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  1. G

    New animations 2

    If you knew just a little about fallout (you know, this game this forum is about?), you'd know this animation is based on the original one. Prosper, I don't know what's with you lately, but you need either to calm down or get banned. Thanks! The thing with the hat is that it doesn't fit in...
  2. G

    New animations 2

    Thanks guys. I think I am going to complete one direction each month, so in 6 month from now, there should be a new mobster around, probably with the regular rifle and the tommy gun, since I need to do the normal rifle anyway to make the other one. I realised the f2 mobster doesn't have a kick...
  3. G

    New animations 2

    OK, I wanted to check the doability, so I made some frame model for the south east direction, and it doesn't take much more time than the regular new critter. I made it realy quickly so there are some flaws here and here. I am not sure I will complete it yet cause of lack of time, but I am...
  4. G

    New animations 2

    I also would like to see the bouncer without the hat, maybe even with another head than the hero one? As for a resized made man, that gave me this idea: Uploaded with This one is more doable, compared to the reaver one,. I had wanted to make a man in a suit for a long...
  5. G

    Bethesda vs Interplay on Fallout Online

    I never said I had the magik solution hidden in my socket, and that I was kind enought to unveil it now, I am not that pretentious. Free to play game already have the possibillity to choose the one account per player policy, but no mean to enforce it. Commercial game could enforce a one account...
  6. G

    Bethesda vs Interplay on Fallout Online

    Meh! Yes I can :D Real life (as game theories) is also free and open pvp in a way. In fact it is historically and socially proven, that cooperation is more rewarding than aggressiveness. I want a world where pvp is a tool for greater realism and not an end in itself, a world where it is...
  7. G

    Bethesda vs Interplay on Fallout Online

    Hey, that's a really good comparison, I will keep it. I kinda think myself that the pvp games disrupt the rules of the game theories, that the cooperative strategies ('tit for tats' and such) should be the more rewarding in the long term, Instead...
  8. G

    Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 2

    This is great...Welcome back, Fallout !!!
  9. G

    Fallhope Van Buren PC asset conversion

    Probably just a little mistake, the legs should do the same move as this one : I am sure they are going to fix it very quick. Anyway, this is really great work, I'd love to see a video of this model ingame now... :D
  10. G

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    If that's the case I am a little disapointed in Sawyer then. I also am very fond of the story of this little town that hated tyrans so much it became a republic, that differentiate freedom and liberty and when it's army grow too strong, it became an empire dictature. But if I were to use this as...
  11. G

    Fallout: New Vegas E3 Trailer

    I wonder if the concept of roman empire has been inspired by the comicbook Jeremiah (yes the one that "inspired" the tv-show of the same name, except the tv-show is upper crap compared to the comic). Basicly in a post-apocalyptical USA, a rich crazy dictator of a little kingdom disguise his army...
  12. G

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    Coz Ridlez Scott liked it so. Even if it were on the side where the drum is, you wouldn't necessarily see the bullets. Still and again, to look cool. No. Coz it already has one drum. Future autorecoil laser Science thingie? perhaps. I am not...
  13. G

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    Well, there is only one drum for the 5 bullets. "Irl", it should fire .44, only in fallout does it use .223, to justify the amount of damage i guess or just for the lolz. And the 2 triggers are the remant from the rifle, left there because it looked cool. Anyway, I wouldn't care too much about...
  14. G

    RL Weapon stats mod + Armor chnages

    I always thought the .223 was the exact contrary of a submachinegun, (an automatic rifle that shoot pistol bullets), a sort of übergun, a pistol that shoot rifle bullet. Plus it has a cylinder. You don't see a lot of automatic revolvers i think. But I am in no way a gunmaster. Regarding the...
  15. G

    New animations 2

    The hippie sniper looks georgeous... Can't wait to play with it! Sadly the lobotomite is just a test, it takes too long to make, something like 90 sec each frame, multiplied by 30000, hiek! I think I found a way to ease the processe: pasting the pants and the helmet at the same time; or...
  16. G


    I read Boulet regularly, some of the strips are weirdly translated, but there is a bonus in the comments... But also drowtales, a story about dark elves, big archive, daily update you have to be into fantasy though: Through menage à...
  17. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    A question I wanted to ask for some time, is it possible to use the fan-made models built for other games? I am thinking of the GTA ones, some of them are actually cars from the 50s :
  18. G

    JE Sawyer on guns & gender

    Totally true. True for the rocket launcher and the flamer, otherwise I d say that the rest of the big gun fit really good together, so do the rest of the weapons in their respective categorie. So I wouldn't personly use two exceptions (maybe more?) to say that all weapon should be merged in...
  19. G

    JE Sawyer on guns & gender

    Herr Mike wrote Yeah but try it the other way around, since Laser gun shouldn't have any recoil, if you trained only with them, I don't see any reason why you would be a crack shot with any old school rifle. Flamer doesn't have any recoil either and certainly require a whole different...
  20. G

    Scenery stuff and such...

    You did such a great job that now the original trucks look out of place... :D