DForge said:
You're very biased, Sander. And you're fighting an impossible battle. To understand the flaws of the game and still love it is one thing, to blindly defend it against constructive criticism is another thing.
I'm not blindly defending it against criticism and I know there are plenty of flaws. Note how I never attacked several of your points. Maybe there's a reason for that, huh?
DForge said:
And accusing me of "not knowing what Fallout is about".. if it wasn't stupid it would be funny

I consider leaving hi-tech stuff available for level 1 character cheap and abusive, what does it have to do with me "not understanding fallout", don't be ridiculous. Just a bad decision of the creators to leave Navarro unscripted and unprotected imho. In every game the best stuff lying in the next room to your starting one is cheap to me, and the argument "you don't have to take it" just doesn't convince me it's ok.
Yes, that's a great comparison right there. High-level stuff in the next room, or high-level stuff in a place you are never, ever going to find, unless you know about it before you start the game.
The reason that this is actually good thing from a Fallout standpoint is to show that the game leaves you free to do whatever you want. That's the basis of Fallout, and one of the main things where Fallout 3 fails (it constantly railroads and restricts you).
Also, if I recall correctly it was bugged and there should've been a (more difficult) check there. Not a level check, though, that'd basically make no sense.
But the idea that it's possible to get high-level equipment as a low-level character = bad game design isn't true.
For instance, in Fallout 1 it isn't that hard to get Power Armor at level 1 (although I think completing the Glow quest gets you to level 2 or 3). Does this mean it's broken?
DForge said:
Just as the argument "most people don't know about it in the first run". Ignorance is not an argument.. Just because I don't know that (hypothetic) 10 mm pistol is bugged and instantly kills everything allows me to say that the game is perfectly balanced? no.
This is a stupid example, again.
The game is an RPG, it should be played as if each character is a blank slate that doesn't know these things.
DForge said:
Yeah, those 10 points refer to fallout 2 in majority (except eye shots and missing at point-blank range). Fallout 1 had different stuff (speed run in like 7 mins), however advanced power armor at least wasn't lying in a unprotected locker. (or power armor for that matter since APA was absent in F1.) I consider Fallout 1 a better game than Fallout 2 in terms of atmosphere, even if it had less lucre and stuff. It was less abusive, too.
Very true.