Favorite TV?


Ok, so what are you watching and liking.

I have been enjoying Justified, although last season was better. I am also having fun with Archer. Last night's episode was awesome. "It's OK. It was just cancer sex."

Can't get into the Borgias. Maybe I am being a defensive Catholic, although I am good with all the corruption.

Is True Blood really just a soap opera about necrophilia or am I missing something?

Been trying to get the wife into Boardwalk Empire, but she doesn't dig it yet.

Anyone watch the BBC show MI-5/"Spooks" after second season? Any good?

Worth the video rental- Deadwood, Breaking Bad, The Shield, The Wire, Seinfeld and Curb your Enthusiasm. Ok, Dexter too. Walking Dead- awesome, but wait till they replay it. Its only like 6 episodes.
I didn't really see the appeal of Justified. The premise just seemed too stupid to me.

Hadn't heard of The Borgias before, but it looks like something I'd really enjoy.

Sons of Anarchy is really good, for those not watching it yet. Bikers, IRA, drugs, intrigue and a little Hamlet. Great stuff.

Game of Thrones seems pretty interesting, too. Sticks very closely to the source material, though, but very well made.

And of course, Doctor Who returns tomorrow. Love that series.
Started watching Game of Thrones and thought... hmmmm... its either Lord of the Rings or Excaliber with lots more sex.

This is the problem with HBO and cable shows, they think they need to get heavy excessive sex. I started watching the Sparatacus show on Starz and thought- jesus this is almost pornography.

Give Justified a shot. Its based on Elmore Leonard and the first season was probably the best new thing to come out. I can understand why the premise- Kentucky Marshal service, might not appeal, but so much of US TV is urban and either New York or Los Angeles. Justified does a pretty good job of doing Kentucky/West Virginia- poor rural Americans living in isolated communities that are very insular and have their own culture. The stories also play against the stereotype of "stupid inbreed hillbilly" and actually develop fairly complex characters with their own sense of law and order. The subtext- methamphetine production- is also something that doesn't get nearly enough attention but is a big problem in rural areas.

Started watching Sons of Anarchy and couldn't get into it. Too much macho bullshit. That most of them are 40-50 plus, though suggests (correctly) that the biker gang is soon to be a thing of the past.
.Pixote. said:
WelcomeToNewReno said:
Anyone heard of The Big Bang Theory?

Heard it, watched it, hated it...these American comedies are one dimensional. :|
I'm not even sure how the stagnant sit-com model still exists after all these decades. They are all really bad, almost like satires of bad sit-coms, but they're not. Who the fuck watches 2.5 Men? It''s wretched. I think the most depressing thing about the Charlie Sheen crusade was finding out he was the highest paid TV actor. For doing what?

Started watching Game of Thrones and thought... hmmmm... its either Lord of the Rings or Excaliber with lots more sex.
I was hoping for something more Conanian and less Aaron Spelling soap opera-ish.

This is the problem with HBO and cable shows, they think they need to get heavy excessive sex. I started watching the Sparatacus show on Starz and thought- jesus this is almost pornography.
Yeah and when you strip away the gore and sex, most of it is just run of the mill serial soap opera stuff underneath. Take away the mafia and the strip club from Sopranos and it's not all that different than 90210.

2nd season of Spartacus is particularly crass, especially without the righteous presence of the titular character. It's like all Romans do is fuck and stab each other?
Take away the mafia and the strip club from Sopranos and it's not all that different than 90210

Well said, the reason I dont watch any of these shows.

Sometimes the characters are likeable enough for me to watch TV, but im mostly a games/movies/history/science channel guy, the latter getting too hipster these days. "F'in Science!" really? :roll:

So, I like House, Human Target, Lie To Me, basicly the fun not too serious dramas.

Mad Men I watched quite a few episodes. Started feeling 90210ish though.
The Wire isn't worth a rental. It's worth a purchase, and the building a shrine for. And daily watchings.

Mad Men and Breaking Bad are also great shows; about ad agencies in the sixties and making and selling meth, respectively.

Borgias had a good premiere but the second episode hasn't been able to hold my interest for long.

I started watching Underbelly, a show based on organized crime in Australia. It's pretty good, if slow to start.

Archer is excellent. H. Jon Benjamin is the best VA ever. I watch it along side the Venture Brothers because why not.

Shameless on Showtime was excellent. In short, it's the most dysfunctional family ever. It's also hilarious.

Fringe is excellent, and despite it's habit of answering questions with questions, you keep coming back.

Burn Notice is excellent and bears lots of watching. If you don't mind the little things, it's beyond awesome.

Justified is also excellent.
Mostly stupid sitcoms (Scubs, How I met your mother, According to Jim, stuff like that) and cartoons (hell yeah, Spongebob :D)
Cimmerian Nights said:
Yeah and when you strip away the gore and sex, most of it is just run of the mill serial soap opera stuff underneath. Take away the mafia and the strip club from Sopranos and it's not all that different than 90210.
Eh, to an extent. Most HBO shows have a little more to them, Deadwood specifically is very very good. But then there's stuff like True Blood which is just a soap with softcore porn.

welsh said:
Started watching Game of Thrones and thought... hmmmm... its either Lord of the Rings or Excaliber with lots more sex.

