-op because it ended up harming the singleplayer in terms of time and development funds. He was not specific but he probably meant that those resources could have been spent refining the SP experience.
Ares said:
Hmmm, I remember a interview with one of the lead developers of SS2 where he mentioned, that in hindsight he would have probably ditched the co-op because it ended up harming the singleplayer in terms of time and development funds. He was not specific but he probably meant that those resources could have been spent refining the SP experience.

"A demo for the game, featuring a tutorial and a third of the first mission, was released on August 2, 1999.[33] Nine days later, System Shock 2 was shipped to retailers[34] and received acclaim from numerous critics.[35] An enhancement patch was released a month later and added significant features, such as co-operative multiplayer and control over weapon degradation and enemy respawn rates"

If he meant the enhancement patch should have been for sp, fair enough. But it was shipped as it was. What I don't get is why people go nutz over the idea of adding co-op even after full release.

I loved playing SS2 SP and I loved playing it CO-OP, SP had the "I'm fucking alone here!" tension. Co-Op had the "Arrgh fucking hell Dave, ROBOT!"
Really looking foward to see the game, seems very interesting.
I never played the first one, so please, excuse my ignorance and punch me lighter if you must.

And Fargo really blew up my mind, finally, a complete game to play since the lauch date without the needing to pay for DLC.
Brother None said:
We have no plans for a quest compass. We are designing this game to maximize exploration and discovery and through good design it should work fine. I like the tension of wandering off and stumbling upon random encounters... makes you pay attention.

Oh yes, this is music to my ears.
I wouldn't care for a full-fledged Multiplayer mode...but I certainly wouldn't mind a coop feature either.

Loved playing System Shock 2 and Baldur's Gate 2 coop and the single player campaign was not impacted in any way by it, in terms of gameplay at least ( no idea how much content was cut from the game to implement coop, which came as a patch after the release anyway as regards SS2 ).

Actually, the SS2 coop mode consisted in what looked like very basic network support and nothing else. You could barely interact with your partner. What made it cool though was the fact that you could simply share the single player experience with someone who had a different character and, thus, address situations in a different way.
Everyone has their own opinion but I can't help seeing the Anti-MP crowd like this..


Grumpy +10 :crazy: !
If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Now ...

If You Lived Here You'd Be Home Now ...

Some player aides record what you've learned and where you've been. Can be on the main screen, or an addendum on secondary pages,

just another part of the GUI.

I'd like to see a dysfunctional GPS / quest compass that is as much a puzzle by itself as it is a parody of ipads and tablets, our 'consuming' electronic culture,

a quizzical, whimsical compass.

I really don't have anything against multiplayer and I thought Demon's/Dark Souls implementation was some of the most fantastically creative design we got in the last 5/10 years, but with such a small budget I don't know if it can be done effectively. It also has to be seamlessly integrated inside the setting so..
I have nothing against a multiplayermode per-se (I sure love some JA2 skirmishes from time to time) but I'd rather they spend all their ressources on the actual important things, like making the actual campaign as good as it can get.

I don't know, I could never play a cRPG proper in Multiplayer.
Meh - I'd prefer is they complete the game then consider multiplayer(e.g. SS2). With a turn-based combat system, all I can think about is a system like Final Fantasy 3 - the primary character controls party movement but in combat the control of the characters is divied among the players.