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  1. V


    Well it was in fallout 2, so it wouldn't surprise me if bethsoft put it in the next fallout considering their track record. But anyway, I think it's a good idea. As long as it's implemented in some way where it's a mandatory thing or do what dragon age did.
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    New vegas map grid question

    Think about it though... FO1&2 would take a day or more to move across the diameter of a town. So it wasn't exactly realistic. Just sayin'.
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    Favorite TV?

    Bleach, death note and dragon ball
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    I want an old school Fallout game again

    They could've fixed that by adding randomness into the traveling like in FO1&2 by using a map travel system.. One thing that pissed me off was the final fantasy8 bs and essential people not marked essential dying due to being spawned in hostile locations. I.e Sydney and the 5 or 6 merchants.
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    Suggestions on how to use the rest of my bandwidth?

    Streaming is always the best way to go with porn. Variety=happy dong :D
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    What Remains: A Singleplayermod Basing on the FOnline Engine

    I like where this is going :D I agree with you on merging the guns. It's no big deal. IMO. Just because you CAN do jack of all trades doesn't mean you have to.. Just tag useless skills. Keep going man!
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    Suggestions on how to use the rest of my bandwidth?

    Thanks for the suggestions, but downloading porn seems kinda pointless when I could just stream it :mrgreen: Never thought about downloading hi res stuff before though, especially coming from new zealand where bandwidth is expensive. I got some 1080p movies and pics of solar systems and the...
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    The ambiguously gay Legion

    They weren't gay were they? They had wives and children didn't they? While being homoerotic. And people nowadays only really see the stereotypical gay, which gets conveyed as gay people being poofy and feminine, which obviously wasn't the case in history in most cases.
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    Chinese Stealth Armor

    You can find it on a terminal at hoover dam somewhere telling you about the Chinese stealth suits that they got in. Otherwise it's just good looting that will help you find it. And OP post.
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    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    Goddamn sneaky Russians never cease to amaze me.
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    My followers exhibit symptoms of a severe Poison allergy...

    Hardcore+companions= wait at safe location so I can take advantage of companion perks.
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    Im considering to buy NV but there are some things...

    My new Vegas worked perfectly on 360. Noting that I explored every region and quest, expanding the save size which generally slows down fallout 3&NV, had no effect on freezing. Only problem that I have ever had with fallout3&NV is that it might freeze after playing for 4+ hours at a time, only...
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    Gamers heart Japan

    I would put Japan and Nobuo Uemetsu's d*** in my mouth...
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    Rather strange keyboard problem

    Lol gotta agree with skull. But you never know, one man's rubbish is another man's treasure.
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    Suggestions on how to use the rest of my bandwidth?

    Got 100bg left, what to do? Got a week to use it all.
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    Dealing with the NCR Mercs at Jacobstown

    I stuck with Marcus. I either speech checked one game or paid them off myself. Couldn't turn in my favorite mutie.
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    Which would you rather see?

    First person would be cool. If it wasn't a shitty herp derp action adventure. Don't know about porting it though. Seems kinda pointless. I only play fallout 1&2 every now and then, not something I'd pay for again on a different platform. Still a good idea though but would need major gfx buffing...
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    In my opinion Fallout 3 is truest to Fallout 1.

    I don't think so... Fallout 3 seems a little random. Nothing makes sense. Big town, the place with the two cannibals families, grayditch, nuka cola quantum lady and her bitch, dave's republic. Slavers could enslave them in an instant. Deathclaws could have a tasty snack. Nothing is guarded to...
  19. V

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Well considering in this non canonical world, there is a different strain of FEV, right? Then how is it wrong if they behave differently? Just my 2c. I personally only thought of them as an income of xp, ammo and caps.
  20. V

    Gamefaqs says FO3 one of greatest games of decade.

    Well this shit bucket of a game brought me FO1&2. So in a way... It is deserving. And in an adventure, action way which caters for the so-called average gamer which is apparently 12 years old who isn't even allowed to play this game...