Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 2

The only thing stopping me from enjoying Fallout 3 as a game(unrelated to the real Fallout games) were the completely retarded dialogues, lore and overall shitty writing.
I like sandbox games, I really do. I just cant stand how retarded, boring and badly designed most of them are. Fallout 3 was no different.

Dead Guy kudos for the Opeth signature.
I love the fact that BoS isn't anymore the Boy-Scout faction of the Wastes. Plus the 4-eyes trait sounds pretty cool :D
bhlaab said:
I'm not sure that would even be a bug. It's been said that all the currencies have exchange rates.

So it's not like you'd turn 45 caps into 45 chips into 45 NCR dollars.
You'd turn 45 caps into 10 chips into 500 NCR dollars etc.

Are you sure?

NCR dollars are devalued compared to bottlecaps and even more devauled to Legion coins.

I doubt that "devalued" means like "200 dolars = 20 bottlecaps", because it's all numbers. I thought more like the following thing:

40 dollars = 1 knife; 500 bottlecaps = 1 knife; 40 dollars = 100 bottlecaps.

Or something. This would mean that they are devalued in the bottlecap-using-world compared to their usual value. Because if it's simply big number of dollars equal to small number of caps, then there would be more dollars in circulation as well, so it will be the same thing, just with bigger numbers - and this is realistic. So I thought that this makes no sense.

But then, maybe you could buy something with your NCR dollars, and sell it to another merchant for bottlecaps (or Caesar coins), and the loss will be based on your Barter skill (this could result in a big loss). Also, it's expected to get lots of loot from killing stuff (lol), and you'd choose where to sell it.

By the way, I love how they've invented original functions for stuff like perks/traits or poker chips (especially the Comprehension bonus for temporary boosts) - I'd love even more to see everything in the game with a real, irreplaceable function (Barter was replaceable by just getting more stuff, also the +bonus carry weight perks, because you may drop your load and return, it's all features that can be replaced in the long-term by spending additional time for trading; a simple +1 HP bonus is irreplaceable). But I doubt they would add this.

Low intelligence options have actually been confirmed, though they won't be the 'every line is replaced by mindless gibberish' they were in Fallout 1 and 2, but more like 'completely missing the point' lines.

Damn it! I prefer the Fallout 1/2 solution. But still, I hope being stupid has a big effect, like it had in the original games. And I hope they fix that sharp limit the first Fallouts had - if you have 3 IN you are a moron unable to speak properly, and if you have 4 IN you aren't visibly stupid.

Oh, also I like to see they have in-game explanation to keep bottle caps. It's obvious that this is a part of what sells the game. I'm okay with that, after all it does no harm to us if their game is retard-friendly, as far as I don't constantly see in everything how it was made based on what sells good - like the "popular" movies nowadays. The only thing I won't mind is a happy end.
Are Bottlecaps the source of currency or will it be poker chips?
JS: Bottlecaps are the main currency in the Mojave Wasteland. Bottlecaps are a water-backed currency controlled and regulated by NCR merchant caravans. The caravan houses conspired to re-introduce the currency when traders lost faith in NCR money. This loss of faith was the result of the NCR moving from a gold-backed currency to fiat currency due to repeated attacks on NCR gold reserves by the Brotherhood of Steel. Though the transition helped stabilize NCR's economy, NCR dollars are devalued compared to bottlecaps and even more devauled when compared with the third form of currency: Legion coins. Caesar's Legion mints silver and gold coins from captured pre-war material. Despite the NCR's running conflict with the Legion, merchants and citizens throughout the Mojave Wasteland accept all three forms of currency.
This is great...Welcome back, Fallout !!!
I wonder if the fact that all the quests have got pacifict options might mean that as well as the obvious route of clever dialogue with people, they'll also have implimented Deus Ex style routes for sneaking into places. So every town or every fortress will have ventillation shafts or sewers or something that you have to hack your way past.

I wonder if they'll have any non-lethal weapons that knock people unconcious. I replayed Deus Ex in "realistic" difficulty (the hardest mode), as a pacifist... my weapons of choice were the tranquiliser crossbow and the police baton. Not the electric stun baton, no, the police baton, which essentially did zero damage if you hit an aware person from the front, but would knock someone unconcious if you clubbed them from behind.

