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  1. G

    The Rise and Fall of Troika on the Escapist

    That just means that there's lot of dedication put by some people at fixing every single issue they think is no right in V:B, which is excellent. However, that does not indicate that V:B is exceptionally buggy game compared to most other games, right? I had mutch more issues with Fallout (yes...
  2. G

    Interplay employee back-pay hearing

    Seriusly? I wonder why. :lol: Or is it a new year's prank?
  3. G

    The Rise and Fall of Troika on the Escapist

    As far as I checked the change logs of that fan made patch series for Bloodlines, there was lots of modificiations, that altered the gameplay. Not even majority of them are bug fixes. Oblivion spawned a shit load of gameplay fixing fan made mods within the week of being released. By now...
  4. G

    The Rise and Fall of Troika on the Escapist

    It's funny how I missed all this OMG TROIKA MAKES BUGGY GAMES thing until I learned it from forums like these. I remember when playing Arcanum there were few crashes and performance in Tarant was a bit laggy, but all in all I barely remember these minor glitches till I got teh internets access...
  5. G

    A preview of the new and improved S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

    I could bet my ass that there is no ''other way'' to piss off anyone in the game. It'll be just like in Oblivious. It's the usual marketing hype thingie - they announce that ''in our game there will be x, y, z and many other features'', when in reality it turns out that there are only x, y and z...
  6. G

    Finally someone that saw FO3 up close and personal.

    I once saw a person that killed the man. How's that for a news?
  7. G

    Mega-meta-massive-mungo E3 round-up®

    Jagged Alliance is actually the closest thing to Fallout in terms of combat style and witty, peculiar characters than any game out there (except Torment and Vampire maybe) and it is (or rather was) as open ended as it gets. Now that Mistland are in charge of the JA franchise it's as good as...
  8. G

    J.E. Sawyer interview

    Oh dear, I'm not lecturing or even criticizing NMA just giving my imperssions. I'm not fan of codexe's way of news presentation, but at the same time I see NMA as much more intolerant place overall, considering the actions of particular admins. It's amusing and fun to watch sometimes, but...
  9. G

    J.E. Sawyer interview

    Heh, well, I understand that, it's fine policy and all, but I find ironic that most people, even die-hard codexers find NMA to be most bitter and angry crpg related sites on the internet. Not that I find your stance flawed, but it's kinda hipocrytical, especially knowing how Rosh treats...
  10. G

    J.E. Sawyer interview

    Since when and why? RPGCodex do that all the time. Does NMA have owner that forbids any personal comments to be added to newsposts or is it your own decision? I'm not necessarely an apologist of that kind of attitude, but it kinda spices up the whole thing and I really don't see what's so...
  11. G

    New Dawn Interrogated by Russians, Render a Guy

    This made me loose about half of the appeal the game might had for me. Writers with a lack of imagination = crappy rpg.
  12. G

    JE Sawyer to work at Obsidian

    Heh, Kharn must've been Bethesdas fanboy for a very long time to make such suspicious typos. :D Anyway, I hope Sawyer's siding with Obsidian is just the start of rare decent RPG dev team (I underline - I hope) Tim, Leo, wheeere aaare yooou, jooohoooo...
  13. G


    For me this all sounds more like whining of a spoiled console kiddie, ''Ooooh I want smarter AI, more freedom, better voice acting and no loading time..gimme gimme gimme boohooo.....'' Some relevant points were made considering riddiculously boosted game difficulty by including infinitively...
  14. G

    Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

    No, I do not. How could Iterplay affect future of Fallout 3 or Bethesdas work. They sold the franchise, Beth can do whatever they want with it, except for a Fallout MMORPG, no?
  15. G

    Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

    Come on, how long shall this Interplay corpse-fucking continue. There's nothing significant to talk about them since a long time ago. Why does ''interplay news'' still appear? I don't appriciate necrophilia. *tries not to masturbate too furiously*
  16. G

    Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

    Has anyone encountered a bug that's keeping me away from playing the best RPG of the year? :( When I launch the game the screen turns black. Monitor doesn's go in stand by regime, only the diode keeps flickering. If I alt-tab during starting sequences I can see the intro movies, but it turns...
  17. G

    The Fall released in Germany

    Whoa Dukester, are you waiting for someone to make a barbecue out of your ass? I think you've wondered in the wrong forum. This is NMA, the community dedicated to Fallout. Fallout was an RPG. Only reason why people in here are paying so much attention to Fall, is the fact that it ought to be a...
  18. G

    Favorite Quote

    At Children of the Cathedral area when the bitch in the blue robes is asking about intentions of your visit there. ''Oh, I'm just looking around, checking the constructual weaknesses of this building to burn it down properly''(or smt. like that)
  19. G

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for the 16th

    Which simply means that RPG is bettaa dan FPS. And, I couldn't agree more. 8)