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  1. Briosafreak

    Concept art from old InXile Wasteland project

    Exactly, that should be the way to go.
  2. Briosafreak

    The Origins of Fallout, Part 2

    This is Fallouticious. :clap:
  3. Briosafreak

    The Origins of Fallout, by Lead Designer R. Scott Campbell

    It wasn't me, but most of the Van Buren wiki stuff came from me, Odin, Killzig or kumquatq3, with additional stuff from Kharn, Stillife, you and NCR_Ranger, Ausir and others just compiled it. We should start checking notes and recollections, and I should really dig again on the Van Buren Leaks...
  4. Briosafreak

    The Origins of Fallout, by Lead Designer R. Scott Campbell

    A proper document, distributed in .pdf here to the community, and later expanded and sold on the new digital platforms, to reach a wider audience, and get NMA some funding for, hmmm, new ideas and experiments. Might work. Has to be a collective endeavor though, to allow more objectivity and...
  5. Briosafreak

    The Origins of Fallout, by Lead Designer R. Scott Campbell

    Great read, truly excellent. He should expand this and create one of those small digital books to sell on amazon and Itunes, it would sell like cupcakes. Come to think of it we should do one of those things, not about the beginning but about the ending of old Interplay, with the proceeds...
  6. Briosafreak

    Fallout 3 concept artist Adam Adamowicz passed away

    The voice of Lilly on New Vegas passed away yesterday too. David Anthony Pizzuto.
  7. Briosafreak

    Fallout Archaeology: Foreigners about Fallout

    Actually that's the ultra high def version I was looking for, seems I did send it to Odin, and not just the HD one. Goody. You should mark that one with a warning to historians, since that's the original image given by the author. It's true Fallout memorabilia. I'll scan the French Joystick...
  8. Briosafreak

    Fallout Archaeology: Foreigners about Fallout

    Looked everywhere and can't find it. It's somewhere on the servers, together with the ultra high-def Vault Dweller on the desert pic, the one I found is the high def version that I also got. If one of the admins has time to serch the folders on the server they must be there, somewhere.
  9. Briosafreak

    Fallout Archaeology: Foreigners about Fallout

    I once scanned the French Joystick with Fallout 2 and send it to NMA, it must be there somewhere.
  10. Briosafreak

    Bethesda gets FOOL rights, Interplay gets $2 million

    They also loose any rights to market Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics after December 2013, and MastHead didn't get a dime on a separate settlement. My thoughts go to Chris Taylor, I hope he'll be fine after this mess.
  11. Briosafreak

    Old World Blues wins 'Best DLC' award at IGA 2011

    What Tagaziel said. This post is brilliant. It's good to know there are still such well thought, well written posts in this old Cafe of Broken Dreams that is NMA.
  12. Briosafreak

    NMA was hacked

    The "teatime is dead" joke isn't funny, it happened to me once here at NMA with all sort of bizarre consequences. :puke:
  13. Briosafreak

    NMA was hacked

    Sure :hatersgonnahate:
  14. Briosafreak

    NMA was hacked

    Teatime is alive and well, we remain in touch.
  15. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road out for PS3 in Europe

    The PSN was completely down just now, panic on Twitter and Google+
  16. Briosafreak

    Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road released on Steam/PSN NA

    Hey why I don't get those gifts? I can't use the damn credit card, curses... A bit of a shame the story of Victor seems to have been cut out of the original game, and doesn't appear to be shown in this last DLC, I'm a bit disappointed.
  17. Briosafreak

    Lonesome Road Holotape #2

    The trailer is out
  18. Briosafreak

    Lonesome Road Holotape #2

    4Too is still my favourite poster, after all these years. Great tease indeed.
  19. Briosafreak

    Lonesome Road speculation

    Yes please! I think DevilTakeMe is on to something here, very interesting idea.
  20. Briosafreak

    Legendary modder interview: Killap

    Idem. And in my case it's two generations using your work Killap, my kid uses it too.