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  1. G

    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for the 16th

    The engine deals with game graphics/physicues mainly. It has little..erm..nothing to do with plot, dialogue system and role-playing choices that HL2 doesn't include by any means.
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    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for the 16th

    And what do HL2 has to do with this? Are you implying that Vampire is more FPS than something else? Otherwise I can't see the reason for comparison.
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    Fan Film

    Better let him spend all the sparkle on The Article he's working on, not to light the flamethrower for troll-extermination. Btw, where do you get your sparkle, Singularity. Don't you get bored to write down such lengthy, well worked out rants just to attract some game community's flamewar...
  4. G

    EA Shenanigans

    Disagree on sports games. All the major EA's sports game franchises has been quite medicore if not bad for at least 4-5 years from now. Fifa series has been the worst of them. The game series has been dumbed down arcade toy for kids not very familiar with football (soccer) as a sports game...
  5. G

    Fan Film

    Tee hee, Singularity, you're funny, I like ya, burp..
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    The Fall at Gamigo

    Commissar Lauren, I'm curious why'd'ya have Tito as your avatar?
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    Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines for the 16th

    I thought Transiylvania is a region in country we now know as Romania. As for game. Not much to say. I doubt it's any good. Only thing that might attract me is uncommon setting for RPG. Action RPG actually. That's what I hate most. Watched some gameplay footage and interviews with Leon on...
  8. G

    Metalheart demo!

    Aaaaaaaaw, look, Laurant's pretending to speak english. Isn't he cute.. :P Don't get so pitiful, we all love you just the way you are. :D (glavnoje shtob chelovek horoshij bil)
  9. G

    Metalheart demo!

    Yes, my statement was generalization, but hey, what are they for if we never use them. As Commissar Lauren said, I'm latvian from Riga and really have a lots of experience with russians. I don't want to sound arogant, but russians are a bit sluggish when having to become a part of foreign...
  10. G

    Fallout fans are the worst?

    Wonder what would be ''good demeanor'' of gaming community by he's standarts. Daily asskissing and ccocksucking rutines at dev's official board? Or senssles requests of new kewl swords n armors, evading more serious talks. Comparing Fallout community with british soccer fans is plain stupid...
  11. G

    Metalheart demo!

    Russians have kown weakness in learning foreign languages. Believe me, I know. That's why they should've hire someone who's native language is english, but it's sure cheaper to do the silly translation such as this by yourself. Character generation is quite strange. Do you think it makes...
  12. G

    IPLY won a law suit?!

    It seems that Herve's on the roll. :lol:
  13. G

    Metalheart demo!

    I really do hope that this demo is heavily limited both gameplay and location/NPC wise. Firstly, the presentation. Graphic aren't great. They lack smoothness and aren't even a match for BG2 or FOT. They would rather be comparable to Jagged Alliance 2 or Arcanum only more detailed. Animations...
  14. G

    Fallout tidbit in Oblivion preview

    Yes, (un)support of TB combat is really the most important aspect of your ''technology''. Frankly, I don't care about camera viewpoint if it's possible to play in a full TB mode. I don't expect a crystal clear answer, but you could give us a hint whether it is possible at all to tweak your...
  15. G

    Fallout tidbit in Oblivion preview

    Why do they talk about this ''technology'' thing all the time. Do they imply not using the TES engine for F3? Or ''not quite using'' it? Or only utilizing some parts of that engine, but modifying the other. You can call it nitpicking, but usually when company has intention to make a game on...
  16. G

    The Fall voice recordings

    The way I see it, they've forced Cloony and Wayne to speak german. Man, this is not only expensive, it's hillarious too. :D EDITED: What do they actually mean by saying that they'll use ''german voices of...''?! And yes, just now I realized that J.W. is dead for good. Man, this is weird.
  17. G

    Surprise - a talk with Leon!

    It worked fine for a starwars game where meelee weapons are the main tools of destruction and if we talk about phase-based combat, I preffer Wizzardry's. Quit denieing that TB is the only good option for ranged combat. It gives you more tactical approach and complete freedom of choice on how...
  18. G

    Surprise - a talk with Leon!

    Ranged combat based RPG should be TB. Just try to play Another War or FOT(in CBT mode). You'll see how sucky is to shoot with gauss rifle in realtime.
  19. G

    Surprise - a talk with Leon!

    Oh, you're so wrong. Although combat system isn't the thing that's first of importance in RPG, it's one of the things that can make otherwise excellent game not so excellent overall. Planescape is absobloodylootely genial game and I'd rate it 10 out of 10 if it wasn't that shitty tedious...