I really do hope that this demo is heavily limited both gameplay and location/NPC wise.
Firstly, the presentation.
Graphic aren't great. They lack smoothness and aren't even a match for BG2 or FOT. They would rather be comparable to Jagged Alliance 2 or Arcanum only more detailed. Animations are poor by today's standarts too. Anyway, this isn't what we're most concerned of, are we?
The music is ok. It fits the setting quite well and doesn't annoy. However it's may be too simplistic. Some low quality midi ambience isn't what we expect of game which is released in year 2004. Even from RPG, especially recalling the great soundtracks of Fallout, Arcanum, BG. Although I like that every location including indoor ones has some specific sound sequences. Got to love that mutant trio band performed background music in the ''bar''.

Maybe there'll be lots of different music that will compensate the lack artificial value of it.
Sound effects? They are awfull. How is it even possible to make it this bad now days? Contra on SNES consoles had better gunfire sounds, not to mention completely retarded banging sound of footsteps GameMaster mentioned. The same on every surface.
What makes me most dissapointed is the holowness of the locations/NPCs and totall lack of dialog choices.
There are lots of useless buildings that you cannot enter and objects you cannot interact. It's rather annoying that you should cross a large area with buildings, entrances and other random objects all of which are just a generic decoration to make the location larger.
Considering the presence of quite clumsy pathfinding of characters it's even most irritating. Sometimes they stuck somewhere without obvious reasons. They can't enter a lot of areas which should be ''enterable'', such as bushes etc. One of the chars usually delay he's movement after the mouse click and has to catch up which is bad if you want to make quick corporate attack on an enemy.
NPCs has almost no dialog options. Only talkative NPC I came up was priest in the ''church'' building, but to the 5 of not too inspiring questions I was able to ask he answered only with some nonsensless praising of their god or leader. All the other NPCs had only some generic phrases or you could observe their conversation with your char without any participation from your side.
I though Akella guys ment something different when they promised a dialog threes. I want to climb those threes not to take a nap under them.
The quest we were offered to do suffers the lack of imagination: find the neckless, kill the rats; get some shitty shovel sharpened; kill the mutant, earn the respect of locals. Blah

And yes, english translation is awfull. I'm expecting a russian version (it had the option at instalation, but it isn't in there) which I hope will be more decent in terms of ''language''. I can only feel sorry for those stuck with the half arsed english conversion. I think they should've find some russian speaking american/briton to translate the game instead of using an english speaking russian which I'm sure they did.
I think the combat could be quite entertaining, but we will be able to rate it only in full version with all the gunns and other stuff. The ability to determine how many action points you can spend on shot thus increasing the accuracy is very much like JA2. Ability to make precision shots and change stances almost makes it perfect although I'm not sure about efectiveness of cover. I though there weren't many places to take it.
According to available shop items seems there will be lots of ''stuff'' in the game which could be only good.
Despite all the critticism, this seems to be a game with potential as Odin said. I like the setting, the feeling. The plot may turn out to be quite exciting and the world they builded seems to be a result of a hard work, but as said at the beginning I sure hope that at least 50% of the mentioned flaws are consequence of demo restrictions.