It Wandered In From the Wastes

chaosapiant said:At this point, we are talking system abuse. All the games in the series could be exploited for system abuse and uber characteres. I am not talking about that at all. I LOVE the character creation system in all three games. That being said, I feel like in F3 I can make a more unique character that I can in F1/F2. Sure, in F2 I could make an alcoholic/abusive gambler, but what did it really mean? That I'd spend the whole game in New Reno? As I said, the first games had the options, but didn't have the gameplay to back them up. I'm already planning my 2nd charcter in F3 to be a female evil character, with a love for fire. I'm sort of picturing a female version of the Joker/pyromaniac.
I'm sorry, but are you serious? How is your character in FO:3 more unique than what you could create in the older games? The stats and skills have been heavily dumbed down. No more uniqueness, just the I can do everything dogma. Not only were there more choices in the older games, but you could actually affect the outcome of entire populations. (without slaughtering the town) This only occurs at the end of the game in FO:3. Nothing you do up until that point has hardly any bearing on the world.
Wait, forgot about Megaton. Other than that though, what kind of impact does your character have on the world that isn't already set in stone by Bethesda?