Blackened said:
Damn it! I prefer the Fallout 1/2 solution. But still, I hope being stupid has a big effect, like it had in the original games. And I hope they fix that sharp limit the first Fallouts had - if you have 3 IN you are a moron unable to speak properly, and if you have 4 IN you aren't visibly stupid.

I like the fact that low intelligence options still allow you to actually have conversations with other characters, just be a real dumbarse while doing so. In Fallout 1 and 2 many characters wouldn't speak to you expect to say something patronising, and many quests were undoable. And it meant that the game was essentially ruined if you decided to play the game first time as a low intelligence character, it was only fun to do if you were replaying it.

And it was a bit silly... "caveman speak" might be appropriate for 1 intelligence, but it seemd daft that you could be perfectly competent at 4 intelligence and a grunting imbecile at 3 intelligence.

I've met very stupid people before, and I've met people that are actually clinically retarded, and I've yet to meet anyone that spoke in grunts and uggs. And you certainly wouldn't expect someone with that degree of brain damage to be sent out of the Vault to find a water chip or to be Arroyo's chosen one.

But someone who's a bit thick - a shouty person who deals with all his problems with his fists, and if you try to explain a plan will say "what the fuck you talking about, let's bust some shit up" - that's what a "low intelligence" character in Fallout should be. He can have an actual conversation, it just won't be a very good one!
Very, very good news. I'm also glad to hear that the real Brotherhood will be back as well, not of that "To arms brothers to arms!" goofiness in Fo3.
your evil twin said:
I like the fact that low intelligence options still allow you to actually have conversations with other characters, just be a real dumbarse while doing so. In Fallout 1 and 2 many characters wouldn't speak to you expect to say something patronising, and many quests were undoable. And it meant that the game was essentially ruined if you decided to play the game first time as a low intelligence character, it was only fun to do if you were replaying it.
Thats what I have seen the bigest fun about it. The replay value. Doing things just differently. I mean Bethesdas Fallout has none of that. Well not much.

But the real intention behind low intelgence characters in my eyes was the aspect of roleplaying from the PnP side of Fallout (as it was somewhat based on that). So that a person who want to create a mentaly handicaped character and guide him trough the world could exactly do that. And the world would react to him as for the people in the Fallout world a person with intelicence 3 or even 1 ... would be exactly that. A stupid mentaly hampered character. So its just obvious that in the wasteland most would treat you exactly like that. Later games like F3 and many "other" so called RPGs abadoned that kind of idea and removed the "Roleplaying aspect" of the "game" and just replaced it with Stast = Roleplaying. Like in the the game world in F3 for example it doesnt play any role if you have inteligence of 1 or 10. It only changes how much points you can spend for your skills when you level up. In F1 and F2 though it was a bit more then just that and the characters in the world did noticed it when you had low stats in that field.
Based on what I've read in this thread, it seems that Fallout 1/2's implementations of stupid character were unrealistic. Therefore, in F:NV it would be either "not that stupid PC", or he'll be that stupid only at IN 1. Or maybe they'll add a trait that dimilishies speech as a negative side effect.
13pm said:
Will there be anything like Fallout 3's bobbleheads in New Vegas to collect?
JS: Yes, there will be something similar to bobbleheads in the game, and you'll receive an in-game reward for finding them. That said, they do not give you SPECIAL or skill bonuses when found.
Oh thank god for this.

13pm said:
Will I be able to play, and complete, F:NV without killing anyone or anything, except perhaps in self-defense?
JS: Yes. There are ways to win the main plot by killing no one and by killing everyone. It was one of our initial design tenets. You will find it difficult to get by as a pacifist, and you will miss a great deal of content by killing everyone you meet, but it can be done.
This one too! This game will be fun, I think. Despite being crippled by Gamebryo.
I had been slowly losing interest in F:NV to this point, but this Q&A along with the gameplay demo with Mr. Sawyer on 1UP has given me new hope.

If only they could ditch that awful engine and put in real turn-based combat instead of the yawn-fest known as VATS. At least it looks like they're improving the real-time shooting to make VATS less of a necessity.