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  1. C


    I keep wondering, why are bottlecaps the currencty in this game? I know they were the currency in the first game, and that was explained because the hub merchant companies backed them. I know that gold was currency in F2 because their were gold mines in the area, making bottlecaps obsolete...
  2. C

    V.A.T.S. is NOT a combat system

    I think VATS is awesome. And I do not see it as cheating. The game is built around the idea that you'll use it, so the difficulty is set accordingly. I've died quite a few times, either with or without VATS. Also, even though you take much less damage while IN VATS, the moment you come out...
  3. C

    But was the spirit preserved?

    I tend to disagree with the notion that Bethesda are not good writers. i do believe the dialogue can be lacking at times in F3, but I think that is more to do with the fact that this is (AFK) Beth's first attempt at a true dialogue tree, and not a topic list. Anyone who played Morrowind, and...
  4. C

    Did you all forget..

    I agree that the idea of F3 breaking canon is absolute nonsense. Nothing in F3 was ever explicitly stated to be the contrary in the other games. Some things have "changed" as things do in time, and certainly these things can be disagreed with. But it seems that some people are unsure of the...
  5. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    I believe whole heartedly that the dialogue is equally as good in F3 as it was in F1/F2. That is to say, it is decent at best. After playing games like the BG series, The Witcher, and Planescape, even the original fallout games aren't quite as good dialgoue wise. However, because this is a...
  6. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    I'm still getting my sneak skill up. I can now headshot most Super Mutants as well, but the good thing is that the game still feels "dangerous" in a sense. I have noticed some level scaling, but not very much, and at level 9 I am still running into Molerats and Bloatflys, and at Leve 2, I ran...
  7. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    On a similar note, I really like the level scaling I'm feeling in F3. I can totally dominate raiders now, for example, but some super mutants still have my running and hiding. It's a good balance.
  8. C

    Did you all forget..

    I have to disagree that F3 does anything to break canon. It does some questionable things with the lore, and and take some liberties. But I think Beth did that to make the game more enjoyable for fans of the originals, not less enjoyable. There is certainly nothing as canon breaking as...
  9. C

    Something to think about. A few words about Fallout 3 .

    I super enjoy Oblivion. I have a few mods installed myself, but I didn't get rid of the level scaling. I don't really mind it that much, because when I'm playing a game, I try to be immersed and not think about the "game mechanics." Granted, it does get hard to do that sometimes. I DO prefer...
  10. C

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    Another sweet moment was when I was in one of the metro tunnels beneath downtown DC. It was dark, and i was sneaking. I didnt' realize I was literally surrounded by broken old cars. I took out a pack of feral ghouls wih a grenade. About 15 seconds later, a car blows up, and starts a VERY...
  11. C

    Fallout 3. Is it really so bad?

    I'm lost on where this conversation is going, so I'll conclude by saying F3 is awesome. And i'll probably post again when it becomes relevant to the OP.
  12. C

    Did you all forget..

    I have NO idea what that means.
  13. C

    Did you all forget..

    I think I'm seeing the pattern/disconnect here. I am not talking about choices/consequences in the games story. I haven't played enough of F3 to decide how well that is done. F1/F2 were VERY well done in that regard, but I can't compare it since I haven't beaten F3 yet. I'm referring...
  14. C

    Your favorite Fallout moment from F3

    i went into the Capitol building for the first time last night. Awesome. Black Talon mercs duking it out with Super Mutants. They had their own fight going on, and hardly took notice of me. I was legging mutants and mercs left and right with my hunting rifle, and they were none the wiser. I...
  15. C

    Did you all forget..

    As I said, you can make unique characters in both games, just that the original games didn't allow you to do too much with the characters. I do not consider F3's skill system "dumbed down." I consider it to be refined. In comparison, I do consider Oblivion's skill system dumbed down from...
  16. C

    Did you all forget..

    At this point, we are talking system abuse. All the games in the series could be exploited for system abuse and uber characteres. I am not talking about that at all. I LOVE the character creation system in all three games. That being said, I feel like in F3 I can make a more unique character...
  17. C

    Did you all forget..

    To be clear, both character systems in F1/F2 and the newer F3 have their flaws. F1/F2 punished the user for getting too creative. Gambling, Outdoorsman, First Aid when Doctor was available and so on, were useless skills. They weren't useless by themselves, they were useless because the game...
  18. C

    Did you all forget..

    So far, my favorite thing about F3 is that all the skills and abilities and perks are/can be very useful to a particular character. The SPECIAL system has seen a lot of changes since F2, but I really like the changes. I can truly make any kind of character I want now, without the game...
  19. C

    But was the spirit preserved?

    This is my first post here. I absolutely LOVE F3 so far. It clearly shows that Bethesda loves the Fallout franchise, and they did the game justice. It is a very addicting game.