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  1. Villejh

    Wasteland 2 skill books bug.

    Did you press "use" or "use on self"? If you press "use" you need to click on the character you want to use the book on.
  2. Villejh


    Too bad I can't remember when the clock hit 12 AM... well, had fun :D Happy new year everyone.
  3. Villejh

    What mainstream games do you enjoy?

    Competitive shooter, so definitely not. The learning curve is tough.
  4. Villejh

    R.I.P. Lemmy Kilmister

    I feel so empty... same thing when Dio, Jon Lord and B.B. King died. R.I.P. - No one will ever replace him.
  5. Villejh

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    7/10 - Not sure who's in the picture though
  6. Villejh

    What mainstream games do you enjoy?

    I enjoy quite a few casual games too. Gaming doesn't always have to be challenging, sometimes you just need something to relax/turn your brain off. That said, I like the Assassin's Creed series, GTA V, Team Fortress 2 etc. Games like these do have their place and I'm sure most people here agree...
  7. Villejh

    Fallout 4>this outdated site

  8. Villejh

    Fallout 3 is like.....?

    A guitar without strings... Unplayable.
  9. Villejh

    Do you think Fallout 3 is guilty pleasure?

    I guess it *could* be (after tons of mods), but I'm pretty sure it won't run on WIN 10. It's a decent game if you completely turn your brain off and say "fuck it, let's blast some muties!" But in no way would I try to play it in any serious manner.
  10. Villejh

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    If I was 12 years old, I'd praise both games as if they were gifts from God due to their "awesumz mutant shewting AXON!". However, as a 19-year-old, these games are just insulting. They're so dumbed down in order to cater to the casual, console-gaming majority it makes me sick. I don't find it...
  11. Villejh

    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    *starts unzipping pants* "Now where did I put my lotion..."
  12. Villejh

    Advice for maximising replay value through mods

    You could give Fallout: Dust a try. It basically turns NV into a pure survival simulator; no quests, no friendly NPC's (aside from the occasional merchant), VERY limited resources etc. It is set about 20 years after the events of NV, so it should be a completely unique experience.
  13. Villejh

    Cabot House (SPOILERS)

    R.I.P. Fallout lore 1997-2010.
  14. Villejh

    favorite fallout 2 moment?

    Hmm... plenty of them. - First low-intelligence discussion with Torr. - Getting the Highwayman. - Blowing up the outhouse in Modoc. - Meeting Harold for the first time after Fallout 1. - Vic, a fat guy in Power Armor bursting 3 raiders to death with his Pancor Jackhammer while yelling "Take the...
  15. Villejh

    Do you find it hard to be social?

    Good question. I'd have to say I'm a very social person, but at the same time extremely introvert. I very rarely go to bars or anywhere with lots of people around, but when I do, I talk to a lot of people and actively get to know them. I need a lot of time for myself, dedicated to music, games...
  16. Villejh

    Wasteland 2 Director's Cut is out

    Everything was fine when I first got the game in February, but after installing Director's Cut it's been crashing constantly, especially when accessing the inventory/character screen. Really infuriating, since I love the game but it's just nearly unplayable right now.
  17. Villejh

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Currently playing through This War of Mine. Awesome, atmospheric game. It's quite unforgiving and challenging, but it never resorts to being unfair. Sometimes you just have to put your ethics aside and do what you must to survive. Simple as that. The soundtrack is fantastic, too. Other games...
  18. Villejh

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Hey, I'm not exactly new here anymore but I've only recently begun posting more. I guess I fit in as good as most (close to 200 hours on F1, almost 300 on F2 and about 600 on NV, I need a life). My original reason for signing up was so I could download the restoration patch for F2, but I've...
  19. Villejh

    Is tagging barter viable for FO1?

    Pers' arguments against barter are well founded. Charisma is much more important when it comes to trading and your equipment will stay up to date with your level simply by looting, so there isn't really a huge need to buy anything. Though it is nice to get stuff like the Combat Armor or the...