This is the problem with HBO and cable shows, they think they need to get heavy excessive sex. I started watching the Sparatacus show on Starz and thought- jesus this is almost pornography.
Eh, I can take or leave the sex and nudity in those shows, they're not an important part of the show. If you look past that a lot of those shows have an excellent plot, good storytelling and consistent characters with their own motivations. The latter is often hard to find in other shows.

Though I don't know about Spartacus, never watched that.

welsh said:
Give Justified a shot. Its based on Elmore Leonard and the first season was probably the best new thing to come out. I can understand why the premise- Kentucky Marshal service, might not appeal, but so much of US TV is urban and either New York or Los Angeles. Justified does a pretty good job of doing Kentucky/West Virginia- poor rural Americans living in isolated communities that are very insular and have their own culture. The stories also play against the stereotype of "stupid inbreed hillbilly" and actually develop fairly complex characters with their own sense of law and order. The subtext- methamphetine production- is also something that doesn't get nearly enough attention but is a big problem in rural areas.
Well, I've got Breaking Bad for the meth angle.
I'll see if I can get to Justified at some point, but neither the subject matter nor the style really clicked for me. I had the same thing with Mad Men: I could see it was a good, quality show but I really wasn't engrossed by the show and didn't really care about the subject. Perhaps it's too specifically American for me to appreciate it.
The only new (to me, anyway) television show I've liked lately is the BBC series Being Human. Yes, it's vampires and werewolves which ought to be lame, but I always get the feeling the show is half parody and half serious, and now and then it has some surprisingly good moments. There's a SyFy clone series with the same title but I watched one episode and found it less cool than the British original.

I cannot fathom why anyone likes the new Doctor Who. After ignoring it for the past six years I watched a few episodes about six months ago, and discovered it to be one of the worst shows ever created in the history of television. It's an incoherent mess. At first I was angry but then I went back and watched Ark in Space with Tom Baker. Hadn't seen it in years and it cleansed my soul and now I just ignore the new Doctor Who again. Never have so many done so little starting with so much.
The only new show I'm following now is House, though I'll watch GoT in time.

I hear My Little Pony is doing some pretty good crossovers.

UniversalWolf said:
The only new (to me, anyway) television show I've liked lately is the BBC series Being Human. Yes, it's vampires and werewolves which ought to be lame, but I always get the feeling the show is half parody and half serious, and now and then it has some surprisingly good moments. There's a SyFy clone series with the same title but I watched one episode and found it less cool than the British original.

I cannot fathom why anyone likes the new Doctor Who. After ignoring it for the past six years I watched a few episodes about six months ago, and discovered it to be one of the worst shows ever created in the history of television. It's an incoherent mess. At first I was angry but then I went back and watched Ark in Space with Tom Baker. Hadn't seen it in years and it cleansed my soul and now I just ignore the new Doctor Who again. Never have so many done so little starting with so much.

The new Doctor Who has a ton of really good episodes. There's a couple of really shit episodes, though, and if you have the bad luck of catching those you won't really get it.

Still, I love both the New and the Old Doctor Who (which had a ton of shitty episodes too). And not to be an ass, but the Old Doctor Who was an incoherent mess most of the time too. It's just obscured by the veil of nostalgia.
Per said:
The only new show I'm following now is House
House jumped the shark when House went to therapy. Hollywood worships therapy.

Sander said:
And not to be an ass, but the Old Doctor Who was an incoherent mess most of the time too. It's just obscured by the veil of nostalgia.
Actually it's the new Doctor Who that's obscured by a veil of anti-nostalgia. People want so much for it to be good that they ignore it's overwhelming lousiness.

Psychic Paper. River Song. Winston Churchill fighting the daleks. A TARDIS control room dressed out in puke yellow. Deus-ex-machina: how many can we fit in one episode? Sonic screwdriver as technological magic wand. Lame in-jokes that aren't funny. Horrible music. The Doctor as celebrity superhero. Canon mangled beyond recognition. This is Michael Bay doing Doctor Who on a low budget.

Really? You fail to notice these things? I don't think I'm the one peering through a veil. All I asked was that they not screw it up. I was disappointed. So I went back and watched Ark in Space, Revenge of the Cybermen, Terror of the Zygons, and Pyramids of Mars. They have their faults, but not one of them is an incoherent mess.
UniversalWolf said:
House jumped the shark when House went to therapy. Hollywood worships therapy.

Well, one man's "jumping the shark" is another's "let's bump the basic premise to keep things fresh". If you're referring to

[spoiler:dbdc249758]his stay in the psychiatric ward, that wasn't all good, but it didn't last longer than a double episode and it did put a stop to the Vicodin business which had been going on for 46 seasons.[/spoiler:dbdc249758]

If you're referring to something in the 7th season, I haven't seen it yet.