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  1. D

    gun runner's arsenal your thoughts?

    Plus it's just trophies. Do you really need to collect them all to be happy?
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    gun runner's arsenal your thoughts?

    o.o Taking it kinda personal.
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    Different Concepts for the Legion

    I think the problem was there was never a lot of explanation in old enemies, Enclave and the Master were never flushed out that much. And the problem with the legion is you can side with them. And something that shallow just feels wrong since it's like killing someone without knowing the reason...
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    Plasma or Laser

    I also like the Lasers because of the versatility. It has High damage Aka Pew Pew Has Long Range Has Automatic Fire, and has a stun gun if you get the dlc. But no doubt the Plasma Caster is a beast!
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    ED-E lonesome road upgrades

    They should do is give it a triple laser feature! and be all shotgun and stuff! or or give it a ramming melee ability and cover it with spikes! :D
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    Plasma or Laser

    Personally I like lasers because I love! Star wars and Star Trek! I'm not that nerdy about them but the Pew pew of lasers rocks! Plus there is a laser weapon called Pew pew How can you hate that!
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    Guns or Energy Weapons

    Well it's just this was about energy weapons or guns. o.o not really other weapon types. I mean you if given the option of heads or tails you don't call it."On it's side!"
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    Guns or Energy Weapons

    Is it possible to just stay on subject? Please?
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    Unarmed build

    but melee has throwing weapons and unarmed has vat's attacks which is why I was asking o.o
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    10mm .44 Mag or .45 auto?

    Well See I wanted to go with 3 weapons that are about mid way between weak 9mm and .357 mag and super powerful like the 12mm and the .45-70 gov rounds. And I was curious between those 3 since they are non-unique as well.
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    10mm .44 Mag or .45 auto?

    Another debate I think would be interesting as long as everyone doesn't just vote for one gun. 10mm Pistol Classic Fallout pistol that is very early to get and does fairly good damage especially early on. Advantages: Hefty Clip of 12 +4 with mod, Silence capability, and abundant ammo...
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    I feel like a idiot....

    I felt really dumb in OWB when I took my friend to tell me Salient Green is a joke on Soylent Green. And I really liked that movie o.o.
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    Unarmed build

    I was curious of good unarmed build. Like if it's best to go with vat heavy builds or stealth or even a rare Pyromaniac energy weapon build o.o. Could use some help I never made an unarmed build usually I just go with melee. :D
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    Guns or Energy Weapons

    I think a van graff character would be cool!
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Oh mines was funny I wasn't really thinking and I set up a bunch of frag mines to ambush some legion characters well an ncr soldier got caught in the blast and both factions stopped fighting each other and shot me to death :D.
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    Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

    because we like to argue and this subject is so trivial it's fun!
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    Little things you would add to New Vegas

    A mod doesn't really mean it was part of the original game. o.o
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    Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

    Yea but I know Van Buren was the original fallout 3, but I mean Aliens used to be a funny easter egg until the official Fallout 3 made Mothership zeta. So yea.
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    Little things you would add to New Vegas

    I think Goodsprings should have been more personal of a place! Like you can enhance the place and get more people there! I mean they saved your life and helped begin your adventure!
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    Lonesome Road speculation

    To bad he has a flag pole from the cut content and the playing card version of him. And I wanna steal that and beat people with it!