Mr Fish said:Yeah I couldn't hear you over the radio where they nag about penis tipped feet. (This is not meant as a flamebait.)
There might be more to Big Empty than meets the eye, but I didn't understand some of the references and the place was too crowded with talking roboscorpions and radio chatter from a bunch of twats to really notice.
Like that, Yangtze thing, I have no idea what that is, I could look it up now but that doesn't change that I reacted to it like "meh" when I first found it.
As for the dark aspects of it, I saw some, sure, but every time I started thinking about what they were doing a nighstalker came an interrupted me.
Anyway, my point with the Fallout 2 reference way back is that, in Fallout 2 I never saw it as having a lulzy front with a deep dark atmosphere underneath.
I saw it as having a deep dark atmosphere with some lulzy moments spread around.
OWB, to me, felt like a muffin with so much frosting on it that it's as big as a cake.
The frosting is the lulzy stuff, the muffin, is the dark parts.
It's so covered in ridiculous crap that whenever something dark came up I couldn't stay focused to it, because the time between that dark past history spot and the next would be filled with talking robot scorpions and radio chatter.
Maybe it's my fault for not being able to properly separate the two elements of OWB, but the lulzy stuff and repetitive tedious and frequent enemy encounters was far too overwhelming for me to even see the other element most of the time.
Yes, it is your fault that you're unable to delve deeper into OWB than its most superficial of features.
Old World Blues isn't your typical GRIMDARK horror. It doesn't fling DARK AND MOODY ambience at you constantly to tell you how HORRIBLE it is.
As Elijah put it, Big Empty is a scientific graveyard of Old World misery. You see elements, remnants of pre-War achievements. Some of it are superficially funny, at least until you consider their true nature.
The Think Tank may be amusing, yes. After all, who doesn't laugh at penis-tipped feet or obsession about Teddy Bears? It ceases to be hilarious, at least for me, that these lobotomized zombies are all that remains of the greatest minds of pre-War America. Geniuses, reduced to disembodied, rambling brains. Insane robobrains that at the same time pose a great threat to the wasteland.
"Who are you, who do not know your history?"
Then there are traces of pre-War glory, of achievements that could've averted nuclear disaster. Synthesizers that could create food from inorganic material, indestructible holograms and holographic devices that could revolutionize medicine and warfare, advanced robots fit for all manner of duty, weather control that could change deserts into arable land, genetic splicing... All solutions to problems plaguing the pre-War world: famine, resource shortages, war.
I don't find the fact that they were lost due to human greed and malice amusing. Underneath superficially lulzy content lurks a hideously dark story. Keep that in mind the next time you're hounded by insane lunatics in this graveyard of Old World America.