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  1. mkba

    Fallout 4: GOTY coming soon!

    it easy to understand , the deatclaws can be smart , so he understodd in wich game he are and used console comands to kill himself , case closed .
  2. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    even the bugfixing mods ?
  3. mkba

    Why Game Developers Fear the Steam User

    morocco the only physical offer is about casual games like fifa and cod
  4. mkba

    Why Game Developers Fear the Steam User

    the total opposite of me the i only have 6 legally obtained games in my computer ( fallout 1&2 , arcanum , stalker series ) the rest ( 67 games ) is all cracked , the reason is when you don't have any legal offer avaible in your country you easily turn uourself toward piratery
  5. mkba

    Which difficulty do you like to play on?

    i play the classic fallouts with the highest difficulties ; new vegas with the normal difficulty + HC + jsawyer mod , but i still test new mods to have a challenging and balanced game ( hate bullet sponges )
  6. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    for me the snorks are the least scary of mutants , the chimera is a pain in the ass , the bloodsuckers well usually when i see one i say a big nope , and return to base gathering what left from my courage and back with a pille o ammunition were i use the common tactic of blind fire in hope of...
  7. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    yeah the spawns in misery are quite frustrating ( remember spawning close to a pack of pseudo dogs ( thank you game to help me face my fear of dogs by pushing me into a clusterfuck of dogs who ended up eating me ) ) the snorks are relativly easy to deal with , you wait he jump and you crouch ...
  8. mkba

    Mods you hate or dislike

    the mod that i cannot stand the view is the COMPLETE mod for the stalker series he uterlly destroy the balance of the games and make them too easy
  9. mkba

    a silly question

    thanks for the suggestions i will give it a try
  10. mkba

    a silly question

    so i wish to make a new charachter ( to finally try to have the ncr ening ( 63 LP and none of them are ncr oriented )) ;and recently i just finished for the 5 time the series stalker . then i'm slittly annoyed by the gameplay in new vegas ( bullet sponge pc and npcs ) so i'm asking here is there...
  11. mkba

    What's the most evil thing you can do in Fallout?

    my third lp of fallout 2 when i roleplayed a character who decided " screw arroyo " and decided to pass the rest of my life in new reno in gambling , jet and sex ; in other to substain myselh i decided to become a slaver and sold mirya to begin
  12. mkba

    Fallout 1 mod for fallout New Vegas

    sad that the project was dumped to vats , imo thats how new vegas should have been ...
  13. mkba

    Why one Vault Dweller and not two or three?

    also from another perspective if one vault dweller fail ( like the ghoul with the followers ) the overseers while just send another one .
  14. mkba

    How is Caesar's army not a joke?

    IRC in van buren some artworks showed a motorized vehicule for ceasar so it just the lack of time who makes the legion like it showed in new vegas
  15. mkba

    People dislike Fallout 2?

    the kid who show where your car is ? i tough that was an escaped slave
  16. mkba

    Talking Sporeplant, Yay or Nay?

    i hated this scorpion because whit my 10int char he still manage to beat me on chess ... the glasses are a nice touch since they give you some extra skills in medecine
  17. mkba

    How is Caesar's army not a joke?

    my bad i wasn't so interested in ncr in fallout 2 for personal reasons , and the time of new vegas i discovered that i am more inclinate to join the legion than the opposite ( in fact i never saw the ncr's endings )
  18. mkba

    How is Caesar's army not a joke?

    for the defence of the legion , IRC the ncr itself use or authorise slavery ( the cages outside shady sands in fallout 2 , also the families in new reno and the fucking vault city ( which in my universe is inhabited by corpses ( insult someone in power armor and equiped with plasma rifle is a...
  19. mkba

    The Insidious Design Of Modern Fallout Games

    for me its a mystery , your hatered about new vegas cannot be explained by any logical association ... th topic is , for what i understand , the way that bugthesda design her POS not about obsidian's game
  20. mkba

    is the courrier amnesic or not ?

    trought the mountain of reading that i've done about new vegas , one thing is perpetually changing . a lot of people think that the courier is amnesic due to the bullet in the head , and others like i tought the opposite . so once for all is the courrier amnesic or not ? ps : excuse me for my...