JE Sawyer to work at Obsidian

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
JE Sawyer, former Fallout dev best known for his work on the Van Buren project, is now going to work at Obsidian alongside other former Fallout devs like MCA:<blockquote>Friday is actually my last day at Midway.
So is gaunlet done then Sawyer?
I am going to work for Obsidian, starting Monday.

Can you tell us what you'll be working on, or is it a MYSTARY (sry, couldn't resist)?
Neverwinter Nights 2.</blockquote>NWN 2, huh? Well...uhm...great? Nah

Link: thread quoted from on Mistress' Lair

Spotted at RPGCodex via DaC, plus thanks to Briosafreak
Re: JE Sawyer to work at Oblivion

Kharn said:
JE Sawyer, former Fallout dev best known for his work on the Van Buren project, is now going to work at Oblivion alongside other former Fallout devs like MCA:<blockquote>Friday is actually my last day at Midway.
So is gaunlet done then Sawyer?
I am going to work for Obsidian, starting Monday.

Can you tell us what you'll be working on, or is it a MYSTARY (sry, couldn't resist)?
Neverwinter Nights 2.</blockquote>NWN 2, huh? Well...uhm...great? Nah

Spotted at RPGCodex via DaC

I'm green with envy . . .I wish I could get on with Obsidian
Heh, Kharn must've been Bethesdas fanboy for a very long time to make such suspicious typos. :D

Anyway, I hope Sawyer's siding with Obsidian is just the start of rare decent RPG dev team (I underline - I hope)

Tim, Leo, wheeere aaare yooou, jooohoooo...
I really wish obsidian could reach independent financial success like bethesda, so they could stop making sequel's for Bioware's worst games (not that bioware's games are that awful, i just think they used to be better)
Obsidian`s next game won`t be a sequel of any kind. They already have a forum for it and all, but be warned that it will be a console only release.
Briosafreak said:
You forgot to credit the place of the original posts

But...I don't like Mistress' Place.


Those quotes may be from mistresslair, but Sawyer posted about it on SA earlier.


But...but...but...I can't quote or credit SA, I'll be fucking with their precious dev users if I do. They'll attack me.

Is the reason their first original product will be on consoles only because they aren't financially stable enough to win support for a pc only game? Or is the company simply eerie of going pc only?
Kharn said:
But...but...but...I can't quote or credit SA, I'll be fucking with their precious dev users if I do. They'll attack me.

You should have done it, Kharn, so we could have SA people coming here to inform us that there's a disclaimer hidden in an alt-text in the product details for item #227 in the SA hentai store, which reads: "You Should Not Fuck with J.E. Sawyer's Livelihood by Quoting Him, Paraphrasing Him or Otherwise Acknowledging His Existence."
SimpleMinded said:
Is the reason their first original product will be on consoles only because they aren't financially stable enough to win support for a pc only game? Or is the company simply eerie of going pc only?

PC games are much easier and cheaper to dev than console games. Console game development requires substantial investment in tools, technology and hardware, so it is not the easier route by any means. You can't dev a console game anyway without the approval of the console manufacturer.

BTW, Tim Donley is now at Obsidian...